Our film is the journey of resilience as a woman navigates pregnancy, miscarriage, and other loss.
The film is set in Beth’s bathroom as she gets ready for her day. However, it is not an ordinary day because this day she is finding out if she has come out on the other side of her miscarriage. As she showers and symbolically cleans herself of the experience, each calculated move flashes back to a part of her pregnancy as it progresses to a miscarriage along with the layered in loss of her grandmother.
Laura Goodman (Writer and Producer) endured four miscarriages and wanted her experience to carry others through their difficult time. Laura’s passion was always film and television as shown through her dedication in earning a degree in Film Production from Chapman University. She is excited that her day job allows her to refocus on film.
Laura hopes to spark conversations around miscarriages and let women feel heard and understood at those early stages of a motherhood. After the four miscarriages, Laura was lucky enough to have two healthy sons. For many, the story may not end that way. With either outcome, Laura hopes this story serves as a big hug for each mother out there.
Eli Moskowitz (Producer) has spent his life in film and television. He has most recently worked on The Connors, Bob Hearts Abishola, and Extended Family.
He encouraged his cousin, Laura, to take a chance and write her story and that he would be there to help her actualize the project. Eli has done exactly that and is thrilled to be a part of the project and support his cousin and women like her who need a voice.
Robin Pabello (Director & Director of Photography) has spent her career as a DP and she is excited to have this project be her directing debut.
She is not only making the film in solidarity with another woman, but also to tell her own story and share her experience with her miscarriage. It’s a story Robin feels deeply about and wants to be a part of the changing stigma around the topic and the mental health fallout so we can all be there and support each other as people.
I, Laura, love my big, loud family. We always show up for each other regardless of family rifts created from trivial spats. But, the most alone I ever felt was when I was going through my miscarriage. A lot of why I kept it to myself was because everyone was already grieving as my grandmother (aka Bubby) fell ill and passed within 2 months. Those two months happened to coincide with my positive pregnancy tests and miscarriage.
The family supported each other the best they could with the loss of Bubby, but I didn’t think anyone could take on more or know how to support me with my miscarriage. I grieved that in silence.
I have always been a writer at heart and the hiatus my creative passion took over the last 14 years ended when I needed an outlet for my pain that I could not ease from my miscarriage. My cousin, Eli, encouraged me to finish writing my story so he could help me tell it. Once we started down this road, Eli introduced me to Robin whom he had worked with on other projects previously. Robin and I met and she shared with me how moving she felt the script was. She shared that this would be a cleansing therapy for her as well from when she had just recently miscarried twins.
I want this film to help women who have miscarried to heal. It should help you feel seen and heard. It should help you know you are not alone and there are plenty of people who want to be there for you to talk about it.
I also want this film to resonate with those woman – and men – who have not experienced a miscarriage. I am so happy for you, truly, that you have not had this particular pain in your life. This film will give you the insight you need to be the support these mothers need.
When we’re all aware and informed we can allow everyone to feel supported and know that the burden can be unloaded and not carried alone.
Our goal is to create this film we can all be proud of and submit it to every film festival we can think of, honestly, to reach as many people as we can – to support as many women as we can. There needs to be more conversation around miscarriage because some people feel uncomfortable by just the word. The film’s submission alone means people will already be talking about it.
The first goal is Sundance Film Festival 2024, which given the timeline is very ambitious, but we’re up for the challenge. There are many other festivals in the cycle of a year that we plan to enter a submission, all leading back to Sundance 2025 if timing does not permit for this year.
What ever monetary amount you can provide is greatly appreciated. Our budget includes paying for production costs, equipment, and a very talented and experienced Cast & Crew. We acknowledge that the amount we are seeking is a higher independent film budget, but the time the Cast & Crew is contributing is substantial and they are professionals at their craft.
If you can help us meet and, hopefully, exceed our goal, we can pay our Cast & Crew properly.