$2 raised out of $100,000

We’re putting the power of your image back into your pocket.


Those who tell stories, rule society. This is for those storytellers. 

Plaeto is a social media platform seeking to create a more beautiful future. 

It’s your platform. Create your revolution. 

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It’s time to make social media worthy again.

Social media has steadily insinuated itself into political matters, the workplace, and even home life. Social media today is no longer a utility – It’s a lifestyle. People no longer care about if whether or not it merely works. Instead, people care about what using each platform says about their character and morality, especially those of younger ages.

We’re putting the power of your image back into your pocket.

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Nechemyah Levi | Co-founder, Chief Executive Officer

Censorship isn’t the issue. Forgetting why social media was born is the issue.

Social media today has steadily began forcing users into a sensationalized publishing media environment. Because of this, people have become more and more vulnerable to harmful propaganda and dangerous influence campaigns. 

It started as a mere outlet to connect family and friends with one another. Nowadays, however, it has transformed into an entirely separate marketplace. Because of this, social media in general has turned into a toxic, commercialized landscape. 

What was once a generally harmless industry, has transformed into a powerhouse that’s confused between differentiating hate speech from privacy, and has enacted dangerous precedents for the future of social media that could very well become detrimental to society at large. 

Social media has turned into a marketplace over all else. 

Facebook is a prime example as to how social media today values commercialization over people connecting with one another. While the platform’s overall viewership rate has slowed down over the past few years, its advertising revenue increased by 42 percent in the first stretch of 2018, which blatantly suggests that they put more effort and care into making money before helping others forge connections. 

Social media has bought out far too many souls. 

Facebook has acquired several popular social media platforms throughout the years. For example, the social media giant bought WhatsApp after convincing it to change its terms of service, which inevitably lead to Facebook gaining access to WhatsApp users’ information such as phone numbers, and to look into advertising. 

Followers and likes have become detrimental to mental health. 

Popular platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube are designed to cause a “context collapse,” where users are psychologically trapped into a single-persona by the particular platform. This is largely why so many people buy likes, views, comments, and followers on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. 

It’s time for somebody to change the social media landscape. 

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Jharad McClung Lester | Co-founder, Chief Marketing Officer

It’s time to stop complaining about social media’s cons, and start bringing about viable solutions. We are going to do precisely that.

Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and several other social media giants have cranked up the intensity regarding censorship in the recent months. Although they claim that doing so is to prevent the spread of false information, they’re ignoring the structural issues that are allowing misinformation to be spread on their platforms.

These platforms are essentially dictating what their users (a large part of society, especially those of younger age groups) should and should not see or believe. They are suspending and banning accounts with, generally speaking, harmless posts, comments, and pages for merely presenting ideas that differ with the platforms’ executives and authorities. 

Such widespread censorship of ideas runs counter to the entire purpose of social networking. This is a problem that, sooner than later, has to be solved.

At Plaeto, new and exciting ideas talk volumes. For social media giants, money talks. 

Contrary to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc., we refuse to ever value commercialization over people building everlasting connections. 

At Plaeto, we believe in limited-censorship. Now, this does not mean we don’t believe in any censorship at all – because, to a certain extent, we do. However, as long as your content doesn’t cause harm or incite violence upon another individual or group of people, you will not be censored! 

The problem with platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube is the mere fact that if they don’t agree with your perspective, they will censor you – especially if you’re an influence among thousands of people, and you don’t spend your hard-earned money to advertise on their platforms. 

Censorship is more often that not counterproductive and gives more attention to ideas and thoughts that were meant to be forgotten. Think about it: It’s human nature to want to see what is against the rules or terms. 

For example, when Alex Jones was banned from virtually every social media platform for spewing his conspiracy theories, his podcast and website audience grew exponentially. Why? Because, when his content was banned, many conspiracy-minded people were convinced that his ideas and thoughts must have contained some sort of value since the executives of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube didn’t want anyone to see them. 

The fundamental problem is Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube’s micro-targeting business model. 

It’s a structural problem. These companies, along with every other mainstream social media platform, allow marketers and purveyors of false information to pay a lot of money to boost their content to targeted audiences that are most vulnerable to believing it. 

We refuse to ever sell our soul to anyone. 

No user will be forced into a single-persona on our platform. Contrary to Facebook, YouTube and MeWe, we refuse to sell user data, regardless of how much an individual or entity is willing to pay us to do so. We are strong-minded people who value morality over all else. Your data and private information will be safe and secure in our database. 

No user will be forced into a single-person on our platform.

Your amount of likes, comments, views, and followers don’t matter on Plaeto. The tier in which you are ranked is what counts. Meaning, if you’re ranked in a higher tier, your credibility will be better than someone who is in a lower one. If someone is receiving a high volume of likes, comments, views, and followers, yet they are ranked in a low tier, that means they are buying those things; they aren’t working for them, and their credibility is lacking. 

Many new platforms have launched to take on the giants. They are doing it all wrong.

A few startup social media platforms have recently launched to take on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other popular platforms. 

They are doing it all wrong, especially Parler and MeWe. 

Parler has already displayed their bias. 

The “no censorship” social networking platform, Parler, claims to be unbiased, but that’s not the case whatsoever. Instead, it’s merely a right-wing think-tank. 

For example, directly after you join Parler as a user, it suggests you follow people such as Rand Paul, Rudy Giuliani, Ted Cruz, Devin Nunes, Candace Owens, etc. At Plaeto, we don’t have a problem with these people, however, we do have a problem with the fact that all of those people are right-wing political voices. That’s not “unbiased.” That’s putting people into a single-persona, which is precisely what Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram do. 

After studying Parler, it’s safe to assert that its user experience and interface, in-app features, and company values are another version of Twitter, just more boring and not as appealing regarding the look and feel of the app. 

MeWe is not the “anti-Facebook” platform it claims to be.

MeWe is very similar to Facebook in the sense that it’ll do whatever it can to limit a user’s audience and put them into a single-persona state of mind. 

Its proprietary closed network, which doesn’t allow users to be seen on Google or any other browser, makes it similar to an isolated, gated community without any connection whatsoever to the outside world (the web). 

MeWe’s “free speech” policy seems pleasant on the surface of matters, but, in truth, the platform attracts a lot of trolls and extremists; people who aren’t down to have an articulate, meaningful conversation. 

What’s more, according to their terms of service, MeWe does using tracking tools to track user activity. In addition to that, according to several articles, they receive additional emails and phone numbers by searching users’ contact lists on their smartphones. 

So, aside from MeWe’s subpar features, user experience, and user interface, contrary to their advertising, they don’t respect the privacy of their users. 

Plaeto is different than any other platform. This is how we’re going to change the game. 

Here are some of Plaeto’s features (we can’t tell all of them to the public just yet):

  • Data protection 
  • No spying
  • User privacy guaranteed
  • Do not, will not, and will never, ever consider selling ANY personal data
  • It’s free for all users
  • Personal, business, and creator account options
  • You own what you post
  • Limited-censorship (only when a user causes harm or incites violence upon another individual or entity)
  • Stop using a third-party such as Patreon for premium content. Users can easily subscribe to any creator’s premium content straight in the app (pricing determined by each creator, they can make it to where all content is free).
  • Live streaming
  • Never-before-seen feature making it easier for brands and influencers to build and maintain partnerships (separate in-app page) 
  • In-app payment gateway for brands and creators so all payments are secure and efficient 
  • A better, more innovative algorithm and ranking system compared to mainstream platforms
  • An AMAZING feature (we can’t reveal it quite yet) for bloggers and journalists alike
  • Tales (it’s something you haven’t seen before) 
  • Blasts (it’s a new feature, as well)

Plaeto is going to be the force that revolutionizes social media for the better, forever. Are you ready to be apart of this social media revolution? 

If so, that’s great! Stay connected with us, then. 


For any questions or concerns, feel free to shoot us an email: plaeto@plaetoapp.com

Thank you so much. Together, let’s build a more beautiful future for both social media and society at large!

Created by: Jharad McClung Lester | Co-founder, Chief Marketing Officer
