$150 raised out of $50,000
Start date
Jun 10, 2024
Close date
Aug 10, 2024

Discover Your Path, Transform Your Life


About Me

My name is Kate Connolly, an Intuitive Healer and Teacher based in Canberra, where I live with my husband and four children. With a background in Chiropractic, Kinesiology, Naturopathy, Energy Healing, and Channeling, I bring a holistic approach to my work.



I founded the Intuitive Mastery School at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, recognizing that more than ever, people felt isolated and alone. As they began to ask life’s big questions, they often felt lost, misunderstood, and unsure of where to turn.

Having navigated this journey myself, I know firsthand how challenging it can be. Through my clinic and the Intuitive Mastery School, I’ve helped many find their way more easily, and now I want to extend this support to the world.

The spiritual journey doesn’t have to be difficult. It’s a gradual process where you can be supported every step of the way. There are skills to learn and insights to gain, but they are accessible and can transform your life without added stress.



My passion is to make spirituality and the journey to self-discovery accessible to everyone. My life’s goal is to introduce you to your true self and help you create a life of your own design.


Campaign Pitch:


So many people are waking up these days and wondering:
“Why do I feel like I don’t fit in?”



You may be feeling alone, noticing that you are getting curious and wanting to know more about the world, asking yourself why you are living the life that you’re living. On paper, it may look good, but your heart isn’t actually on fire. You find yourself asking:

Who am I really? What am I really doing here? What is my purpose?



There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with you. You have done nothing wrong.

What is happening to you, my friend, is a SPIRITUAL AWAKENING.

You are experiencing a glimpse into other possibilities, a peak into who you really are and who you can become. It is the awareness that you are a soul in a human body, here to learn about yourself and follow your unique path.

I’ve been there.

Living in this stage of “conscious incompetence” can be one of the most dangerous parts of awakening, but it doesn’t have to be this way!

You already have everything you need inside yourself.



Imagine if everyone in the world could tap into their inner wisdom and find exactly what they need to be happy. How different would the world be?

We are often too busy and have decreased our sensitivity to the point where we can’t hear or understand our own wisdom anymore. We are not making choices from the right place. But it can be practical and easy.

Once you understand yourself more deeply and realize that you are energy, you can use this to transform anything in your life.

Our Program Offers:

•    Practical Mindset and Belief Shifts
•    Spiritual Energy and Intuition Guidance
•    Support from the Universe when Aligned


We offer different levels of monthly memberships to suit your needs:

Foundations: $39 – For those who need help with any part of their life.
Main Mastery: $99 – For deeper transformation and understanding, includes live weekly classes.
Accelerated: $299 – Includes coaching, channeled readings, and healing.

Join us in a supportive group environment where you can grow and transform together.

Our goal is to raise $50,000 to develop an app that will advance this program, making it more accessible and effective for everyone.



Support our campaign and embark on a journey to discover your true self. Transform your life and the world around you.

Why Support Us?

Your support will help develop an app that will make it easier for people to connect with their inner wisdom and transform their lives. By contributing, you are not just helping yourself, but also creating a ripple effect that can change the world.

Join us in awakening your true self and transforming the world.
