We united to prove that we “…are created equal.”
Short Summary
Hi. I’m writer and producer Jerry Thompson. I really think we’ve got a real gem in this proposed film project. I even feel a “calling” to make this happen! After writing, producing and directing a feature film in 2018 that was approved for a national theatrical distribution, I am even more excited about this new project!
I am the writer and producer of the Native American feature film “BRIGHT EYES” (approx. 2 hours). It’s the true story of a shy, young woman of the Omaha Tribe whose love for her people and other Native Americans helped her overcome her fear. So, she spoke out against injustice and helped bring about the landmark court case of Chief Standing Bear vs. General George Crook where a Native American was first regarded as a “person” with legal rights!
I first heard about Bright Eyes when I was a publicity person for the Native film “Windwalker. ” My passion is that this film will not just be “based on a true story”, but unlike in other big films about real people, everything will be true and authentic…no exaggerations or false events.
What also attracted me to this story is that even though many of the white people were bad, Bright Eyes and Standing Bear received a lot of help from good whites….it’s a story where red and white people unite to fight injustice. I see it as “Dances with Wolves” meets “Amistad.”
Wouldn’t it be great to see the Kickstarter record be broken with the true Native American story with the hero being a woman? We have set our goal at $6 million…that’s 300,000 people giving $20 and they will receive a reward too! We all can make it happen!!
Here’s a small part of a speech that Bright Eyes actually gave in New York in 1880 which reveals her heart:
“Today Standing Bear has nothing but his blanket and has left his wife and family out on the plains while he comes to you for help. It seems to us at times that the great Government treats us more like dogs than human beings. I believe, however, that we are God’s people, and He will not desert us. It brings Christ nearer to my heart to think that he suffered so when he was on earth. Please believe that we are human beings, and that we can love and hate just as you do.”
“How can we help but be degraded and savage under such a system? I only wonder that any spark of manhood and self-respect has remained in any of my people. Yet I have seen my race as noble men and women as any I have ever seen among your people, or read of in your histories. But, when I began this letter, I did not intend to be led off in this strain, but some of the bitterness would creep out, and perhaps, it is just as well, for I know there are those among you who can understand and sympathize with my feelings.”
Contributors fund ideas they can be passionate about and to people they trust. Here are some things to do in this section:
- Introduce yourself and your background.
- Briefly describe your campaign and why it’s important to you.
- Express the magnitude of what contributors will help you achieve.
Remember, keep it concise, yet personal. Ask yourself: if someone stopped reading here would they be ready to make a contribution?
What We Need & What You Get
Break it down for folks in more detail:
- Explain how much funding you need and where it’s going. Be transparent and specific-people need to trust you to want to fund you.
- Tell people about your unique perks. Get them excited!
- Describe where the funds go if you don’t reach your entire goal.
The Impact
Feel free to explain more about your campaign and let people know the difference their contribution will make:
- Explain why your project is valuable to the contributor and to the world.
- Point out your successful track record with projects like this (if you have one).
- Make it real for people and build trust.
Risks & Challenges
People value your transparency. Be open and stand out by providing insight into the risks and obstacles you may face on the way to achieving your goal.
- Share what qualifies you to overcome these hurdles.
- Describe your plan for solving these challenges.
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people just can’t contribute, but that doesn’t mean they can’t help:
- Ask folks to get the word out and make some noise about your campaign.
- Remind them to use the Indiegogo share tools!
And that’s all there is to it.