We Are All Broken
Hi and welcome! My name is Antonia Tomao, and I am the CEO & Founder of Antonia’s Promise LLC.
I am launching this Crowdfund Campaign with the hopes of raising money to manufacture more of my current product, the Broken Praying Cross with Angel-inspired Pink Bead, and also launch my new Rosary line.
My goal to make this happen is $85,000.
This money will go towards manufacturing, packaging, shipping, and operational costs. 10% of what I raise from this campaign will be donated to The Covenant House.
If I do not reach the entire goal amount, the money from this campaign will still help ease the cost to manufacture more Broken Cross necklaces and launch my new Rosary line.
I am proud to announce that 10% of the money I earn from this campaign will go to an amazing non-profit charity called:
The Mission:
I believe that in raising this money, I can help give people what they so desperately need at this very moment in time… A relationship with God and The Virgin Mary in a new way, a connection that is relatable with a story of Miracles and Healing. The world right now is broken; we are all broken. It’s okay to be broken; I created my Broken Praying Wood Calvary Cross to give everyone what I once received: a message of Hope, Love, and Healing.
Donations & Perks:
I have set up perks on the side of the campaign page so that you can donate and purchase my crosses. Different level pricing tiers offer unique perks as incentives to help me hit my goal faster. Perk items will be completed and delivered to you at the end of the campaign. Your donations will help me get one step closer to manufacturing more of my crosses and begin manufacturing my new rosary line.
If I don’t reach my entire goal, I will continue to push forward; any money from this campaign will help make manufacturing costs less of a financial burden.
Rosary Prototype;
I am excited to show you my new Rosary prototype. I hope to reach my entire goal so that I can manufacture and sell this product.
The Brand:
“The figure featured on these crosses, broken and bent in prayer, represents all of us and the challenges we face. I hope that wearing these crosses will remind you that you are not alone in your suffering because God is with you. Stay strong in your faith and I promise you, there are brighter days ahead!”
Antonias Story:
All I ever wanted to be was a mom of three. I remember growing up in Brooklyn, NY, and wanting to be an actress; school was never my thing. I struggled greatly. I always loved people and had a connection to them. I could meet someone and the next minute know their whole life story and have helped them with whatever they were facing and made a new friend. When I started my journey, it began with the Virgin Mary and my Rosary given to me by my “Angel.” My Rosary gave me so much Hope, Love, and Comfort. Having my Rosary was a constant reminder that I wasn’t alone and that her sweetness and kindness comforted me always. It made me feel safe. My Rosary now is always with me as a reminder of the struggles that I once faced are no longer with me because I gave it prayer with an open heart. I have made the most beautiful handmade rosaries for people and still do represent her with my bead.
A Message To You, From Antonia
I want to give everyone what I once received, which is a message of Hope, Love, and Healing. My Rosaries will not only be my original creation, but they will also have the Broken Praying Figure Symbol and Pink bead. This will be unique and has never been done before. Let’s all come together and lift each other up. Let’s look to the Lord and ask for help, let’s help ourselves, let’s help each other, Let’s help our children and our children’s children. Let’s teach people about our God. Let’s show them how great our God is. Let’s Bring HOPE back into this world. Let’s give people something to hold onto and look at as a reminder that they are NOT alone and don’t have to do it alone.
The Impact
Feel free to explain more about your campaign and let people know the difference their contribution will make:
- This money is not for me. If you had told me three years ago that I would own my own company and be on a mission to serve God. I’d say you got the wrong girl. But, today, I stand here as a Saved girl telling you that the God we serve is real and Loves you very much; there is nothing he can’t fix if you ask him to. A girl that once was broken. A true story of Healings and Miracles. A true testimony. He has instilled a strength I never knew possible, one that we can all have if we want it. See, most people don’t know how to have that relationship with God. I was one of those people. This will help introduce them, teach them to connect. He wants that relationship with all his children.
- This money has the potential with your help to save lives, lives that need this message. To create something extraordinary for humanity, to hold, touch, see and feel. Something relatable. You can be a part of that. Please make no mistake; there is a reason why you came across this fundraiser or why it led you here. God doesn’t make any mistakes.
Other Ways You Can Help
I understand that some people won’t be able to make monetary contributions, but I ask that you please help me spread the word about my campaign by doing the following.:
- Please help me get the word out and make some noise about my campaign to everyone you know.
- Please use the Indiegogo share tools at the top of the page to help share my campaign on social media!
Any way you help is so much appreciated. My goal to help connect people with their faith in God is very important to me. God bless you all for your kindness and support.