An exceptional shower with 75% less water.
Altered:Shower in Monsoon mode
We are extremely proud to have developed a brand new shower technology. Meet the first ever Dome® Shower – a full shower experience with 75% less water.
We think this is the simplest and nicest extreme saving shower experience yet.
With Altereds new Dome® technology we create something never seen before; a rotating water dome that makes it possible to use less water without compromising.
Saving water is a necessity since it is a finite resource. But by saving water you also save energy and in turn reduce your carbon footprint. So using the Altered:Shower is a great experience for you, and even better for the planet.
Savings calculated on a household consumption of 420 Liters/day, of which 25% is in showers.
Scientist today agree we have no more than 10 years before we see effects of climate change that are irreversible. We believe future solutions will help solve these issues, but most new technologies are complex. That means they will take time to develop, fund, test and implement. So, it will take time before they have penetrated the market to actually make an impact. It is time we do not have.
We develop very simple solutions, that everyone can use, and that are possible to implement right now. And that is why WWF named us Climate Solver 2018. Because then – together – we will have a huge impact. And we will turn the tide on water stress and climate change. Not in 10 years, but today.
So please help us spread the word!
With the Altered:Shower we set out to create a sustainable, beautiful and affordable showering experience. To achieve this we developed a completely new shower technology: The Dome®.
With the Dome Technology the water comes out in a high speed rotating dome shape. The rotation in the dome tears the water apart. Creating thousands of large droplets in high speed. Giving you the coverage and pressure you want. It also transfers heat very effectively. So you can have a nice hot shower without touching the thermostat.
Slow motion capture of Dome
To show the rotation in the Dome, we used a stroboscope when filming it in action. The result is clear, and quite beautiful if we may say so ourselves. The water rotates and is then torn apart into large droplets with high speed.
This allows us to use the water more efficiently and make it possible to use 75% less water, without loosing functionality.
We have worked intensively to figure out what makes a great shower. It boils down to three things: Coverage, Pressure and Heat. Our Dome technology achieves this as effectively as possible, using as little water and energy as we can. This is how it works.
Coverage — The rotation in the dome results in the water being torn apart, creating thousands of large droplets with high mass. This means you get really wet. It also spreads the water in a random pattern, giving you full coverage.
Pressure — We do the opposite from traditional water saving showers that reduce the flow and therefore the speed of the water. We increase the speed of the water. Achieving both the pressure sensation and functionality in rinsing.
Heat — Droplets cool more rapidly than a stream of water. But since the water is connected through the Dome, the heat is transferred very efficiently out to the droplets. Resulting in a nice warm shower without the need to touch your thermostat.
We wanted to create a shower that was something extra to make sure it did not end up as a good intention in a drawer. Therefore we added features that would make you want to use it again and again.
Monsoon mode – For a luxury experience, and superior rinsing, we added the Monsoon mode. By flicking a switch, we add water into the dome creating a monsoon rain experience. With the Monsoon mode you get absolutely drenched, but you are still saving 50% of both water and energy.
Simple Installation – We wanted to create a simple product so that many people can use it. Therefore we have developed a shower handle. You simply screw it on your existing shower hose in a matter of seconds, and you are good to go. (For those of you who only have a shower head – we have a solution for you as well. Read more about it under installation).
Beautiful Design – And of course, products need to look and feel great. That’s why the Altered:Shower is constructed of aluminum and stainless steel giving you a solid feeling and making it last forever.
Creating a full shower experience with 75% less water was no easy task. A shower is more than a functional event, it is a sensory experience and a vital part of our daily routine. It was very important to us to create a shower that would not feel like a compromise.
Our starting point was to develop a shower with our atomization technology which transforms the water flow into a high speed mist. It proved hard to apply in a shower without losing functionality. The mist has a tendency to fly away, soaking down the bathroom, and the droplets are so small that they quickly lose heat.
We then started to test our newly developed Dome technology. It proved to be a superior experience to the atomization. It holds the water together, creates larger droplets and retains the heat in a more efficient way.
With the dome technology we made sure that all of the water exiting the shower is used for cleaning your body, not running down the drain or soaking your bathroom.
We have tested hundreds of iterations of the dome technique, changing the angles, speed and droplet size of the water. What we have landed in is a beautiful dome shape that saves water but still gets the job done.
Example of some prototypes of different Dome configurations
After several shower tests with a variety of test subjects. We realized that people have different expectations on the shower experience. From your everyday morning soak, post workout cleanse, a luxurious week-end experience or a superior rinsing effect. That is why we made the addition of the monsoon mode. This gives all members of your household the shower they want, when they want it.
Three years ago, Kickstarter made it possible for us to develop our first product. The Altered:Nozzle – Same tap 98% less water. We were three passionate people with a great idea, but not enough funding. We decided to turn to Kickstarter to make our vision a reality. We were not certain of success. But the campaign exceeded our expectations, and then things went crazy!
To be honest our first campaign was difficult. Setting up production, logistics and distribution in a short amount of time. We had challenges, but we worked through them and made sure to deliver all of our rewards. It took some time and iterations, but now we are very proud of the company and the products that we have built.
We made sure to listen to all the feedback we got from the Kickstarter community and other customers, and we have continuously made our Nozzles better. We’ve launched new versions. All together we have now delivered 90.000 nozzles to every corner of the world. And today our community saves more than 1 billion liters of water and 7.500 tons of CO2 every year. All thanks to the start that you gave us!
Along the way we’ve also been lucky to receive awards like being named WWF climate solver 2018, Runner-Up Global water start ups Imagine H2O, SME Innovation by European Water Plattform, Impact 100 in the Nordics and we are one of the 1000 verified Solar Impuls Solutions that can be key in battling climate change.
Access to fresh water is a necessity for all life on earth. Yet today water stress is a global issue affecting over two billion people. And an estimated three billion in 2020. WWF estimates that 75% will be faced with water shortages by 2025 (WWF, World Wildlife Foundation, Global threats 2019). It is a problem we need to do something about.
SOURCE: https://worldwater.io/
To sustain our way of living, water need to be pumped, treated, transported and heated. A vast amount of energy is used to achieve this. Therefore water has a large carbon footprint. This is yet another reason to make sure that we do not use more water than we need and that every drop counts!
Imagine if we could install the Altered:Shower in all households in Europe and US? We would save 18 billion liters of water and 147 million tons of CO2 every year. That is the same as the emissions from 33 million cars driven for a year or planting 2,5 billion trees.
It is a small product that has the potential to have a huge impact, please support us and contribute to that change!
Installing the Altered:Shower is super simple. Our handle fits the standard shower hose and takes seconds to install. You just unscrew your existing handle and replace it with the Altered:Shower.
We have also put together an Altered:Shower kit for those of you who only have a shower head. This kit includes a shower diverter, a hose and a shower holder. This solution is also super simple to install . You simply screw it on before your current shower head. Now you have the added option of a shower handle. But if you want you can still switch back to your regular shower head.
- Flexible hose must have a 1/2” female thread. (Standard sizing for US and EU)
- Shower arm must have a 1/2” male thread. (Standard sizing for US and EU)
- Altered:Shower handle has a 1/2” male thread. (Standard sizing for US and EU)
- Shower diverter has a 1/2” female thread at inlet side to be connected to shower arm (shower arm is not included) and two 1/2” male threads at outlet side to be connected to Flexible hose and Shower head (Shower head is not included). (Standard sizing for US and EU.)
- The shower requires a minimum pressure of 1,5 Bars.
- Recommended water pressure 3–7 bars.
- The Altered:Shower handle incorporates a backflow prevention device to prevent backflow.
- The Altered:Shower handle incorporates flow controlling devices to ensure constant flow rates independently from the water system pressure.
Rinsing — A common question is how well the rinsing works. The velocity of the water means rinsing shower cream with the Dome® mode works like a charm. Rinsing shampoo and conditioner from thick hair is not a problem, just swith to Monsoon mode if you feel the need for an extra boost.
Hard water — If you live in an area with particularly hard water the Altered:Shower handle is easy to clean. Just screw the handle off and put it into a container of vinegar for about two hours. Screw back on and you are good to go!
Low water pressure— The Altered:Shower works between 1,5-7 bars.
Time for hot water — If your warm water takes time to reach you shower, we suggest that you use Monsoon mode to flush out the cold water. However, we recommend that you use a bucket or container to gather the cold water so that it can be used elsewhere.
All of our shipping is sent with tracking. We ship with the National post Office and if they do not offer tracking we use UPS. This is to make sure that your rewards does not get lost on the way.
If, for any reason (i.e. compatibility issues, shipping, tariffs, etc.), we do not feel we will be able to deliver the signature Altered:Shower experience to any of our backers, we reserve the right to refund your pledge in full after our campaign.
We estimate to begin shipping to our backers by June 2020.
Recipients of orders shipped outside of Sweden will be responsible for any and all costs associated with import taxes, customs duties, or fees levied by the destination country. Altered has no control over such charges and cannot estimate the exact amount. Please contact your local customs office for more information.
If you decline to pay the duties and taxes due to the carrier upon delivery of your order, the package may be considered abandoned, destroyed, or returned to Sweden (at an extremely high cost charged to Altered). Under these circumstances, we, unfortunately, cannot consider requests for replacement shipments.
Please keep in mind that shipping will be added to the pledge price. You will see the cost for shipping before you confirm your pledge.
At Altered we are passionate about making it easy to save water and be more sustainable in everyday life. This is important because climate change and water stress are not single solution problems. We will need thousands of solutions for millions of people to make a big enough change to turn the tides on climate change.
We develop products that are simple and sustainable and do not compromise on design, and where the experience and functionality is at least as good as existing non-sustainable solutions on the market. That way we believe that we can get as many people as possible to use our products. And then, together, we can truly have an impact on water stress and climate change.