Filmed all across Japan, this documentary follows the journeys of Tomoya and other children living in institutional care.

- より多くの児童養護施設の中での撮影許可をいただくことができました。
- 日本各地で施設生活を送る子どもたちの支援に取り組んでいる児童心理士やケースワーカーなど、より多くの専門家を紹介していただき、お会いすることができました。
- すでに入手した映像と作中の難しいテーマを若い方や年配の方にもわかりやすく、そして魅力的な方法でお届けするために、映画におとぎ話のような要素を加えてみました。これによって、観客の皆さまに難しい課題に、すんなりと入り込んでいただき、課題を理解し、さらに問題に取り組んでいただけると考えたからです。
- 以前、私たちが教室やシンポジウム、講演会などで使用できるガイドブックの制作をしており、将来的には日本における幼少期のトラウマを語る際に本作を使用したいという想いを共有させていただきました。この度の新型コロナウイルスの世界的拡大によって、様々な作業ができなくなってしまったことがかえって、ガイド作成に取り掛かれる思いがけない時間を与えてくれました。この度、ガイドブックの下書きを作成しただけでなく、ガイドブックを私たちが作成した児童書に付属することになりました。ガイドと児童書は、様々な年代の読者を対象とし、幼少期のトラウマや心の健康、強い感情についてのお話をする際に利用ができるだけでなく、自分自身の価値を受け入れようと悩んでいる子どもたちに自信や自己肯定感、自己価値を築くための手助けをしたりすることができます。
残念ながらコロナにより、4月から6月の間は映画制作に取り組むことができませんでした。 この映画制作の作業停止は、月日が経つにつれて私たちにとって大きな課題となっただけでなく、チームメンバーもそれぞれ、今回の様々な影響に向き合う必要がありました。

One year ago with the amazing support of 528 Kickstarter backers we raised over ¥6,000,000 which brought us one giant step closer to our film’s completion.
The attention we received from our Kickstarter campaign provided us with new opportunities that we were not expecting nor which were previously open to us before. This allowed us to make changes and enhance our film further while we waited to start post-production in spring of 2020.
- We were given permission to film inside of more children’s institutions
- We were introduced to and were able to meet with more child psychologists, case workers and other professionals working to support children living in institutional care around Japan.
- We were able to film and add foster-care families into the film. An important aspect that we believe will help promote more families to consider fostering in Japan.
- We added a fairy tale aspect to our film. Because of some of the footage we already had and because we need to talk about some difficult subject matter in the film in a way that is both accessible and engaging for younger and older audiences we knew we needed to do something unique so that we could address the issues that need to be discussed without overwhelming the audience.
- We mentioned before that we were working on an accompanying guide book for classrooms, symposiums and lectures for anyone that wanted to use our film in the future to talk about childhood trauma in Japan. COVID-19 unexpectedly gave us the time to work on the guide. We are proud to announce that we not only have created the outline for the guidebook but that the guidebook itself will be attached inside of a children’s book that we have created from our original fairy tale . The guide and the children’s book can be used to talk to young children and adults about childhood trauma, mental health, big emotions and feelings, as well as to help build confidence, affirmation and self-worth in children struggling to accept themselves and their value and worth.
Unfortunately, COVID-19 had other plans for our film and kept us from tackling post-production at all during the months of April, May and June. This full stop in our film’s production was something that grew into a bigger issue for us as the months carried on, stripping away pro bono opportunities that were granted to us. Our team members began to face their own set of tough COVID-19 related circumstances causing parts of our team to have to depart to deal with and take care of themselves and their loved ones.
We were already on an extremely tight micro budget that we miraculously managed to stretch for as long as we could but due to circumstances that nobody could predict, COVID-19 hit us hard and left us with almost no options.
So here we are, almost at the finish line but in need of everyone’s support who can do so right now so that we can complete this film.
From now(September), we have finally begun moving forward again albeit slowly. We have figured out how to resume everything remotely and we know that if we are ever going to finish the film, we have to do it now and we only have a few month window open to us before our team has to disperse and move on to other things.
If we are able to raise the remaining funds required to complete the film, post-production will begin from the very beginning of October with the goal of wrapping up everything by December 20th, 2020.
We plan on releasing the film on a major streaming service during the winter of 2021. Additionally, the film will be provided as a free resource for all working professionals supporting children living with childhood trauma.
Together we can complete this film and do so in a way that will help support children in Japan to get the resources they deserve and need to help them live to their fullest potential.