A modern clock that displays time through literary quotes every minute—this is time reimagined.
Author Clock transforms checking the time into a whimsical event, transporting you into key moments in literature and writing history. Containing thousands of quotes from a diverse range of authors, Author Clock is a creative and inspiring way to tell time. If you love a good book and great story, this is the clock for you.
Author Clock contains over 2,000 quotes from authors spanning six centuries. Never have a dull moment, discover something new with every glance.
We’re always looking for new quotes from different authors that can help us diversify our time-telling materials. When you back the crowdfunding campaign, we’ll provide you with a space to submit the quotes you’ve discovered!
The large Author Clock was designed for your wall or bookshelf. It’s readable from across the room from 10 feet away.
The small Author Clock was designed for your desk. It’s readable from across your desk from 3 feet away.
Author Clock’s premium e-reader screen reads like paper and uses zero blue light. It has no glare even when faced with direct sunlight and won’t disturb your sleep because it is not overly bright at night.
Author Clock lets you leave its charger cable where it belongs—in the drawer. Just charge Author Clock once every 3 weeks for the small version, or every 2 months for the large, and you can freely display it anywhere you like without worrying about cable management.
Below are two videos of the Author Clock prototypes in action. In the first video, you can see the time change between 3:09 to 3:10, and then an interaction with the brass crown to set the time to 3:53 pm.
In the second video, there is a walkthrough of Author Clock’s features and settings.
Shipping and Fulfillment will be handled by Easyship Collect. Due to the current volatility of shipping costs, shipping payments will be collected well after the end of the campaign, close to our ship date. This will allow us to present the most accurate and up-to-date prices to pass savings on to you, our valued backers.
In that survey you will be able to:
- Pay for shipping costs on the spot
- Choose from three different carriers: Cheapest, Fastest, Hybrid(Best Value)
- Pay for taxes and duties (if due) on the spot as well to avoid delays.
- Have the ability to add shipping insurance to the package
We want to be responsible with the materials we’re consuming to create the Author Clock. For every clock purchased, we’ll plant a tree that will replace the wood used for our housing and may one day become the pages of your next favorite book.
We’re the Author Clock team. Two years ago, we set out to create a unique clock that would help inspire people to read more and discover new authors and genres. We have had some great previous experiences with crowdfunding both as backers and creators which is why we’re here today. The Author Clock has been an idea in our heads for over six years now. After taking the plunge two year ago and deciding to go all in on making this clock a reality I’ve rediscovered my old love of reading and that alone has made this whole project worth it. We are:
More than $85,000,000 has been raised with Sprint’s support.