Slick and aerodynamically designed wearable fan. Expand your outdoor activities with Airable.

Love the outdoors but don’t like the heat? We have a solution for you. Airable provides a refreshing breeze at the touch of a button.
Airable is lightweight and portable. You can enjoy a cool breeze wherever you are. Whether it’s for work, sports or leisure, you’ll feel cooler with Airable. Giving you an advantage in hot situations.

Camping, BBQ
Chilling at home, Office
With Airable, you can go on a run, hike, be at the beach, play sports, travel, and more. The possibilities are endless!
Don’t let the heat stop you from doing something you love.
We want you to accomplish more with Airable. Be adventurous and let Airable work its magic.
If you’re the kind of person who likes to stay cool both literally and figuratively, then you are going to love Airable. (Airable’s design is patented and has received an award for its design.)
Airable is the only wearable fan in the world that has a magnetic fastener for your clothes. This allows Airable to remain securely attached even with rough movements. (E.g.: Running, boxing, doing front/backflips, and more)
Airable was designed ergonomically so it rests comfortably around your neck and shoulder. It was also designed and tested to be aerodynamically effective. The air passes by the neck and cools down faster.
Airable fans turn 180 degrees, making it easier for you to customize the airflow.
Our propeller was not built in a day. We’ve built and tested over 500 propellers. Instead of simply changing the angles, we modified the pressure applied to each wing, used different materials, calibrated the noise according to the shape of the wing, and developed the optimal propeller to apply to Airable.
Airable is not only hands-free and wearable but also detachable. It’s straightforward to detach and assemble.
Use Airable to make a fire, to share with friends, and much more.
Did your neckband get dirty? Don’t worry.
Our neckband is made from a flexible material that is durable and easy to clean.
Airable weighing a mere 5.7oz(about 161.6g), which is just a little more than a shirt.
It gets lighter by distributing the weight using the magnet.
Airable uses a safe, dedicated battery certified by UL, CE, KC, and PSE.
In addition, a dedicated cable with two USB-C ports can also charge both sides of the Airable simultaneously.
Connect Airable with a power bank and take out the battery if you want to experience a lighter Airable.
UK Met Office scientists predict that 2021 will be one of the top six warmest years on record. Overcome this summer with Airable and beat the heat. A perfect product for this summer. If you know anyone who gets hot easily and sweats a lot then this could be the perfect gift.
Everybody complains about the scorching weather but nobody does anything about it. Now, VOILA!
We developed and tested over 500 different propellers, and it is 1/10th the size of our competitor’s propeller. We have visited our manufacturers and worked hard to get the best material and components.
Challenges I faced as an Inventor
We’re a small team (South Korean) of dedicated individuals who’ve been on a rollercoaster.
We researched, developed, and applied a technology that minimizes loss of airflow to the back of the neck based on the Coandă effect. The Coandă effect is the tendency of a fluid jet to stay attached to a convex surface.
We researched, developed, and applied technology that can minimize the loss of airflow towards the back of the neck. This loss of airflow is caused by the Coanda effect, which is when a jet flow attaches itself to a surface and remains attached even when the surface curves away towards another direction.
It needs to be wearable, so the design was VERY important.
Making a small and beautiful product that fully contains a fan’s function was a lot more complex than I thought.
If I made it bigger and not worry about the design, I could have made it without any trouble. But would I be proud of my product? The answer would be NO.
So I had to dig deep.
The big reason why companies have not been able to successfully make small-sized wearable fans is most likely because of the noise. The noise generated can be loud and unpleasant because the fan needs to rotate at a high speed in order to create airflow within a small area.
We tried various methods such as applying a vibration pad to the mount that holds the motor, changing the mount’s material to hard and soft, and creating a vibration dispersion shape.
Just as a small car engine has less power than the engine of a tank, it is difficult to make a strong airflow if the propeller is small.
In order to create a design that is both small and efficient, we have tested a wide variety of fans and propellers such as a wingless method, a blower fan, an axial fan, and a reverse dual fan. Airable’s propeller is about 1/10th the size of our competitor’s propeller.
Rather than just changing the angle, we designed it by changing variables such as Camber, Skew, Chord, Lake, Pitch, and NACA airfoil, which are complex variables of the propeller. We developed it by conducting CFD and wind tunnel experiments.
In addition, the battery’s compatibility (voltage, electric power), the motor, and the wind intake are all more important than the propeller alone. We tailored the exclusive motor and the whole battery to balance the product, and tested it after making numerous changes to the mechanical parts.
The three men above have contributed greatly to our campaign. They have contacted us first through our advertisement and since then have shown great love and helped in many ways like strengthening our content, writing skills, and giving us honest feedback. To show our appreciation we wanted them in our campaign. Thank you, guys! We couldn’t have done it without you.
We need to raise additional production funds through Indiegogo and make up for the somewhat low marketing budget through your help by word of mouth.
Tell your friends and family around you who are struggling with the heat. Every word from you will be of tremendous help in getting Airables into the market.
My dream is to make good products that can make people’s lives more worthwhile. I know with your support I can be closer in achieving this dream.
To show our support, backers will get Airable for a discounted price, and the earliest deliveries. Airable’s final MSRP pricing may change when it’s officially available on the market.
Indiegogo is full of innovators and early adapters just like us. We’ve identified a stumbling block in our own lives and we’re not going to settle for the status quo. To make our lives cooler, easier, and more fun, whenever the opportunity strikes. With your support as Indiegogo’s community, we can bring this amazing idea to life.
Be prepared for the summer heat with Airable!
Here is another way to end our Contest! We have teamed up with Up Viral. https://upvir.al/113715/lp113715
The 1st prize will go to one person who has referred Airable’s contest the most. We will keep track of who has followed our social media and how many shares, likes, and RT it has got. You must follow one of the “How to enter” rules to be entered. You don’t have to follow all three social media. The posts much be public. The winner will be announced on the 3rd of May 2021 on our social media. If there is a draw the winner will be the person who has posted first. The shipping is free of charge. If you have any questions feel free to email common@sprint-elite.com