Short Summary
My name is Ronald Dalton Jr. I am an highly acclaimed African-American Author, filmmaker, educator, father, husband. This campaign is to provide the funding needed to establish African Diaspora Absorption Centers and Communities in Africa. Over the last 50 years, there has been an increase in the African Diaspora repatriating to the Motherland. This however has not been without challenges. Establishing these “Diasporan Absorption Centers” and “Diasporan Communities” in different countries in Africa will help facilitate an easier transition for those Diasporans who are ready to relocate to Africa. This will greatly impact our nation when it comes to the dream that many of great black leaders longed for…to see black people in the Diaspora return back to Africa so that together we can aid to the Empowerment of Black people in Africa.
What We Need & What You Get
We need the funding from “our people”…in short, “our nation” to truly start this process of “Nation Building” & “Bridge Building” between Continental Africans and the African Diaspora. You will get the satisfaction and pride in our people, knowing that together we can make a difference and do something that will impact the “African Diasporan community” as a whole. No more wishing, hoping and talking about what we should be doing…but actually being proud to say that you helped contribute to this very important project.
The Impact
By creating and establishing “African Diasporan Absorption Centers and Communities” those who are in the Americas, the Caribbean, Europe and beyond can now have someone and somewhere to connect to when seeking repatriation to their homeland. We don’t have wait for what seems like forever and rely on Embassies and Local Governments to do things for us when it comes to “Diasporans returning home to Africa”. We can take on this initiative to get the desired “task completed” with faith and works! God honors when we have faith in him but also put forth works/action.
Risks & Challenges
People worldwide have been following me for years. Some have gained alot of knowledge and insight into my literal and visual works. My track record for completing different tasks or things i have set forth to do over the years speaks for itself and most people know that i am not “infiltrated”, nor will i succumb to any tricks that the adversary will throw my way. I have proven that i stand “10 toes down” with what i believe in.
Other Ways You Can Help
Spread the word of this campaign and its necessity to all your friends, family, co-workers/associates, religious leaders/members and whoever needs to hear this. The more people we have on board willing to help, the easier it is for us to achieve this goal…for the Nation.