I’m N Charge helps you be in charge of your finances and not them be in charge of you!
Short Summary
Over the last 20 years I have used spreadsheets to manage my home and personal finances. Although, I met with some success, it was not until about 4 years ago when that method began to morph into the amazing product it is today. A product that has helped me structure my finances, pay off my car, build a significant savings and increase my giving. Now I’m developing an app to help you!
The I’m N Charge app offers a new way of doing an old and proven way of financial management. God built the original blueprint for managing and growing finances. I’m N Charge puts things in perspective with God as the owner and you as the steward. If we think about it, this is the best perspective to have. Most of us tend to take better care of things that belong to others than we do of things that belong to us. I’m N Charge is a program that will forever change the way we view money. I’m N Charge uses the three basic concepts of tithing, savings and investing to turn I can’t into I can, pay check to pay check into more than enough and financial tests into testimonies.
I’m N Charge helps you be in charge of your finances and not them be in charge of you!
What We Need & What You Get
The cost of this project is $108,834. This includes app development and marketing:
- App development $83,834
- Marketing $25,000
The Impact
The app has features that provides the user with:
Lessons to help educate them on how to use these biblical concepts to set financial goals and structure their finances.
Scriptures to help them have and maintain encouragement through the process.
The ability to track all accounts in one platform. Including bills, credit cards, mortgage, investment accounts etc.
A budgeting module that is set with the user’s frequency of income (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly). No matter what the income frequency is, the budgeting module is activated when income comes in.
Status reports on the health of their account. Summaries that can be used to file taxes.
They have an AVATAR that acts as their guide and guardian walking them through the entire process. Once their set up their AVATAR is intuitive, notifying them of fluctuations in their account, encouraging them when it detects low income or high abnormal expenses and even providing suggestions when a little extra income or a shortage is detected.
Everything they need to have healthy financial management and growth is in one spot.
Automatically have tithes & offering calculated and paid directly to their church.
I’m N Charge supports singles and married couples as well as allows the merger of singles into a joint account once they become married. Likewise it allows severance in case of the unfortunate event of divorce.
In-app technology allows them to work directly with financial coaches who can be provided view only access to their report summaries.
All of their personal data is protected. They decide how much is viewable by any financial coach and that VIEW ONLY access can be cancelled at any time.
Zero dollar budgeting. Every dollar has an assignment.
Connection to financial institution to allow transfer of funds directly from their bank into their designated buckets.
Debit cards to manage each of the buckets with the ability to transfer funds between buckets.
When it’s time to invest, I’m N Charge allows them to connect with investment coaches right through the app. See their ratings and comments BEFORE hiring them.
Risks & Challenges
I’m N Charge is a very complex and intuitive app featuring new technology. There are several phases and layers to the project. Although I am confident we will be able to meet the budget, we have a pretty aggressive timeline so we will be working closely with our project manager to ensure that deadlines are met.
Other Ways You Can Help
We have the MVP finalized and building the app will take our development team 1863 hours. We continue to have interest meetings on Clubhouse and an active FB group. We are now actively building the Instagram and YouTube accounts as well. We are well on our way to meeting our goal of 5K users interested in joining the app. We will be using a controlled on-boarding process through an invite method to ensure stabilization as we grow. With the MLM arm of the program, getting in early is a BIG DEAL! Visit our website to get on the waiting list and share, share share!