$8,361 raised out of $50,000
Start date
Jun 01, 2021
Close date
Jun 17, 2021

A Joint Fundraiser with Visualizing Palestine, Makan, and Al-Shabaka


This is a fiercely urgent moment to accelerate movement education and justice work for Palestinian rights. With one click, you can contribute to three organizations + one special project united in their focus on illuminating the root causes of oppression. 

We have momentum and we have to keep going. Scroll up and hit “back it” to contribute.

Al-Shabaka | Makan | Visualizing Palestine| Growth of a Movement



A Pivotal Time to Build

In the last few weeks, the cumulative impact of years of education and advocacy work seeded across the movement for Palestinian freedom, justice, and equality has burst forth into public view. We have momentum, and we have to keep going!  Many people, including mainstream figures, are questioning the talking points of the past and moving toward a rights-based narrative for the first time. Palestinians are coming together in joint action, rejecting the fragmentation and labels imposed by the Israeli system. The world is watching for now, but we know from the past that such engagement can be fleeting. Even as we are mourning and responding to the devastating results of this chapter of ongoing Israeli settler colonialism and apartheid, we are planning for the road ahead. We need your steady commitment on this road to justice with us…before the next atrocity. 

Invest in Movement Education 

Right now, people new to our movement are actively seeking out and sharing resources to understand the Palestinian struggle. Makan, Visualizing Palestine, and Al-Shabaka are ready to meet this need. For years, our movement education work has been helping people teach and learn about the root causes of Palestinian oppression, adopt a vision and language that affirms fundamental rights, and speak out in their communities. Our resources are in especially high demand now and our voices are becoming more important than ever.

Why a Joint Fundraiser? 

When you contribute to this campaign, your contribution will be equally split between four areas (3 organizations + 1 project). We came together to launch this joint fundraiser because we are part of an ecosystem for justice. None of us can do everything alone; our impact is distinct but complementary (VP focuses on visual resources, Al-Shabaka on policy analysis, Makan on education, and the Growth of a Movement project on collective action). Together we cultivate a more vibrant, global, informed, unified, and powerful civil society and movement. 

At such a vital time when people are eager for ways to contribute to the change that is so evidently needed, we wanted to make it easier for you to broaden your support to multiple efforts that are trusted in the Palestinian community and have a strong track record.  We also want to draw attention to the importance of deepening investment in justice work to sustain and grow the movement for Palestinian rights for the long-term. Humanitarian aid is an absolutely vital lifeline, but the ultimate goal is to free Palestine, and that only happens when we give equal value to justice work. 

How Your Contribution Makes a Difference

ABOUT AL-SHABAKA // Al-Shabaka: The Palestinian Policy Network is the only independent, transnational Palestinian think tank. In a world where critical discussions and decisions about the future of Palestine and the Palestinian people continue to take place without input from Palestinians themselves, we work to challenge this erasure and center Palestinian thinking. Through original policy analysis from a network of nearly 200 Palestinian experts, civil society collaboration, and global outreach, we at Al-Shabaka seek to transcend the fragmentation of Palestinians worldwide and leverage our collective expertise to influence and envision a liberated Palestine. 

What we’re doing now: Your support now will have an immediate impact, enabling us to:

  • Expand our new podcast series, Rethinking Palestine
  • Embark on novel, long-form research focused on radical future visions for Palestine
  • Engage with key civil society leaders and policymakers to build movement and shift policy 

ABOUT MAKAN // Makan nurtures and amplifies the voices of advocates working towards Palestinian rights through educational workshops, capacity-building trainings, virtual talks and online resources. Our aim is to shift the narrative on Palestine-Israel to one that upholds freedom, justice and equality for Palestinians.

What we’re doing now:  Your contribution helps us to:

  • Build educational trainings on Palestinian rights tailored to the needs of high-impact groups in the UK, like grassroots leaders, trade unions, emerging journalists, and decision-makers
  • Roll out a series of Palestine 101 flash workshops for hundreds of people new to the Palestinian rights movement, introducing them to key concepts like apartheid and settler-colonialism, and building their confidence to talk about Palestine in their communities
  • Grow our reach on social media so that our educational resources can reach tens of thousands more people worldwide

ABOUT VISUALIZING PALESTINE // Visualizing Palestine creates data-led, visual tools that convey a factual, rights based narrative for Palestinian freedom, justice, and equality. Our multidisciplinary team has been working since 2012 to publish resources independently and in partnership with civil society organizations. We steward a large collection of visuals as well as special projects like Visualizing Palestine 101 and Palestine Open Maps. Our latest release, in partnership with Human Rights Watch, visualized how Israeli authorities are committing the crime of apartheid.

What we’re doing now: Your contribution will help Visualizing Palestine advance several specific visuals while also strengthening our core work for the long term:

  • “4 Wars Old: Fourteen Years of Childhood in Gaza” visual
  • “Sheikh Jarrah and the Ongoing Nakba” visual
  • VP Core Visualization: ongoing, year round research and visualization work. We are currently producing a series of visuals on environmental justice in Palestine, exploring how settler colonialism harms the environment of indigenous peoples. We also develop partner-based work with other human rights organizations and have received many requests in light of recent events.

ABOUT GROWTH OF A MOVEMENT // Growth of a Movement documents actions that have shaped the Palestinian-led, global Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement for freedom, justice, and equality. Initiated by organizers and maintained by Visualizing Palestine, the platform now needs a specialized developer to collaborate in bringing it to the next stage, which is why we created a separate fund for the project.  

What we’re doing now: Your contribution will:

  • Enable multiple stakeholders to define priority features to make the platform more user friendly, shareable, and engaging
  • Work with a developer with expertise in interactive data visualization to collaborate in the next phase of the project, and potentially a UX designer as needed

Legal Statuses

Each of the organizations partnering in this joint campaign is a registered non-profit or charity (Makan – UK charity / Al-Shabaka – US charity / Visualizing Impact (Visualizing Palestine) – Canada non-profit). Because your contribution will be split between multiple entities with different legal statuses and countries of operation, it will not be possible to issue a tax receipt for your contribution to this campaign.


By making a donation, you consent to receiving future updates from VP, Al-Shabaka, and Makan. You can opt out at any time. We also strongly urge you to opt in to each organization’s newsletter individually by following the links below. 

