I will build my life on mushrooms!
I was a prisoner in my mind for forty years. Growing up, I had a constant uncertainty caused by my drunk parents and other factors that made me a very difficult boy to be around. In my teens I started doing petty crime and doing drugs like hash and amphetamines, and it all pretty much went downhill from there.
From the time I was born to the time I was twenty I had moved atleast once every year, often more times, in between citys and different schools within citys. Naturally I took this behavior with me in to adulthood, now having lived all over this country, having almost no ties to anyone.
You see, I have always known in my gut that I am ment for other things than the waste that is drug adiction. All logical reasoning I have ever done has told me the same thing; that I am in fact a very capable person and that there is no reason for not quitting drugs and starting to live life and contribute. But somehow I have always seemed to get in my own way, self-sabotage. And this is what has kept me from making plans and remembering them two days later, directing my fokus over time on a given task or even have enough perspektive to respect other peoples situations and feelings.
Then, in january 2012, Three guys came and tried to beat me to death using metal bars and the likes. I had to spend the next two months learning how to move my tounge and mouth so I could form words again.
As time went on I noticed getting more and more sensitive in emotional situations or even watching something like that on TV.
A little while back this got all-intrusive in my day to day life and I had no other option but to let go and just let it take me. In the course of a couple of weeks I had two “episodes” of emotional waves bursting out from my skeleton and flowing thru my body in a mixture of anger, sorrow and other things I cannot describe. Besides from the unbelivable fear I felt when I thought I was going to be beaten to death, this is by far the most intense sensations I have ever experienced.
And then I was empty and tired and confused for a few days, remembering things from dark corners of my mind.
After this my brain is different. The feeling of my inner space is expanded like someone pushed out a wall. I am calm. Full of energy but focused, able to plan and execute at will. This is my dream come thru.
So I quit drugs and startet making plans and preperations for making myself a living. I found a gap that is soon to be filled in the production of mushrooms. Here i Norway almost all mushrooms of the gourmet type is imported either from Holland or Poland. Chefs I have contacted confirms this by them wanting me to come by as soon as production is up. The maun focus will be on medicinal mushrooms like maitake and lions mane, but while those incubate I will do some rounds with the quicker oyster varietes. I have interest in these mushrooms from the fledgeling home-delivery subscription based services. These are still young in Norway.
More people are seeing the shift in productions across the industries, as well as in logistics and agriculture, urban farming and mushroom growing. Those I see starting up in mushrooms are all small, selling growkits. Thats great, but what is really missing is a large scale locally based provider of high quality produce to retailers and restaurants. This will be my company.
Where I’m at now :
I have oyster spawn in the mail, a working plan for the things I can plan now, and securing a lease of production space. This will also serve as a testing facility for a new method I have made for holding the mycelium blocks in the incubation fase and fruting them, drasticly redusing space requirements and costs.
There is a specific reason for me wanting to get in to mushrooms and urban growing besides the obvious hole in the marked.
No-one uses drugs for twenty- five years and just walks away, undamaged. I want to make the years lost available again, and that means fixing my brain and my health. Even though I am now active, as opposed to re-active, I still notice things thats not how it should be. And thats when I found these mushrooms and their medicinal properties, like reparing nerve endings and causing neurogenesis. Its just perfect.
As you can imagine there are some challenges with going from junkie to starting a business and lacking both an education and a network, so things are not going as fast as it should. Now I have a opportunity to rent a perfect space at reasonable cost, but gathering the lease is taking to long. Can you help me out?
These are the ones I will start with :