Be a part of The Talbott Brothers new album!
***Updated Goal***
Thanks to you we met our initial goal for the new album in less than 48 hours! We’ve decided if we can raise a little extra we’ll be able to re-record some old songs and release them this fall, before the new record comes out. Any extra funds will go towards music videos and the merchandise line. We’ve also added a few new perks so be sure to check those out.
$10,000 – Recording, Mixing & Producing
$4,200 – Mastering
$5,800 – Distribution of CDs & Vinyl
Short Summary
Hey there! We’re Nick and Tyler Talbott, two brothers who grew up writing songs together, running each other over with dirt bikes and leaving our hometown in Nebraska to start a music career in the Pacific Northwest. We’ve spent the past 6 years touring the world, meeting new friends and making records. Now it’s time to make another one and we’re inviting you to be a part of it. This past year has looked a lot different for everyone, not just musicians. We’ve been reminded that building a strong community and being a part of one another’s journey is essential, no matter what you’re doing. To make a positive difference, we simply cannot do this alone. In order to be more effective and bridge the gap from 2020 to 2021, we’ve decided to invite you on board and set our goal for $35,000 in 30 days.
Risks & Challenges
Since our last album, Ghost Talker (featured by Rolling Stone and Billboard), was released in 2019 we’ve been working on writing new music, some of which will be released as singles ahead of the full-length album. In the past we’ve relied heavily on income from touring to help fund our projects and team. When venues shut down in March of 2020 our plans for the album were pushed back, but we continued to write music and collaborate remotely with our friend and producer, Justin Abel. The time we spent at home resulted in sound exploration, challenging our own perspectives and letters turned into songs. In order to finish bringing this record to life we need to cover some expenses. Our goal is to get this project finished as soon as possible so we take it out on the road. Here is a breakdown of the costs:
$10,000 – Recording, Mixing & Producing
$4,200 – Mastering
$2,000 – Musicians
$1,000 – Videography & Photography
$12,000 – PR Team
$5,800 – Distribution of CDs & Vinyl