$1,547 raised out of $60,000
Start date
May 02, 2024
Close date
Jun 22, 2024

When a distant world faces extinction, they build TORG to save it.

However, she has other plans…


Hello there, I’m Simon… 

I’ve been a passionate filmmaker since I was 14 and have worked in the UK film industry for many years. I started in children’s TV and recently completed the UK indie sci-fi movie, Invasion Planet Earth. 

I’ve always loved classic sci-fi  – not the deep moody stuff – but the fun stuff: Star Wars, Alien, Buck Rogers and Dr Who. Our new film, Of Infinite Worlds, is just that – Exciting, thoughtful and super inspiring!

I have been making this movie for nearly 4 years, with a team of super talented people, shooting it in sections. The film is ambitious, full of spaceships, robots and exciting action. Having spent the last year and a half creating the epic FX shots, I am now forging ahead to get the final live action scenes in the can…

Which is why I’m going all out to raise the large amount of £60,000!  

I know this is a very high amount to hope to achieve via crowdfunding and quite honestly, I find it quite daunting – but I also love a challenge, and I believe in thinking big. 

All I’ve ever wanted  to do is make movies and it has only been the lack of cash that has often blocked me from doing it. These are movies that I hope audiences will love and be inspired by. Some of my peers have done exceptionally well in the field (Christopher Nolan, Danny Boyle and Gareth Edwards – Yes, I met them all briefly before they hit the big time).

In my career, I’ve learnt that there is an incredible amount of luck involved in the film industry, and yes, talent does have something to do with it, but not everyone who wants it, wins the lottery. For everyone who hits the big time, there are plenty of us that don’t.

So my philosophy is simple: NEVER GIVE UP ! 

So many of us have these incredibly powerful creative desires that mean so much on an almost profound level. Its a feeling that is hard to quantify and a lot of non-creative people just don’t get it. But for me, film-making touches my soul in a very spiritual way and so this is just something I HAVE TO DO. 

By chipping away bit by bit and never giving up, I know in my heart that I can achieve it.

Having learnt an incredible amount about sales and distribution from my last film, Invasion Planet Earth, I intend to pull out all the stops and get this movie released in cinemas and on digital, Blu-Ray and DVD across the world. 

As ever, this is a very ambitious challenge, but I know bit by bit we will get there. 

And your support is what will keep it inching forward. 

The Perks:

Invasion Planet Earth BluRay – The Kaleidoscope Man Edit

This is unique special edition BluRay version of, Invasion Planet Earth. I’ve called it, The Kaleidoscope Man Edit.

(Only available during the campaign)

After receiving a lot of criticism for it on IMDB, I decided to re-cut the film, fixing some of the perceived problems, updating some of the special effects and adding some extra sections to make the story clearer and increase the pace.

This is still a micro budget indie movie, so if you’re expecting a Marvel quality production, this probably isn’t for you. If however, you’re looking for a story that will inspire, surprise and move you, you’ll certainly love this. This is a raw film with real heart that was made by a small group of very passionate and talented individuals with big ideas and big ambitions – We also had the support of thousands of amazing people who really did make it happen for us. 

Watch this video to discover more about it:

The disk also contains the Making Of documentary, which will give you an amazing insight into just how hard it is to make an epic indie sci-fi movie on a micro budget.  The disk includes loads of never seen before, behind the scenes footage and fascinating trailers, rough cuts and the original fundraising pilot – A must for anyone interested in movies. 

Of Infinite Worlds – Movie Poster – Signed by the director

The spectacular – Of Infinite Worlds Souvenir Mug!

Over 550 souvenir mugs have been sold so far – THANK YOU – this has made a massive difference to us and has really helped to keep the wheels of production turning.  

Adopt the Sound-Man!

Our wonderful sound-man, Ian Dangerfield,  will be wearing a special t-shirt during the shoot, with the names of people who get this perk. When you see all those fantastic behind the scenes stills and videos, YOUR name will appear in these photos. 

 If we can sell enough of our merchandise in this campaign, we WILL FINISH the movie by May 2025! 

What Your Money Will Be Paying For:

The money we raise from this campaign will pay for our wonderful cast and our production team.

The money will also be used to hire a studio space to build a multitude of film sets in, including, spaceship interiors, a sci-fi house interior, cockpits, various control rooms, a futuristic conference room and a variety of spaceship corridors.

The money will also be used to pay our set builders and scenic artists to assemble and complete the sets.

May 2025 – Our Big Finish Date!

Thank you so much for your support. So many of you have continually backed my campaigns and it really has shaped my life and kept me motivated and excited about what we can achieve. For this, I can only say thank you. 

I have my dreams and I know you have yours too. Sometimes when we take on challenges like this, things don’t always go to plan,  so we have to keep moving forward, finding our way through it and always believing. 

I will keep going and deliver a film that I hope, you will love. 



Simon Cox                                                                                                                                                              Writer & director, Of Infinite Worlds. 
