We provides a real “one content, all platforms” app building solutions for non coders.

We are so full of energy where we wanted to share our ideas on how we can make the World better. After all that is what technology is all about. So after 10 years building Mobile Apps with our own platform, over 500.0000 sign-ups globally, paid customers ranging from Start-Ups to Governments, Award for best in class platform, nominee for entrepreneur of the year and deep knowledge about the industry we believe that we have something to say.
In short, we need to put on the innovation hat and dare to be a pioneer again, this is how:
The problem we want to solve:
It’s confusing running a business or organization in terms of all the different digital channels you need to be using to be “alive”. And how many time have you been thinking “Oh my, another one now to take care of. I hardly have time left to run the business it self.”
So we say, skip all that. Focus on what you do best, use less time and cost than you probably do on one of this channels alone today and get them all here. Even better, you can do it yourself. Meaning no more funny invoices taking away your joy anymore after just doing some minor changes.
Website, Mobile App, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and all other leading social media in one solution.
Our Kickstarter project:
About us and our history:
What started with a freemium, $9 per month easy to use drag and drop DIY (Do it yourself) web based app builder platform in 2010, has developed into a really big system, complex and advanced to meet paying B2B (business sales).
So as sales now primary is done via “we build, and the customer just maintain themself” using still the DIY dashboard. So your are probably wondering why don’t they just build it them self?
We have become too good for ourself good. Meaning too many options for most people to understand and get the real value from. Leaving our few own consultants in the middle that understand the full platform and prepare our own build team. We have big goals and did not start building our own platform for this only. So we need your help!
Kickstarter goal:
1. Build out new awesome technology over our current platform and become the “Oracle” within digital publication.
Making it accessible , affordable and natural to use for anyone from big Government or enterprise, to small and medium sized businesses or just a easy weeding publication etc… We wan’t it all!
2. Become the first Norwegian unicorn (A unicorn is a privately held startup company valued at over $1 billion) in history. Our neighbors Sweden, Denmark, UK etc have got it.. It’s time for Norway now to do the same and to show the World that our brains is more then just oil and gas. And the time to change is now and someone should take the lead of where we put our money moving forward.
Plan and stages:
This Kickstarter campaign will cover stage 1.
Stage 1: The big push.
One content, all platforms February – March 2020
Develop new dashboard for handling more channels as the one we have today is primary for Mobile Apps.
Develop HD Web, social media and App style from the same content.
Develop One button publish to Facebook Fan page (New API).
Develop One button publish to WordPress
Develop One button connect to your domain from the major providers for easy connecting as your Webpage. Give ability to buy domain directly from dashboard.
Develop One button publish content to the social media VK (100 million users in Europe).
Develop new front page and videos telling our new story.
Stage 2:
Develop awesome and next generation SEO tools for our customers.
Develop One button publish to WeeChat (Social media platform with over 1 billion users in China)
Develop the App dashboard. Meaning that you would be able to make your own App, website and manage your social pages fully from a mobile phone.
Open up our API to developers and connect to even more services.
Develop industry partnership strategies to grow fast (Ex leading Domain providers, yellow pages, newsletter, SaaS, accounting software etc etc..).
Set up International sales centre, develop and implement AI learning for new users, sales and help automatisation based on user actions.
…and more. We also want to hear back from you about what you would like to add.


Some of our solutions powered by our current platform for Mobile Apps:
1. Create form and checklist apps.
2. Food ordering system and app.
3. Make GEO checkin counter app for hiking, rewards etc…
4. Make radio station apps.
5. How to maintain it
…..and a lot more. We see that 95% of any Mobile App recruitment out there can be built with the ready made bricks, functions and settings of the Appsmakerstore platform.

The market:
We don’t believe the Apps platform «train» is gone, as pure App builders are getting funding all the time still:
1. Kickstarter latest November 2019 with ca 500.000 EUR via 3 rounds in 2019 and their MVP ( minimum viable product (MVP) is a concept from Lean Startup that stresses the impact of learning in new product development.)
2. Bizness Apps was sold to Think3 in 2018
3. Fuse from Norway got 18M USD for App building platform for coders in 2017
The global App market alone is valued at 407 billion by 2026, read more here
it’s really a bigger opportunity for us here.

We know after all our business (B2B) talks with clients for 10 years now for Appsmakerstore that it’s a big opportunity for «one content, all platforms». Meaning publication of a full Website, Apps and Social media making life more easy and effective for people and not only apps. As most people now think all this web, social, apps, emails, etc.. It’s too much. They just want a simple and clean service and great if it can do all.
In a matter of fact more and more of our sales involve website and app also from our platform. And today we do that on using our own BETA Webpage and linking the content from our platform up to WordPress. The result is really impressive, check yourself some examples:

Native App and information sync to WordPress. Our plan is to develop this into a simple one button plugin publish button. Also opening up our function to the WordPress community driving customers into Apps also on our platform.
2. Live and fully on our BETA for Website.

The App as webpage over is fully BETA Webpage module powered by the Appsmakerstore platform and technology. The design was made for Windows tiles UI/UX that is very good for touch screens. But we should improve and build out with many more styles as design changes fast and a lot.
About the new development from this campaign:
To improve you need to be able to go into yourself and sometimes it can hurt, “buhuhu but we made this”:) But let’s be honest, a very few can make it like this them self and this we must change as they ALL should be able to build themself with no help needed. The details is in the devil they say and we know that we are a few steps away.
Together we must make it impossible to fail for our DIY clients and make it full cross platform supporting all the major platform out there with easy publication steps.
Our goal is that anyone from as young as 9 or grown up as 75 years old, with or without disabilities as ADHD, visually impaired, dyslexic, colorblind etc should be able to make a beautiful app, webpage and social media page within 1 hour. For this we need to improve our tools helping our customers make their own awesome product.
The Appsmakerstore strategy also goes hand in hand with how we can see other major player in ex the newsletter industry MailChimp has started to talk about their product «All-in-One Marketing Platform – Mailchimp» Their yearly revenue here is 700M USD. And their branding from being a platform to send mails to becoming all in one marketing has just happened.
“The space for web, apps and social media in one solution is open, there is no one there today and it’s really crazy to see still. Try to search yourself, there is no company doing this like we can. “
This means that we can offer something that providers like Wix (150 million users in 190 countries), Squarespace, Bizness Apps etc don’t have. As all their clients needs other providers and as I know clients now want it all, but from one provider.
“SaaS development has become one of the most reasonable and frequently applied business tactics for the new software product launch. Its popularity is growing extremely fast along with the number of advantages to be chosen for.”
Read here what SaaS have now and is changing the way we think about development https://existek.com/blog/saas-development-complete-guide/
“From only 12% of businesses using cloud-based apps in 2008, 73% of businesses will be using SaaS-powered applications in 2020.”
The latest trend of Website, Apps and progressive website for SaaS market https://financesonline.com/2019-saas-industry-market-report/
Support our case becoming the leading “one content, all platforms” for making mobile apps, website and social media pages easy for everyone to get and create without any coder or consultants directly themself.
Thank you and looking forward to be continuing the journey together.