“A high school is haunted by a teenage suicide never expecting a book that changed so many lives.”
Community film project
We can use your support in making this film.
The message of hope is the one thing we are going to have throughout the whole movie.
This film is going to be offered to school districts around the country and to nonprofits.
I’m asking for your help in making this film. Please support our community film project. The film is about teenage suicide and depression.
This issue has been in the news lately and the group of people / actors, I put together want to help to get a message out, just maybe we can help one person or even more.
This is our crowdfunding site.
Thank you. Joe Malik
Movie Logline
“A high school English teacher, haunted by a family suicide, fights to ignite a passion for learning in students, never expecting that the story of the past could save lives in the present.”
Hello and Good day My friend
I’m reaching out to you today. I have put together a film called “One’s Honesty” The book of essays.
The film is going to be shot at the Pinckney High School this August.
Our list of Actors
Patch Adams – School Counselor
Jackie Kallen – English Teacher
Eric Hipple – High Schools Principal
Rosemarie Aquilina – Superintendent of Schools
Darren McCarty – Math Teacher
Jill Jack – Drama Teacher
Richard Pyle – Science Teacher
Main students
Bryce Kallen – English
Liam Kocur- Math
Sedeck Cheeks – Science
Elyssa Hass – Drama
Rick Todd – State Superintendent
Rick Beaudin – Community Booster
Brian Hass – Janitor
Mike Murphy – Livingston County Sheriff
Mike Bouchard – Oakland County MI Sheriff
Plus a cast of many – Kids and Parents
G1NBC Studios
Joe Malik – Writer / Director
Amy White – Writer
Willam Reed – Executive Producer
Greggy Housey – Creative Director / Producer
Mark Kassa – Composer / Music Director
Orlando Loren Hodges – PR
Brian Cash – Gaffer
The Storyline
High School students dealing with issues of suicide and depression. And the book that changed so many lives with knowledge and reason.
This issue has been in the news lately and the group of people / actors I put together want to help to get a message out, just maybe we can help one person or even more.