Our new Online Self-Assessment Survey Service makes use of unique technological innovations, for this we have created the HICHIOS app, .
Online Building Survey Application
H.I.C.H Ltd is an innovative building survey specialist company offering a range of services to meet the needs of clients nationwide. Having recognised that conventional building survey companies and the service they provide was falling short, with insufficient detail and very little guidance on the property condition or deficiencies detected.
Drawing on its extensive industry experience, H.I.C.H is a national online property surveyor network platform that offers a variety of building survey inspection reports at an affordable cost through-out the UK, the survey costs are based on the number of bedrooms rather than the property valuation.
This innovative service is specifically targeted to defect analysis on all elements of new build and second-hand properties, ensuring savings are made during the purchase process while maintaining building standards.
Supporting an array of clients across the UK, H.I.C.H boasts a qualification diverse surveyor network that has been developed over the past two years in stages, a service that has now been rewarded by Winning the SME Enterprise Award for the Best Bespoke Roofing & Property Surveying Company 2019.
As a result, the firm is able to offer a variety of property surveying options throughout the U.K. in all postcode areas, helping target the requirements of property developers and home owners with bespoke survey defect reports focused on saving money during the negotiation process or building refurbishment experience.
Clients can select the survey inspection best suited to the property they are interested in or own by visiting the firm’s website and online platform.
The HICH Ltd team has always been characterized by revolutionizing the property survey market. For us, the need of our clients is the engine that encourages us to improve ourselves and continually offer the appropriate solution to their problems.
We are currently living in difficult times; The COVID-19 pandemic has hit hard not only on the global economy but also on our lifestyle. What were once routine tasks have now become activities that put our health at risk. However, HICH LTD is committed to overcoming this new obstacle and continuing to offer the best property survey service in the UK.
Always thinking about the well-being of our clients, our experts have worked tirelessly to develop the new self-assessment survey service. This innovative technique will allow us to continue working for your well-being and that of your property, without risking the health of our clients or our experts.
We innovate to serve clients
Our new Self-Assessment Survey Service makes use of technological innovations to provide our clients with a first-rate survey, always maintaining the quality standard that has positioned us as the most efficient company in the property survey market.
For this we have created the HICHAPP, the app enables clients to remotely send images and details describing any potential defects that require single element identification to confirm the dominant cause of break down and repair specifications required.
There will be no necessity for a site visit, clients can upload images and descriptions relating to any external or internal defects, these will be assessed and evaluated by our panel of desktop qualified building engineers, who will confirm the cause of break down and any rectification works required.
A report will then be generated and delivered to the client’s email address in pdf format based on the information provided outlining the defect type and any repair works required inclusive of material and labour guidance costs relating to the defects found.
Benefits of using the Self-Assessment Survey App
- The survey will also flag up any issues that may prejudice your Buildings Insurance Policy as per the Chartered Institute and NHBC Regulation Guidelines with links guidance on making a claim or selecting an insurer and policy that right for the property type.
- Self-Assessment clients will have access to our Trusted Contractor Service, FREE of charge, to source local qualified traders within any chosen postcode area throughout the UK.
- The whole process can be done through the web without the requirement of a site visit.
- All data will be reviewed by a panel of experts and processed within 72 hours from receipt.
The service is specifically targeted to defect analysis on all elements of new build and second hand properties, ensuring cost effective solutions are facilitated during any repair or purchase process while maintaining building standards.