This is a finishing funds campaign to complete post production of Arena Wars. 60K new stretch goal.
**STRETCH GOAL NOW $60,000!** We completed sixteen days of principle photography for Arena Wars in early June 2021. The entire movie is shot and in the can. We just need your help to raise an additional $60,000 to complete post-production of the film!
SYNOPSIS: In 2045 convicted criminals are given the choice of lethal injection or they can compete in the Fight Dome. Contestants have to survive seven arenas with different killers. If anyone survives they win their freedom.
Below is the trailer for Night of the Tommyknockers western horror film. We wrapped production on February 3rd, 2021 and the first cut has already been assembled. It will be released world-wide in 2022.
Below is the trailer for Attack of the Unknown starring Richard Grieco, Robert LaSardo and Tara Reid. It’s now available on all major VOD platforms and on Blu-ray! It was released in over 22 countries on a deal with Fox Network Asia. Sony Pictures in Germany is about to release the movie as well.
Check out these great reviews of Attack of the Unknown!
Below is the teaser for Death Count starring Michael Madsen and Costas Mandylor. We filmed this during the pandemic and the movie is completely shot and in the can. The movie has been edited and the only thing that remains is the custom music score and the CGI/VFX work. It will be completed in approximately 90 days.

Here is the teaser for Bloodthirst starring Costas Mandylor, Robert LaSardo and Tara Reid. The movie got a Lionsgate deal and will be released later this year in 2021. We are just waiting for the release date from Lionsgate.

Here is the teaser for Bridge of the Doomed zombie film. A new trailer will be edited in a month or so. We hired a new editing company to re-edit the first half of the film. The same company that edited Night of the Tommyknockers and Bloodthirst is now editing Bridge of the Doomed. It will be in post production for another 90 days. There is a lot of extensive CGI/VFX work. The movie will be released world-wide by end of 2021.
Bridge of the Doomed was featured on the front page of InkTip Magazine!
Below is the trailer for Art of the Dead starring Jessica Morris, Tara Reid and Richard Grieco. Walmart picked up over 16,000 copies of the film. It was well received by the critics!

Below is the trailer for Bus Party to Hell starring Tara Reid. The movie got in over 18,500 redbox locations around the United States. It was very well received in the horror community and became a cult classic! It’s also available on EPIX network.