ART = Authentic * Respect * Transformation – Pathway for Prison Reform from the Inside Out
Call to Action. Would you please help our cause by purchasing a book and sending it to the Department of Corrections and prison Wardens nationwide?
We need you and all interested in supporting, approving, and implementing a change to allow inmates to make money selling their art to pay their restitution, child support, and other societal debts. At the same time, the program Art for Redemption would also allow inmates to have dollars to stay in touch with family and friends; the potential to build savings for when they are released supports the significant goal of reducing recidivism.
We have worked with Executive Director Dean Williams her win Colorado to put those changes in place. He is writing the fwd of the book and a letter addressed to these individuals on why he has made those changes here in Colorado, hoping to get others to do the same.
Our coffee table book is what we believe will be the best way to showcase the art and the words of this program and opportunity. The American criminal justice system holds almost 2.3 million people in 1,833 state prisons, 110 federal prisons. It’s too many people, a crumbling old model of justice, and our Prison System must reform. (Mass Incarceration: The Whole Pie 2020 | Prison Policy Initiativehttps://www.prisonpolicy.org › reports › pie2020)
- Art for Redemption is a network of individuals seeking to connect and bridge friends, families, Prison Administrators, and other interested parties to create pathways of success from the “inside out” through art production. The organization was founded by a formerly incarcerated individual who believed there was a way to celebrate the artistic talent “inside” and to encourage financial accountability of art producing inmates through the potential sale of their works towards paying restitution, child support, commissary, phone calls, J-Pay fees (institutional email), and even potentially be savings to support reintegration once released. Colorado approved vendor status for Art for Redemption to support achieving these goals.
- Our campaign is to build awareness and financial support to produce our coffee table book featuring Works of Art from the incarcerated, letters from Prison Administrators regarding this initiative’s breakthrough opportunity. These efforts and outcomes directly support family members in their challenges regarding the stigma and hardship they experience when loved ones are incarcerated. It also supports reduced recidivism by supporting pathways of success and growth through the experience in the justice system. We are looking to broaden and strengthen our network through financial support. We believe this effort is critical to prison reform and social justice.
- Your contribution will be a part of transforming pathways through the justice system and support prison reform. By expanding and broadening awareness and support, we can support those who can learn from their mistakes and participate in our civil society as a part of the greater community. We hope you will join us.
What We Need & What You Get
- $25,000 will produce the book into a printable file. This includes all the layout, editorial writing, etc…
- $25,000 for operational funds for the company. This will get us more robust Print On Demand (POD) and NFT platforms and funds to communicate with the artist, social media marketing, etc…
- $500 – book with an original artwork that is showcased in the book (50 Available)
- $165 – Buy a book send a book to a warden or DOC head (2000 Available)
- $170 – Buy a book send a book to an artist/(or family member) that is in the book (includes shipping) (100 Available)
- $80 Book with shipping (100 Available)
- $30 AFR T-shirt
- $25 – Mural Print w/ Augmented Reality (AR) tech
What if we don’t meet our goal? If we don’t reach our entire goal – the book will scale down from 100 artists to the number that we can produce with funds raised
The Impact
Breaking through the stigmas, preconceived ideas about what it means when someone has been incarcerated. Incarceration is a big, scary, large encompassing word. Prison triggers broad ranges of imagination about what it is like. Breaking down stigmas and uncovering potential opportunities to diminish incarceration by reducing recidivism.
The personal and human impact is that this effort opens up the conversation around how incarceration impacts the individual and the community, family, and friends. This project aims to provide a sense of possibility and something to work on, something to share. It is an opportunity to help people stay in touch, maintain, and potentially build a support system that is deeply needed when released.
Revenue earned by the Artists from the sales of their works would:
- Restitution payment for victims
- Child support – if there is
- Build some financial independence while serving time to reduce the further drain on the family eco-system
Founder, Buck Adams, has a track record of bringing concepts to fruition with previous ventures, Veterans to Farmers, circle fresh farms, and other endeavors. In each case, the commitment to new models and service to the community has met needs and demands.
- But for building trust in relationships through hardships like experiencing prison, anyone could find themselves alone. Buck Adams’ desire to share lessons from his experience in prison to support others navigating their experience has been built from his gratefulness to his friends and family. All involved learn, heal and hope for a better future ahead. We are grateful for the support that will come from this campaign.
Risks & Challenges
Not everyone likes people who have been to prison. Some feel that they deserve whatever comes to them due to their infractions. We hope that through the art and conversations of the artists’ diverse backgrounds, we could open people’s minds to be open to potential ways to support successful reintegration and participation in community good. There are few incarcerated people who do not seek a second chance. We hope this effort will support those who have learned from their mistakes and want to be a part of the community at large as contributors.
- Art for Redemption has built support of individuals inside and outside of Prison. Administrators in the Prison system believe this project to be a pathway worth supporting.
- We will continue to be open to dialogue, criticism, learning, sharing, and transparency. These are the building blocks for any kind of trust.
Other Ways You Can Help
- Would you please share with your friends and networks? We are relying on our supporters to share what we are doing.
Website: https://www.artforredemption.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artforredemption/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ArtforRedemptionCo/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/ArtforRedempt/_saved/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/artforredempt
Press on Art for Redemption: