$700 raised out of $500,000


By carrying with you the colours of the city, we stand with its value and belief.



Utilising the local handcraft and fabric industry, the project aims to develop a local brand that embraces the city’s identity by recalling its spatial memory in the urban colour and texture.


The brand aims to go beyond fashion. It will integrate local material, skills, micro-industry and community into minimalist and durable designs.

「納色 – 旅人行裝」志在善用城市裏常用的尼龍帆物料,減少浪費。這些出現在地盤、街道、窄巷等地方,時而遮光擋雨,時而用作保護材料,往往在工程中產生不能被使用的多餘物資,或在工程過後變成不能重用的廢料,最終只會淪落為棄置在堆填區的廢棄物,打爛我們愛惜的這個家園。我們想為這些物料找一個新的出口,嘗試有效的打造一個屬於這個城市的環保設計、工業和品牌。

‘IsLand of Hues’ aims to take part in shaping a more sustainable future. Nylon fabric is heavily adopted in the city for many different purposes, wastage is inevitably produced during the fabrication processes and after the usage of the fabrics in construction sites. The project will try to find opportunity in this process and better utilise the materials for local products.

善用城市的廢棄物料,巧妙的挪用它與生俱來的顏色,「納色 – 旅人行裝」就是無可取代的在地產物。重構街道上所見的色彩於隨身物上,帶著這個城市,繼續前行。

By making use of these otherwise abandoned materials, it naturally embraces the inherent colours and texture of the city.


It is a ‘natural’ canvas of the city, where texts and symbols are marked.

「納色 – 旅人行裝」使用的耐用耐磨物料,’天然’的防水設計使得產品能抵擋極端天氣和不同環境條件。

A durable and waterproof material for travelling.


Not only benefiting the local industry, the developed products will only be sold in local community shops to encourage a human-oriented economy.

「納色 – 旅人行裝」帶你走到街頭小巷,在地、遠遊,都仍在一起,隨風飄蕩,沿路幻想、感覺,雖然未知道答案。

While you are here or far away, we are still home and attached.


Some of the products are now available at windowandalley (IG@windowandalley). Please come and take a look. You may also participate in the workshop currently held there.

「納色 – 旅人行裝」的產品開發只是第一步,隨著計劃反應達到不同階段,我們將把資源投入其他地方,讓品牌更為支持者認識,亦希望關繫更多海外親朋。如果你認同我們對這個城市的信念,務必邀請大家支持專案,讓更多目標能被實踐。

We would like to bring the project further different stages as the project is funded by more people. We will host exhibitions when it reaches 721K, and ultimately exempt postage fees for delivery outside Hong Kong in order to connect those who we have never forgotten.

Please visit our Instagram page for further information. 





