$3,102,777 raised out of $1,000,000
Start date
Feb 18, 2022
Close date
Feb 19, 2022

This concept is coming from teaching of Shintoism.
It says that Myriads of Gods dwell in all things.


I want to express the highest level of beauty of the Gods found in nature for all generations to see. 

That is the pure essence of my feelings as a photographer.

©︎Nobuyuki Kobayashi


[ Portrait of Nature  ~ Myriads of Gods ~ ]

Since ancient times, Japanese people have built culture and values of their own through loving, honoring and making the effort to coexist with nature. However, since the Meiji restoration or rapid economic growth after the World War, I feel that peoples’ faith in nature and their belief that myriads of god dwell in all things is fading. Even from the recent raised voices of environmental damages, it is obvious if we look for its origins, that this is because of loss of respect and heartfelt appreciation of nature. The custom is almost completely forgotten now, that water is a source of life, and mountains as well as rocks and trees are dwelled by gods.

Where did the coexisting living go- when nature allowed humans to live, and humans cared with respect to sustaining nature?

Where has the value and aesthetics of Japanese people gone, often presented by ‘gracefulness’?

Now, the world is urged to find ways by which to achieve both economic growth and protection of the environment, and the perspectives of nature rooted in Japan, may provide a clue – and it is while embracing such thoughts and facing nature, that this work was born.

Also, by discovering gods in these objects that are in front of me, those landscapes are now reborn as work. Even as we live in the time of destruction and development, they are untouched by those ‘hands’ and in an it could even be said that our ancestors may have seen the same landscape and might have discovered gods in the same place. Thinking this way, I feel the flow of continuous and majestic time. I even have the sense of closeness.

That is why, I continue to capture them.

Because I believe that this should be told and passed on to the next generation who may share a similar sense of feeling to mine.

Therefore, I print, using Platinum, which is the most stable metal on earth, apply on Washi produced in the same way today since one thousand three hundred years ago. 
   It is believed that, with the special characteristics of both, it will not cause any secular change thus these prints will live for thousands of years.

To express this in a different way, the landscapes that were seen by our ancestors, brought joy to myself, living in this contemporary era and by capturing them, it is an act of passing it on to people living one thousand years later.

In a world after a hundred years, two hundred years, or even one thousand years, I hope that abundant nature still exists and by looking at the same objects, they will feel the same joy – this is my wish.


During the production of this book

“Quiet Beauty”

For the publication of my previous photobook, I was driven by the opposition to excessive economic activities, the worries about the loss of ancient Japanese beliefs, and the desire to preserve the progressively disappearing beauty of nature. I was able to publish that book thanks to the help and support of many people, which allowed me to manifest a physical expression of those feelings.

Perhaps because of that, far exceeding the initial expectations, people of all ages from over 29 countries purchased that photobook.

Stopping the destruction of nature and the searching for a way to coexist with it are now common goals which are essential for humankind.

It was a great pleasure for me to be able to share my thoughts with many people.

Thus, on this occasion, I would like to say big thanks from the bottom of my heart to you all that purchased the previous photobook.

Since then, I have continued to create works with the same theme for 27 years.

Seven years have passed since the previous publication, and now the second volume has finally been published.

The main theme and objects are same as previous book “Portrait of Nature ~Myriads of Gods~”, but the subtitle is “Yu-Gen ~Quiet Beauty~”.

This word is one of the foundations of Japanese culture in various art fields and symbolizes a particular type of Japanese beauty.

The meaning of Yu-Gen is defined as “a noble and graceful thing that is deep and immeasurable”.

In assuming such an aesthetic concept as the title of the book, there was some concern that it was too exaggerated.

But the more I thought about it, the more I knew that this word would be perfect for expressing the particular aesthetic sense of the Japanese people in my work of copying the portraits of the gods.

This is because Yu (幽) means “faint and quiet”, and Gen (玄) means “profound reason”.

The eloquent yet tranquil trees, the mossy and enshrined rocks, the deep, clear water that flows endlessly. Standing alone in such nature and confronting such scenery, the word Yu-Gen and its meaning just perfectly fit the phenomenon unfolding before my eyes.

The style of the words is also expressed in the ancient form of the Japanese characters.

Just as I feel inspiration from nature when I take pictures, my art director would like people who see this photobook to “feel and think about the wisdom of humankind born from coexistence with nature.”

In addition, the word Yu-Bi that I have always treasured is also included and implied within the meaning of the word Yu-Gen.

In other words, rising up to the level of the word Yu-Gen is also a manifestation of my desire to aim for something even higher than Yu-Bi.

I want to express the highest level of beauty of the gods found in nature for all future generations to see.

That is the pure essence of my feelings as a photographer, which has been passed down from my previous works.

That I am able to come across places that send goosebumps all over my body and that I am able to take a picture of that moment, neither of which are things that come along by accident but are opportunities given by heaven, for me these are deserving of the highest form of gratitude.

Therefore, when shooting, I always keep my gaze intensely focused on the shutter so that even those feelings come across into the film itself.

In this book, we hope that you will feel something special from the many works produced in this way and enjoy each one with an understanding of how it came to be.

Total cover design system of the book.





Art-book ———-


・One signed copy of the book:           9,000JPY

 1 : Portrait of Nature ~Myriads of Gods~

          “Quiet Beauty”  

   ※This is the 2nd book of the “Portrait of Nature ~Myriads of Gods~” as series.

   Hardback large book (307×307mm), Included 62 works, Monochrome (triple-tone print).

The front surface and the back surface.

The contents in the book.



・One signed copy of the book

                  with special Washi cover:   12,000JPY

 1 : Portrait of Nature ~Myriads of Gods~

          “Quiet Beauty”  

 2 : Limited special over-book-cover by

           hand made Washi paper with watermark.

   The over-cover has the edition number, Hardback large book (307×307mm),

      Included 62 works, Monochrome (triple-tone print).


※Production process of the limited over-book-cover with watermark



・Two signed copies of the books

                                   as combination:    16,000JPY

 1 : Portrait of Nature ~Myriads of Gods~

          “Quiet Beauty”  

 2 : Portrait of Nature ~Myriads of Gods~

   This is combination set of the 1st book and the 2nd book as series.

     1 : Portrait of Nature ~Myriads of Gods~ “Quiet Beauty” 

     Hardback large book (307×307mm), Included 62 works, Monochrome (triple-tone print).


      2 : Portrait of Nature ~Myriads of Gods~

   Hardback large book (307×307mm), Included 62 works, Monochrome (double-tone print).



Art-book + Print works ———-


・One signed copy of the book with special

    Washi cover and limited size of the platinum

    print works:                                         80,000JPY

 1 : Portrait of Nature ~Myriads of Gods~

          “Quiet Beauty”  

 2 : Limited special over-book-cover by

           hand made Washi paper with watermark.

 3 : Limited size of the original print works

    This is ideal combination of the book and the real print works.

    The print works is made by Platinum Palladium Print on Washi paper.

       ※Washi / Hosokawa paper : Japanese traditional Kozo paper)

    It is 6 kinds in total.      #1 : 幽玄 / Yuugen,      #2 : 神威 5 / Kamui 5,      #3 : 生動 / Seidou,

                                                   #4 : 界 2 / Kai 2,           #5 : 貴 / Ki,                          #6 : 響 / hibiki.

    Signed with edition number (edition is 5), Limited 5×7 inch image size, 

    Platinum Palladium Print on Washi paper with 30×30 cm non-acid book-mat.


    #1 : 幽玄 / Yuugen





    #2 : 神威 5 / Kamui 5





    #3 : 生動 / Seidou




    #4 : 界 2 / Kai 2




    #5 : 貴 / Ki




    #6 : 響 / hibiki





Special privilege only for now!!

For all backers! I will give six pieces of these postcards!! ※Sorry, you can’t choose it…





I can deliver it to worldwide! 

Simply select your pledge option and your location, and Kickstarter will calculate the shipping for you.

Due to complications to logistics caused by the corona-virus, some delays may occur about the shipment.

Parcels will ship from Japan, and I am not responsible for any customs fees that may be incurred for your individual country. Parcels will be marked as “book”.

Approximate shipping charge :

USA  : EMS for 4900JPY, Small Parcel for 2350JPY

Europe : Small Packet by Air for 2350JPY

Canada : I am so afraid, there is no handling to Canada right now…

Australia : Small Parcel by Ship for 2350JPY

Middle East, New Zealand : Small Packet by Air for 2350JPY

All Asia, India : Small Packet by Air for 1860JPY

Russia : Small Packet by Ship for 1600JPY (without tracking number)

Others : 3160JPY 〜


Rough plan of the shipment schedule :

I will send it out in around a week after receiving an order.




Our team


Photographer : Nobuyuki Kobayashi

It’s me.

・My Official Web Site : http://zenne-inc.com 

・My works were given a big headline and a web exhibition was established in The Guardian(UK) :  https://www.theguardian.com/

・Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/nobuyuki.kobayashi.75 

・Facebook Works : https://www.facebook.com/Nobuyuki.Kobayashi.Works 

・Instagram : nobu8x10

※ Please refer to the following about my profile.


Art Director : Eiichiro Kato

                            Eiichiro Kato

・Blog :   http://eekato.exblog.jp

・Portfolio :   https://lettered21.myportfolio.com

※ Please refer to the following about his profile.


〜 About using of the ancient characters 〜

The words designed for this book are the inscriptions on bones and tortoise carapaces, Chinese bronze inscriptions and small seal script that are made a prototype of the Kanji used in China.

I reproduced those by the shape that connects with the Kanji used in present Japan.

I think that is only a Kanji that the previous character is used even now for more than 3,000 years in the world.

So, I adopted it and designed it for Mr. Nobuyuki Kobayashi.

Because I was convinced that agreed with a motif of him who pursues an invariable theme.

Especially, it’s the hieroglyph which inscriptions on animal bones and tortoise carapaces were used for a report to God.




◎ Nobuyuki Kobayashi Profile

Born in Yokoze Town, Saitama Prefecture, Japan in 1970. After becoming independent in 1993, I had been shooting mainly portraits and fashion photography for advertisement and magazines. In 2001, I learned the basics of fine arts and alternative printing techniques in New York. I utilized Hosokawa-paper (Japanese traditional washi paper) for the support of those prints. I have combined Hosokawa-paper with platinum palladium printing techniques, which has succeeded in creating a graceful and unique atmosphere in my works. Since 2005, I have had opportunities to present my works in various countries in Europe, and 15,000 people visited my solo exhibition held in 2014. The following year, in 2015, I held exhibitions at 8 locations in 5 countries, and I have been announcing new works every year since then. The style of my work and the philosophy of it have attracted many people and have received favorable reception, not only domestically but also internationally. My authored works are “Portrait of Nature ~Myriads of Gods~” and “Portrait of Nature ~Myriads of Gods~ Quiet Beauty”.


– Host of the Shooting of “funeral pictures” event “Oh!? Ie-i!!” (2006 – )

– APA Japan Advertising Photographer’s Association official member (2009 – )

– The 3.11 Portrait picture project representative (2011 – )

– The Federation of Economic Organization seminar lecturer (2011 – 2017)

– Advisor for the Photography Department of Togo Memorial Hall (2015 – )

– JiLLA Japan Illustration Association, Photography seminar lecturer (2016 – )


Awards and Achievements ———-

2001: Winner of the “Japanese Printing Industry Joint Association Award” at the 52nd National

            calendar Exhibition (Japan)

2002: Winner of the “Japanese Printing Industry Joint Association Award” at the 53rd National

             calendar Exhibition (Japan)

2003: Winner of “Lambda Award” at the 88th Nika Exhibition (Japan)

2009: Selected in “50 Great Photographers you should know” on Hongkiat.com (USA)

2010: Featured on DUDYE the Creative Warrior site (USA)

2011: Selected in “44 Cutting Edge Photographers” at 44th Anniversary of National Photo・

           Launch of Kodak Negative Color Portra 160 (Japan)

        : Special feature of photography work and the project after the Great Eastern Earthquake

           by NHK TV broadcast (Japan)

2012: NHK TV broadcasted once again on the project for special feature of the project in the

            reconstruction effort (Japan)

          : The Iei (funeral pictures) shooting project was featured in the economy documentary

             TV program “Dawn of Gaia” (Japan)

2015: “Portrait of Nature Myriads of Gods” was shown in the Cannes Film Festival (France)

          : Hanging scroll works were exhibited in Japanese pavilion of the Milan World Expo (Italy)

2016: My works and my philosophy were greatly brought up in these media. PetaPixel (USA),

            Actphoto / grainedephotographe (France) , Outdoor Magazine (UK) etc

2017: My works were given a big headline and a web exhibition was established

            in The Guardian (United Kingdom)

2018: My artist activities were featured in the TV program “Kokoro-no-Engine”(Japan)

2020: Featured on Photo Basel as new upcoming artist in their interview archives


          : Collaboration work was made with “Asics” @ Flagship store Bangkok (Thailand)

          : Collaboration work was made with “HELLY HANSEN” @ Cocoon city (Japan)

          : Special feature interview brought up in “The Hand Magazine” (USA)


Solo Exhibition History and Art Fairs ———-

2005: Art Fair “Paris Photo”, exhibited 12 items by Hamiltons Gallery (France)

2007: Solo exhibition “Natural images” @ Gallery Fukka (Japan)

2009: Collaboration exhibition “Dialogues” @ Sendai Media Park (Japan)

           : Group exhibition by photographers at Angkor Hospital for Children

             “smiles of Cambodia” @ JICA Yokohama Gallery (Japan)

           : Red Cross photo exhibition “Believe in Tomorrow” hosted by Japan Red Cross

             @ Yurakucho Asahi Gallery (Japan)

2011: Solo exhibition “Nature Feel’ @ Blitz Gallery (Japan)

         : Group exhibition “Photography Exhibition by 44 Cutting Edge Photographers”

           @ Kodak Photo Gallery (Japan)

2012: Solo exhibition “Photography World of Nobuyuki Kobayashi”

            @ Cardif Head Office Gallery (France) 

          : Solo exhibition “Photography World of Nobuyuki Kobayashi”

            @ Saitama Traditional Craft Center (Japan)

2014: Solo exhibition “Portrait of Nature” @ SUHO Memorial Paper Museum (Taiwan)

         : Solo exhibition “Portrait of Nature”

           @ Northern Photographic Center and another 6 venues (Finland),

           Supported by the Japanese Embassy in Finland Subsidized on

           “The Scandinavia -Japan Sasakawa Foundation”

2015: [Made in.] featuring Kobayashi Works Expo

            @ Rooms 30 International Trade Show (Japan)

         : Solo exhibition “Portrait of Nature” @ Absolut Klassik Museum (Taiwan)

         : Solo exhibition “Portrait of Nature” @ gallery TRAX (Japan)

         : Joint exhibition “Portrait of Nature” @ Museum De Buitenplaats(Holland)

         : Group exhibition “Taipei Art+” @ Songshan Cultural and Creative Park (Taiwan)

2016: Art Fair “Art Shopping” @ Le Carrousel du Louvre Paris (France)

2017: Solo exhibition “Portrait of Nature” @ Sway Gallery London (UK)

         : Solo exhibition “Portrait of Nature” Part 1 @ Sway Gallery Paris (France)

2018: Solo exhibition “Portrait of Nature” Part 2 @ Sway Gallery Paris (France)

         : Solo exhibition “Portrait of Nature” @ Lomography Embassy Gijon (Spain)

         : Art Fair “Winter Blossom Fair ” featuring the artists of East Asia @ China Exchange (UK)

2019: Invited International Photographic Festival “Revela-T” @ Barcelona (Spain)

          : Art Fair “Contemporary Photo Salon 2019” @ Taipei World Trade Center (Taiwan)

          : Solo exhibition “Portrait of Nature New works” @ Sway Gallery London (United Kingdom)

2020: Solo exhibition “Portrait of Nature” @ Gallery of University of Veracruz, Xalapa (Mexico)

          : Group exhibition “Wabi – Sabi” @ IBASHO gallery (Belgium)

          : Art Fair “photo basel” with IBASHO gallery @ Flughafen Tempelhof Hangar (Germany)

          : Art Fair “PHOTO LONDON” with IBASHO gallery @ PHOTO LONDON (United Kingdom)

2021: Art Fair “PHOTO LONDON” with IBASHO gallery @ PHOTO LONDON (United Kingdom)

          : Solo exhibition “Portrait of Nature ~Yu-Gen / Quiet Beauty~” @ Gallery Tosei (Japan)



◎ Eiichiro Kato Profile

1980: Tokyo YMCA design research center graduation

            Studied under Mr. Hideo Yamashita (present, Pedro Yamashita)

1985: Studied under Mr. Kuni Kizawa

1991: Became a freelance

1991〜1992: In charge of art direction and a design of the magazine

                         of the economic world “revives!”

1993〜2015: In charge of art direction and a design of the PR brochure for “cartopia” of SUBARU

1994〜: In charge of art direction and a design of the PR brochure for 

                “quarterly, detective defense” by Modern humanities company

Mainly is art direction and the design of a magazine and PR brochure, I also deal with a poster and CI (logo mark making). I start making of the graphic art in 2013. I am producing calendars specialized in printed matter.


Prize ———-

Selected at the 1st  “Japanese Digital Art Contest”

Selected at the 1st  “Tokyo cover designs award”

Winner of the “Merit prize” at the 3X3(USA) No.11 Picture Book Show

Selected at the “Tokyo Skytree Art 2016”

Others:  selected various prize


Exhibition ———-

The New Year plan “[Year of the Serpent] International Poster Exhibition” (Taiwan)

Monster train 2013 “Hommage exhibition to Maurice Sendak” (Italy, Osaka)

2014 International Design Invitation Exhibition(South Korea)



Main client ———-

Apple、Philips、Eisai、ORIX、HONDA、SUBARU、SONY、HITACHI、JSR、Pioneer、Takara Tommy、BANDAI、Syougakukan、SKY PerfecTV!  etc



Immediate risks and problems


〜 Logistics Delays 〜

We are influenced by COVID-19 currently. That’s why some delays may occur about the shipment (transportation) of the book. And also there is a possibility to make a difference about transportation fee. Please give us your understanding about those points.


〜 Value Added Tax and Customs Duty 〜

Your order may be subject to VAT and import duties, If you want to order this from outside of Japan.

