“NEON GODS” – The heroes we worship are not the ones saving us.
“Neon Gods” to their adoring public, ARC ATHENA is the super powered team that the world is desperate for. Curated by the global tech and entertainment giant known as ARC, each member represents the most aspirational hero that public polling data can provide. Athena’s roster consists of characters whose powers are bombastically perfect for their obsessed audience but yield very low stopping force- everything is for “The Show”.
On the other side of the coin is ARC POSEIDON, the dark secret no one wants to believe exists. They are the lethal ARC mechanism used to extinguish threats so that the world can sleep soundly in their beds. The team operates behind the scenes with brutal force and without fanfare. Each member of the team has impressive power sets, abilities and technology that makes them equipped to combat larger-than-life villains and events.
Part 1 of a a SIX ISSUE SCIENCE FICTION MINISERIES from illustrator/storyteller Eric Canete (TRON Uprising). Find out what happens when a beloved, focus-group approved public team encounter their cloak-and-dagger counterparts who do the REAL dirty work.
- Art and Story by Eric Canete
- Colors by Giuliano Peratelli (Sovereign Wolf)
- Letters by Eric Weathers (Battle Brick Road)
- Edited by Joe Fulton (The Lucent)
- Distributed by Iconic Comics
We are proud to be under the Iconic Comics imprint: from Kickstarter to IndieGoGo (Kamen America, Black Hops) as well as independent titles (Soulfinder) that go to direct sales, Iconic Comics has maintained a 2 year track record of on time delivery, quality printing and packaging, and showcasing some of the greatest talent in independent comics.
- FIVE out of SIX issues are FINISHED
- Delivery in FOUR MONTHS
ARC ATHENA 01 – 7×10.5in 64 pages, Full Color Cover and Interior
PREMIUM PRODUCT – This book will be bound in hardcover with spot UV and 64 pages in total (48-50 pages of story with 12-13 pages of supplemental material such as concept art, character designs, work-in-progress pencil versions of the pages, etc.) We believe that by giving you behind-the-scenes access, it will help immerse you in the world of ARC ATHENA.
- “DROP” 2021 Art Book
- ARC ATHENA01 BLACK & WHITE Artist Edition
“DROP” 2021 Art Book – 9x12in 64 pages, Full Color Cover and Interior
ADVANCED SCHEDULING – I have already completed the B&W line art for FIVE of the six issues. We are AHEAD OF SCHEDULE; currently coloring pages for Book 2 and writing dialogue for Book 6.
ARC ATHENA01 B&W Artist Edition – 11x17in, 54 pages. Color Cover w/ SpotUV, B&W Interior
EXCLUSIVE to the first 1,000 backers: you will receive a complimentary ARC ATHENA X KAMEN AMERICA print, featuring the artwork of both Eric Canete and Timothy Lim! Iconic Comics is proud to be launching two books on the same day, at the same time, on two different platforms: Kickstarter for KAMEN AMERICA and IndieGoGo for Arc Athena! Head over to Kickstarter and pledge to KAMEN AMERICA to receive the complimentary print featuring the same characters at a different angle!
From the end of the 30-day campaign, that’s how long it will take for you to get your book(s) if you live in the U.S. (International is variable). We are using THE BEST company in fulfillment and they will deliver quickly. Due to the timing of release, this campaign WILL *NOT* GO INTO IN-DEMAND.
THANK YOU for backing our project!
All physical items come with an automatically generated tracking number e-mailed to you once the label is printed. We will offer replacements for any lost or damaged item. We will NOT offer refunds / replacements for books that we track as “DELIVERED”, as it is your word against ours that any form of theft has occurred. Should this happen, please file a complaint with your local UPS / USPS / FEDEX provider.
We are not responsible for missing parcels after 3 months from the day they are sent out: that is when tracking information is no longer available to us, and it becomes the customer’s word against our fulfillment that a package was not sent. Please read our fulfillment policies very carefully so that there is no confusion later on.
We also cannot guarantee the sending of products 3 months after the last package is sent out. Part of our on-time delivery is that customers are responsible for updating their addresses in a timely manner. We cannot hold on to parcels on behalf of backer who do not provide an address or whose packages get returned to us due to a wrong address entered at checkout: at some point, we liquidate our stock to make room for new books. While we try to accommodate all backers, we cannot guarantee either the quality of the book sent or that there will be books available after the fulfillment timeframe is completed. PLEASE ENTER YOUR ADDRESS CORRECTLY & MONITOR ALL UPDATES in the month leading up to expected delivery. We will make an announcement to lock in all updated shipping addresses before fulfillment begins.