An interactive, handcrafted puzzle box and a creative gift box. Solve the great riddle of Nautilus!
The Cluebox is an interactive, manually assembled wooden box with various puzzles, which have to be solved one after the other to open the box. Very much like an Escape Room in a handy format! The solution to each and every puzzle is based not on randomness, but only on logical decisions.
The Cluebox is an intriguing challenge. It’s difficult to solve, satisfying to hold, and beautiful to display.
1870, Paris. After the first book about Captain Nemo and his submarine “Nautilus” raised great interest in public, Jules Verne is publishing the ending of the story about the mysterious captain. Right before his death, Nemo says that he will enclose his scientific findings and autobiography in a small unsinkable container: “The last one of us left on the Nautilus will throw that container into the sea, and it will drift wherever the waves take it.” Right after that, Nautilus is destroyed. Although someone could think that the whole story is just a fantasy of Jules Verne, in private conversations the author admits that the characters are real. And now we can prove it!
We have found the “unsinkable container” and it is now up to you to reveal the secret of Captain Nemo and find the lost traces of his scientific findings!
Designed and commanded by Captain Nemo, The Nautilus submarine was “a masterpiece containing masterpieces”. One of the masterpieces is without any doubt the unsinkable secret container, whose drawings our team was lucky to receive from the mysterious Captain Nemo. Our brave team of engineers and designers worked very hard to make the mechanics as well as the aesthetics of the box worthy of its legendary ancestor.
In accordance with the instructions that Captain Nemo left as a legacy, Nautilus Cluebox consists of 116 individual parts making it our most complex project so far. The puzzle is made with loving care out of birch wood and wood oil and assembled with care by hand.
Professor Schrödinger – a famous Austrian physicist – forgot his cat in a box, while studying the problems of quantum mechanics. We are sure that the cat is still alive, and you must save it!
- Box size: 11 x 11 x 12 cm
- Secret space size: 1,5 x 4,5 x 8 cm
- Play time: 45-60 min
Davy Jones is the sea devil who locks away the wandering souls of all sailors who lose their lives at the sea. We are sure that you are the one, who will finally be able to open the locker, release the souls and defeat Davy Jones.
- Box size: 11 x 11 x 12 cm
- Secret space size: 1 x 4,5 x 6cm
- Play time: 60-90 min
Additionally to the rewards, you can add any quantity of the following products to your pledge:
Kryptos is a portable vault used to hide secret messages. We have produced it as a wooden kit, giving you the opportunity to build it on your own, get insights into its mechanics, and of course hide a secret message as a present or as part of the game.
- Size: 10,5 x 6 cm
- Our Kryptos can be easily reset and the secret word can be set to any word up to 6 letters.
- Secret space size: 2 x 2 x 8 cm
Tin Woodman’s Heart is a mechanical box with a lock and resettable combination key from three words. The key to open the box is a sentence combined out of 3 words, which can be changed. You can make it romantic and set the key as “I love you” or you can set it as a fun message e.g. “I love beer”. There are 8 options/words on each wheel and you can use the possible combinations and set the key sentence that suits you the best.
- Size: 7,8 x 7,6 x 3,8 cm
Greeting Escape Card is a concept where a greeting card meets an escape game. Each card has several riddles that need to be solved in order to read the hidden message. There is also space where you can write your personal greetings. Three types of cards are available as an add-on:
Greeting Escape Card “Christmas” (English and German editions)
Greeting Escape Card “Happy Easter” (English and German editions)
Greeting Escape Card “Happy Birthday” (English and German editions)
Here is a short overview of the products available as add-ons to your perks:
We are an international team of game and puzzle enthusiasts, mainly based in Germany. In 2015 we established a company to develop innovative board games and puzzles focusing on the escape games niche. After the successful release of Davy Jones’ Locker, we’re very excited to present our second Indiegogo Campaign and will be grateful for your support!
Package design Federico Meloni/Chris Lattner
Music theme credit to Ross Bugden
Illustrations are based on original illustrations of Alphonse de Neuville
Every backer is important to us, regardless of location. The reality is that shipping and sales taxes are expensive. To offset this we worked with our shipping partners to get the best conditions for our Indiegogo supporters. Here are the conditions that we can offer to different regions.
European Union
For the EU backers, your rewards will be sent duty-free from within your region – there will be no additional customs charge.
United States
Considering our previous experience we are going to improve the shipping time to the US. To achieve that, we will use express shipment to the US distribution center without increasing the shipping price. US rewards will also be sent duty-free from within your region – there will be no additional customs charge.
Australian backers will also get duty-free express shipping to distribution center in AU with no additional customs charge.
The rewards to Canada will be sent from the distribution center in US. Please consider taxes that might apply for shipment from the US.
All other countries
We cannot guarantee customs-friendly shipping in areas outside of the US, AU and EU. There may be additional duties and/or fees charged by your country’s governmental agencies and/or shipping partners. Those fees are solely your responsibility, and we can neither cancel a shipped pledge nor will we pay those fees. In the event that a package is returned or destroyed due to the non-payment of such fees, your pledge will be considered fulfilled.
Approximate shipping prices are listed in the table below, but subject to change based on the pledge size.
(*) We will add approximately 1 EUR for each additional product or add-on, it will depend on the country and product type
Risks and Challenges
This is our second Indiegogo Campaign and the third Cluebox that we will produce. We have delivered thousands of clueboxes to over 30 countries. Having gained valuable experience last year and starting the campaign this year in July we are even more confident in our ability to deliver the Cluebox to our backers before Christmas 2021. In the unlikely scenario that unexpected delays arise, we will maintain clear and open communication with our supporters to keep them informed.