$200,500 raised out of $10,000
Start date
May 28, 2024
Close date
May 29, 2024

Type and make Gestures | TouchOnKeys® | per-key RGB | Touch Sliders | Bluetooth | App


Make it faster, Make it easier

Simply scroll, swipe, and make gestures directly on the keys. You can work without a mouse.

CLVX 1 gives instant control without needing to move your hands from the gesture keyboard. It’s simple and easy, offering a better way to interact with your PC.

Create Effortlessly

CLVX 1 is also a custom programmable controller. You can customise gestures for any app! 

Creators could now use a left hand to control brush size in Photoshop with a simple slide over the gesture keyboard. And much much more.

Simplify Everything

When typing, the touchpad is blocked. When making gestures, it functions as a touchpad. The Type and Touch modes switch automatically with a help of TouchOnKeys® technology.

CLVX 1 has three Bluetooth channels and USB-C. You can control your desktop, laptop and tablet just from one gesture keyboard. 


TouchOnKeys® technology is a decision maker for auto type/touch switching. It’s a guarantee of great and clever user experience .
TouchOnKeys® is developing by Clevetura since 2017. It’s protected by 6 patents and awarded with 5 Red Dots.

Key Features

TouchOnKeys App

Customise gestures for your apps. And much more.
Create profiles for your apps and program gestures, tune Touch Sliders,  adjust backlight and functional keys for them. Proper preset runs automatically once the app is in focus. It has predefined action presets for 16 apps including Photoshop, Premier, Corel, Word, Chrome.



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Here is a list of shipping cost estimates by region based on quotes from our fulfillment partners. We are committed to keeping these estimates or reducing them where possible.
