一生螈命 – 生態影像藝術展 Life (cycle) of the Hong Kong Newt
一生螈命 – 生態影像藝術展
Life (cycle) of the Hong Kong Newt
地點:Parallel Space, 深水埗大南街 202 號
Venue: Parallel Space, 202 Tai Nan Street, Sham Shui Po
日期 Date:5 April 2024 – 14 April 2024
時間 Time:12nn – 7pm
生活在香港的物種多不勝數,為何偏偏選中香港瘰螈 Hong Kong Newt (Paramesotriton hongkongensis) ? 靈感源於香港瘰螈獨特的生命週期,從觀察中可見香港瘰螈的卵和幼體在淡水溪流中成長,到成年後會隨季節遷棲於林地與溪流之間,繁殖季節期間更可以目擊瘰螈競爭及追求配偶的行為,在自然環境裡看到香港瘰螈的生命躍動,有一種難以言喻的感動。然而在今年春天 (2023) 的一次考察之中,竟發現有上百尾香港瘰螈在飛鵝山道上被車輛輾斃,生命週期被終結於柏油路上,場面令人惋惜。
In 2023, the death of the whale off Sai Kung sparked concern for Hong Kong’s wildlife and their habitats. Despite the perception of Hong Kong as a concrete jungle, its rich biodiversity and the lives of its wild animals often go unnoticed.
Among the countless species, the Hong Kong Newt (Paramesotriton hongkongensis) takes the centre stage this time. This project is inspired by their unique life cycle, from the growth of eggs and larvae in freshwater streams to their migrations between forests and streams as adults. Witnessing their captivating competitive and mating behaviours during the breeding season is touching and at the same time exciting. However, a devastating discovery emerged during a spring survey: over a hundred Hong Kong Newts tragically perished on Fei Ngo Shan Road, abruptly ending their life cycle on the concrete road.
To raise awareness and foster conservation efforts, our exhibition team envisions a groundbreaking showcase solely dedicated to the Hong Kong Newt. Collaborating with eco-art creators, we invite you to immerse yourself in their world through captivating paintings, mesmerising photography, an insightful documentary short, and immersive installations. Here you will be able to experience the newts’ daily lives, confront the challenges they face, and join the conversation on conservation issues.
【香港瘰螈 Hong Kong Newt】
香港瘰螈 (音:螺原) 是香港唯一一種有尾目 (Caudata) 的兩棲類動物,首次在香港發現,以「香港」命名,是三種受香港法例第170章《野生動物保護條例》保護的兩棲類之一。香港瘰螈一生經歷卵、幼體和成體三個階段,卵和幼體存活在淡水溪流中,成體則棲於溪流及林地,體長 14-15 厘米,於 IUCN 紅色名錄狀況為近危 Near Threatened (NT)。
The Hong Kong Newt, the sole Caudata amphibian found in Hong Kong, was first discovered and named after the city. It holds a special place in Hong Kong’s biodiversity and is protected under Cap. 170 Wild Animals Protection Ordinance, alongside two other amphibian species. The life cycle of the Hong Kong Newt encompasses distinct stages of eggs, larvae, and adults. The eggs and larvae develop in freshwater streams, while the adults inhabit both the streams and woodland areas. With a body length of around 14-15cm, this species is classified as Near Threatened (NT) on the IUCN Red List.
Art piece #1
What makes the Hong Kong newt so unique? How is it different in each stage of its life cycle? This scientific illustration, accompanied by descriptive annotations, vividly showcases the unique features of the Hong Kong Newt!
Art piece #2
Wild animals are often indistinguishable to the human eye, posing a challenge to recognising individuals. Yet, the bright orange patterns on the abdomen of the Hong Kong newt are distinct and unique, akin to human fingerprints. This feature helps scientists in identifying individual newts, enabling a deeper understanding of their biology and population dynamics.
本地科學繪圖/設計師紙皮@畫麥春野 (@nicolekx) 將瘰螈獨特的腹部斑紋放大並展現於畫紙上。此系列畫作代表了每隻瘰螈的獨特性,期望能提升大眾對香港瘰螈生物學的認識。
Nicole Kit (@nicolekx), a local scientific illustrator/designer, meticulously rendered these unique abdomen patterns of the newts onto paper. Through this series of artwork, the individual traits of each single newt are highlighted, hoping to enhance public understanding of Hong Kong newt biology.
(圖示為草稿,完成品將有機會有所不同 The image shown is a draft; the final artwork may vary)
生態攝影師馮漢城 (@fhs.f) 、郭子祈 (@jameskwok_wildlife) 及黃遂心 (@daphnewongphoto) 以攝影方式用香港瘰螈的生命週期記錄下來。
All life follows a cycle, experiencing a series of changes from the beginning to the end. The Hong Kong Newt, as an amphibian, undergoes a fascinating transformation. Its eggs are translucent and develop in freshwater streams. The process from fertilised egg to embryo is clearly visible. The hatched larvae resemble tadpoles but possess unique antler-like gills, which eventually disappear as they grow. Adult Hong Kong Newts migrate between land and streams with the changing seasons. It is common to witness their courtship rituals in the streams, as they fiercely compete for mates or nesting sites.
Talented wildlife photographers, Hon Shing Fung (@fhs.f), James Kwok (@jameskwok_wildlife), and Daphne Wong (@daphnewongphoto), have captured the life cycle of the Hong Kong Newt through their stunning photography.
短片概要 Synopsis:
A Hong Kong Newt once lived in the narrow water catchment, thinking it would always be confined to this small space. However, one day, a sudden flood washed it away. After a dark journey through the catchment, it drifted with the current into a pristine blue pond. There, it discovered many of its kind, a perfect place to reproduce, compete for mates, and witness the growth of its eggs. It witnessed the hatching of larvae and their transformation into adults. Once the breeding mission was complete, the newt prepared to leave the pond and return to live its terrestrial life. As it reached the edge of the forest, it encountered a road with cars heading up the hill. Uncertain if the car had run it over or not, it saw corpses scattered across the road, along with survivors. It retreated back to the pond once again, continuing the life cycle of the Hong Kong newt.
2023 | 8 mins | Natural history documentary 自然歷史紀錄片
本片製作以 Frigatefilms 成員為班底,不以旁白敘事,由應屆香港電影金像獎「最佳原創電影音樂」得主黃衍仁配樂。
This film production is led by members of Frigatefilms. We tell a story without voice over. Mr. Wong Hin Yan, the winner of the Hong Kong Film Awards 2023 for Best Original Film Score, composes the film score.
製作 Produced by Frigatefilms
編導 Director | 馮漢城 Fung Hon Shing
攝影 Cinematopher | 馮漢城 Fung Hon Shing 黃遂心 Daphne Wong 郭子祈 James Kwok 葉尚庭 Dennis Ip
配樂 Composer | 黃衍仁 Wong Hin Yan
剪接 Editor | 馮漢城 Fung Hon Shing
註:該短片將僅在展覽場地播放,眾籌參與者可獲得網上私人連結觀看短片。然而,若眾籌成功達標,該短片會在 YouTube 平台上公開,期望能讓更多人觀賞到這部短片。
The short film will only be screened at exhibition venues, and crowdfunding participants will receive a private online link to watch the film. However, if the crowdfunding campaign reaches its goal, the short film will be publicly released on the YouTube platform, with the hope of reaching a wider audience.
註:標本製作已取得漁務農自然護理署所發出的特別許可證, 於嶺南大學科學教研組助理教授 劉彥芹博士指導下進行。所有香港瘰螈,包括屍體均為受保護動物,未經許可,任何人不得得管有或控制,否則即屬違法。
Many Hong Kong Newts in various rural areas of Hong Kong unfortunately fall victim to roadkill, regardless of their size or gender. These newts have little chance of survival. Their lifeless bodies are collected and preserved as specimens for exhibition purposes.
Note: Special permits for specimen preparation have been obtained from the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department. The process is conducted under the guidance of Dr. Anthony Lau, Assistant Professor at the Science Unit of Lingnan University. All Hong Kong Newts, including their deceased bodies, are protected animals, and it is illegal for anyone to possess or control them without proper authorization.
延伸閱讀 Learn More
1.川龍驚現瘰螈墳場 50米內見20屍體。《風火山林》。
2. Hong Kong roadkill count launched to reduce wildlife deaths on roads. SCMP.
展覽日期及地點 Exhibition Date and Venue
由於議題有一定的迫切性,展覽場地亦供應緊張,我們已預早近一年落實展覽場地。《一生螈命 – 生態影像藝術展》希望在下一個瘰螈路殺的高峰期同步進行,即 2024 年春季,我們已預約位於深水涉的展覽場地 Parallel Space ,場地位處大南街地下,樓高兩層,2024 年 4 月 5 日至 4 月 14 日為基本展期,若眾籌金額能達到延伸目標,展覽將會延長一星期。免費入場。
Due to the urgency of the issue and the limited availability of exhibition venues, we have secured the exhibition venue nearly a year in advance. The exhibition “Life (Cycle) of the Hong Kong Newt” is planned to coincide with the peak period of the newt roadkill incidents, which is in spring 2024. We have already made a reservation at Parallel Space, an exhibition venue located at the underground of Tai Nam Street in Sham Shui Po. The venue consists of two floors, and the exhibition will take place from April 5th to April 14th, 2024 as the basic exhibition period. If the crowdfunding amount reaches the stretch goal, the exhibition will be extended for an additional week. Free admission.
展覽的意義 The Significance of the Exhibition
The life cycle of Hong Kong Newts is unique, and their adorable appearance and behaviours allow us to capture their life journey through various artistic mediums. By presenting the beauty of life, we aim to ignite curiosity among the audience and encourage them to explore and understand the wonders of nature. However, life is also fragile, and the devastating impact of roadkill on Hong Kong Newts is evident. Unfortunately, society has yet to recognize the severity of this issue, and there is a lack of in-depth research within the academic community.
Through this exhibition, we hope to bring awareness to the wildlife in Hong Kong and initiate discussions on how we can provide a better habitat for Hong Kong Newts and other wildlife species. It is our goal to make these creatures visible to the public and inspire collective efforts towards creating a more favourable environment for their existence.
關於眾籌 About Crowdfunding
另外,香港政府已於 2023 年 3 月進行有關眾籌活動規管的公眾諮詢,當中包括建議成立「眾籌事務辦公室」,一站式處理眾籌活動的規管及行政事宜,並訂立專門法例規管眾籌,有助建立眾籌操作守則,有關詳情歡迎到相關網頁了解更多。
Our core team, consisting of scientific illustrators, wildlife photographers, documentary directors, and curators, has been dedicated to conserving the wildlife in Hong Kong. This exhibition aims to combine our expertise and create a space dedicated to Hong Kong Newts. In-depth documentation of this species allows the audience to experience their life journey and prompts reflection on how we perceive and treat wildlife.
The exhibition focuses on the life cycle of Hong Kong Newts, highlighting the impact of roadkill. Crowdfunding is our chosen funding method to maintain creative independence. Your participation will support the innovative presentation of Hong Kong’s natural ecology, deep documentation by nature creatives, and demonstrate the market value and conservation function of the ecological creative industry. Together, we can make a difference.
Additionally, the Hong Kong government has conducted a public consultation on crowdfunding regulation in March 2023. This includes proposals for the establishment of a “Crowdfunding Affairs Office” to handle regulatory and administrative matters, as well as the development of dedicated legislation to regulate crowdfunding activities. These efforts aim to establish operational guidelines for crowdfunding. For more details, please visit the relevant website to learn more.
友螈人注意! Newt Friends attention!
自由定價支持我們的計劃!Support us at free price!
網頁版界面 Website interface
1.於頁面頂部眾籌目標金額下點選「SEE OPTION (選擇)」
Click ‘SEE OPTION’ below the crowdfunding goal at the top of the web page.
手機版界面 Mobile Phone Interface
1. 於「Choose your Perk (選擇回報)」掃至最右 Swipe to the right in ‘Choose your Perk’ column.
2. 於 「Make a contribution (貢獻)」下輸入金額 Input the price under ‘Make a contribution’.
3. 點選「Continue(繼續)」Select ‘Continue’.
4. 填好付款資料,結帳頁最底部會有一個捐款至 indiegogo 平台的選項,如不想捐款,可以在「Other amount(其他數目)」一欄填寫「0」
Indiegogo will ask for a tip at the bottom of the checkout page. If you don’t wish to donate, you can select ‘other amount’ and input ‘0’.
A. 在展覽期間親身到來展覽場地自取 (強烈建議!)
1. 選取你想贊助的項目
2. 於 Shipping 下一欄填寫「Hong Kong」(我們將不會收取任何運費)
4. 填好寄送及付款資料(系統仍然會要求填寫出送遞資料,你可以照實填寫地址,但我們並不會提供郵遞安排)
5. 結帳頁最底部會有一個捐款至 indiegogo 平台的選項,如不想捐款,可以在「Other amount」一欄填寫「0」
B. 香港境內郵遞 – 將會在 2024 年 4 月寄出,需收取額外郵費,請跟隨以下步驟:
1. 選取你想贊助的項目
2. 選取「GET THIS ADD-ON」加入港幣 45 元的「順豐運費 SF delivery」
3. 於 Shipping 下一欄填寫「Hong Kong」(這個動作並不會收取任何額外的運費)
5. 填好寄送及付款資料,如欲寄件至順豐站、順豐自提櫃,請填寫相應的地址。
6. 結帳頁最底部會有一個捐款至 indiegogo 平台的選項,如不想捐款,可以在「Other amount(其他數目)」一欄填寫「0」
C. 香港境外地區郵遞 – 將會在 2024 年 4 月寄出,需收取額外郵費,請跟隨以下步驟:
所有在結帳頁顯示的國際郵遞費用均以平郵的方式寄送,運送時間因應地區需要 4 至 12 星期。如欲以其他郵遞方式,請與我們聯絡。
1. 選取你想贊助的項目
2. 於 Shipping address 表格內「Country」一欄填寫你想寄送的地區,系統會自動加上所需的郵費
4. 填好寄送及付款資料
5. 結帳頁最底部會有一個捐款至 indiegogo 平台的選項,如不想捐款,可以在「Other amount」一欄填寫「0」
本計劃建議本地用戶以港幣為結算單位,若網站未有以港幣顯示價錢,可於網頁底部設定 「 $Hong Kong Dollar」作貨幣單位。
All backers attention!
Rewards shipping arrangements:
A. Self pick-up at exhibition venue during exhibition period (STRONGLY RECOMMEND!)
1. Pick a perk.
2. Input ‘Hong Kong’ in the box under ‘shipping’. (We will not charge you any shipping fee.)
4. Input shipping and payment details. (The system will always ask for a shipping address, you can fill in the boxes with your actual address, but please note that no delivery will be arranged.)
5. Indiegogo will ask for a tip at the bottom of the checkout page. If you don’t wish to donate, you can select ‘other amount’ and input ‘0’.
B. Delivery within Hong Kong – delivered by April 2024. Extra shipping cost will be charged, please follow the steps below:
1.Pick a perk.
2. Select ‘GET THIS ADD-ON’ to include HKD45 ‘順豐運費 SF delivery’.
3. Input ‘Hong Kong’ in the box under ‘Shipping’. (This option will not charge you any additional shipping fee.)
5.Input shipping and payment details. If you wish to receive your book at SF store, SF locker, please input the corresponding address.
6. Indiegogo will ask for a tip at the bottom of the checkout page. If you don’t wish to donate, you can select ‘other amount’ and input ‘0’.
C. Delivery outside of Hong Kong
All international postages provided at checkout are by surface mail, which could take 4-12 weeks to arrive depending what region we ship. If you wish to receive your rewards by air mail, please contact us.
Delivered by April 2024. Extra shipping cost will be charged, please follow the steps below:
1. Pick a perk.
2. Input the name of the region/ country that you would like the rewards to be mailed to under ‘Shipping’. The system will automatically add the corresponding postage fee at checkout.
4. Input shipping and payment details.
5. Indiegogo will ask for a tip at the bottom of the checkout page. If you don’t wish to donate, you can select ‘other amount’ and input ‘0’.
This project suggests that local users use Hong Kong dollars (HKD) as the currency for the payment. If the website does not display prices in HKD, you can set “$ Hong Kong Dollar” as the currency unit in the footer of the webpage.
展覽團隊 Exhibition team
策劃 Curation|馮漢城 Fung Hon Shing
標本製作 Specimens production|馮漢城 Fung Hon Shing 葉泳茵 Gena Yip
學術顧問 Academic advisor|劉彥芹 Dr. Anthony Lau
宣傳片及紀錄片製作 Promotion video and documentary production| Frigatefilms
翻譯 Translation|黃遂心 Daphne Wong
主視覺設計 Key visual design|洪忠傑 Kensa Hung
紀念品設計 Merchandise design|黃寶婷 Kimberly Wong
合作伙伴 Supporting Partner
嶺南大學 Lingnan University
畫麥春野 Wildlife Illustrations Hong Kong
器材提供 Equipment Support
Sony Hong Kong
風險與挑戰 Risks and challenges
1. 展覽的攝影及紀錄片的拍攝耗時逾年,所以拍攝工作早於 2022 年開始,拍攝野生動物的變數其多,我們會盡力為大家帶來耳目一新的畫面和作品,讓野生動物被看見。
2. 本計劃的主要目標是讓大眾認識香港的野生動物及傳播保育信息,團隊正是因為這共同目標而作出新嘗試,初次開展眾籌,還望吸引更多志同道合的公眾人士結伴達成目標!
若有最新資訊,將會在本平台「UPDATE」 及 Instagram @ohhknewt 發佈更新。
1. The extensive photography and documentary filming for the exhibition, which commenced in 2022, posed numerous challenges due to the unpredictable nature of wildlife. However, we are dedicated to delivering captivating visuals and works, ensuring that wildlife is prominently showcased despite the inherent risks involved.
2. The primary goal of this project is to raise awareness about Hong Kong’s wildlife and communicate conservation messages. The team is embarking on new endeavours, such as crowdfunding, driven by this shared objective. We hope to attract like-minded individuals to join us in achieving our goals together!
The latest information will be updated here and on Instagram account @ohhknewt.
聯絡我們 Contact us
如對計劃有任何疑問,歡迎 DM Instagram @ohhknewt 或電郵至 ohhknewt@gmail.com 聯絡我們。
If you have any questions, please feel free to DM us on Instagram at @ohhknewt or email us at ohhknewt@gmail.com.