A fun game, great for the environment and with a message for everyone, and who are they?.
It’s simple and fun game with riddles, designed for two players, it is ideal for children and adults due to the unbelievable stile of art.

It´s made with 100% of ecologic and resistant materials, the game board and the game tokens made of wood, the box and the paint were though on the wellness of the planet, we took the strong decision that every element of the game was planet friendly.
This project it´s more than just a simple game, it has a deep meaning that leaves a message that we would love to share with everyone. We took inspiration from the classic game “guess who?”. We wanted that this time all of this important people from history took a principal roll on the game, it didn´t matter their GENDER, SEXUAL PREFERENCE, SKIN COLOR, WHERE THEY CAME FROM, AGE OR THE TIME THEY WERE BORN, they accomplish a great change for humanity and standout in their respective fields, thanks to their intelligence, hard work and courage. All these people that in some way they change the world, and through time they became roll models, they proved that ever single one of us can change the world, and that it´s never to late to learn something new, and all of this game and purpose was planned for the children to learn.
Everyone can learn about the Mexican painter Frida Kahlo, figures of the LGTB+ movement like the German activist, Karl Heinrich Ulrichs o big exponents of Afro-American culture like the American scientist, Katherine Johnson, and from native roots the Guatemalan and Nobel prize winner Rigoberta Menchu, even great man like the inventor Austro-Hungarian and American Nikola Tesla.

Different characters with different professions, famous and also people who are not well known that will surprise you!
The game includes:
2 Game boards made of bamboo (With 7 professions witch one represented with 4 characters)
EXAMPLE WRITERS: Oscar Wilde LGBT, Virginia Woolf woman, James Baldwin Afro-American and William Shakespeare man.
Special cards with information about every single character
A manual of the game
NOTE: If the project wins, it will include more professions and characters.

The idea came to mind from the never-ending search for a gift for my little brother, for his birthday, I searched in a lot of shops in my city for something that he could enjoy and learn at the same time, that was the moment when this idea was born. And who are they? With a couple of friends, the font of the game and the first images were born then we took the decision of making it planet friendly and with a deep meaning.
And you might wonder what was the final outcome? I just can say it is wonderful, when I gave the game to my little brother the first words that came out of his lips were “Who are they?”, a couple days past and he already knew the majority of characters and their accomplishments, it awakened a curiosity for knowledge on him and he also learn the true meaning of the words EQUITY and EQUALITY.

From this outcome my friends encouraged me to launch this project on the platform, in the month of December to be specific it’s the month that everyone its closest to their loved ones and dreams come true what else can I say?
If we get to the goal the money will be for the purchase of the material for the first lot of games, like the bamboo wood, a water jet and a wood printer, the other part of the money will be for the boxes and new characters.