Help Send Disabled Young Adults to DisneyWorld to Celebrate their Lives and Make Memories
Disney World: December 2022!
The Skills Development Center in Glen Allen, Virginia is a non-profit organization that serves young adults with disabilities. We offer a number of pre-vocational programs and life skills classes, including a popular weekly cooking class. We are entirely privately funded, receive no government assistance or grants. What we’d like to do, with your help, is offer these young people the chance to go to Florida together and experience the magic of Walt Disney World. We want to give them a chance to have something really big to look forward to and to create special memories with their families and friends. They are all so excited about this! Thank you for watching our video. We appreciate your kindness.
How You Can Help.
- Reservations have been made on site at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida for December 5 through December 9, 2022. We will be there as a group to celebrate Walt Disney World’s 50th Anniversary as well as the Holiday spirit with our amazing group of young people.
- 25 of our families will be going on the trip. In addition to parents/caregivers, we will have 16 young adults with autism, 8 young adults with Down Syndrome, and 1 with Williams Syndrome (aged 19-38).
- We will be lodging at Port Orleans French Quarter.
- 100% of all donated funds will be used to pay for this trip.
- Projected funds needed (25 young adults plus 1-2 parents/caregivers): $85,049.