Crowdfunding Campaign page for visually stunning dark fantasy thriller feature film–AETERNUM.
Aeternum is a dark fantasy thriller feature film epic from award winning filmmaker, Tyler Peck.
What is AETERNUM about?
“We need to do better. We need to be better. Everyone. Everyday.”
Aeternum isn’t only about race, or gender, or the environment–politics or war. It’s about all of it. All the difficult things that underlie those divisions and conflicts. Aeternum is a powerful movie about memory, family and who we really are deep down. The war in Ukraine. The continued violence towards people of color and the LGBTQ+ community. The realities of climate change. The world needs movies like Aeternum that are brave enough to talk about and confront these issues in an allegorical, artistic and impactful way, now more than ever.
Aeternum is a movie with depth and heart. A movie that talks about citizenship, responsibility, unity and humanity. A movie trying to make a difference.
What are AETERNUM’s influences & aesthetics?
Tyler Peck (lead actor) known for his extensive theatrical work on films and television shows like: What’s Your Number? (20th Century Fox), Body of Proof (ABC), Marry Me (NBC), Chosen (Sony’s Crackle), Men at Work (TBS), Whatever Makes You Happy and Electric Blue, just to name a few
Elyse Cizek (lead actress) known for her exceptional modeling, music video and commercial work with brands like: Sephora, Lexus, McDonalds, Toast, Smirnoff; and videos like: Jeremy Renner’s “Main Attraction”
Mateo Ray (supporting actor) winner of the 2022 Best Young Actor at the 43rd Annual Young Artists Awards; and known for his incredible modeling, commercial and theatrical work on shows like: Modern Family, Dave, Mayans, 9-1-1, Magic for Humans, Life in Pieces; and brands like: LEGO, Walmart, Lexus, Comcast, NBA, MLB and Google
What We Need
Making independent films is a truly beautiful undertaking. But it’s also very expensive. And it’s usually far too expensive for one person to fund on their own. In an attempt to retain some level of creative control from larger production companies and studios, it often becomes necessary to raise the money oneself, and rely on the kindness of those that we know and trust. Real talk: we need to raise a bare minimum of $200,000 in order to make this film possible. In all reality, we will likely need a bit more; but this amount will allow us to make the feature film, and make it well. But we need your help. The truth is, we simply cannot make this powerful movie without your generosity.
Where the Money Goes
All the funds raised will go to paying our growing army of consummately talented and professionally successful cinematographers, editors, composers, sound designers, production designers, producers, VFX artists and actors to bring this resonant story to life. The money will also go towards securing the kinds of filmmaking equipment and stunning locations that will elevate the production value of this film to another level. Lastly, these funds will be used to pay for all the fun things like permits and insurance that will allow us to make the most high quality film in the most professional way possible.
What You Get
We understand how big of a gesture it is to support small indie films; so we want this project, this experience, to feel like a community. A family. And since you are being so kind to us, we want to reciprocate and give back to you. Not only are all of your donations to this film 100% tax deductible (production will provide you with all necessary forms for your taxes), but we have created an honestly pretty amazing list of Perks for you to feel more connected to this project. We’re a little biased of course, but go check out our list of goodies over on the Perks menu, take a peek, and have some fun with it!
What if I Can’t Donate, But Want to Help?
Not everyone can donate money to crowdfunding campaigns, and that is entirely understandable. If however you’d still like to help this little project out, please feel free to share this IndieGoGo campaign link and/or the film’s Instagram page with family and friends and friends of friends–and complete strangers! The more the merrier, really. Help us get the word out. Help us connect with backers that want to support films like this with heart and soul that are trying to do some good in the world. People that are looking for a meaningful use for their money.
Instagram: @aeternum_film
Thank You
It’s hard to put into words how much your support means to us. Sharing in this kind of effort feels like love and beauty in its purest form. That might sound kinda cheesy–but it’s true. We believe in this project. So we hope you will, too. And just know that by helping bring this film into being, you are helping make this world a better place. Truly.
From the bottom of our hearts — Thank You.