A cloth mask kit, with a specialized buckle for ease of use and disposable medical grade cloth filters.
I am a career carpenter. I have had idea after idea go through my head. Hey i could make that or this could be better like that! And so after years of ”shelving” my ideas and designs. I thought why not just try one. I was working on the side trying to build a clothing brand, then 2020 came!….. So Covid19 has us all struggling with mass produced masks and the poor fitment and comfort that they provide. So I thought, why not see what I can come up with. And this is what my brain spit out. Keep in mind still tinkering with design.
For starters, I have a beard as many of you do aswell, and refuse to shave it for a mask to fit right! and this is for the ladies too! So you are not redoing your makeup. The BadVeil kit cloth mask design over comes many obstacles. Comfort, breathability, fitment and of course- looks. Not to mention the Fact that its washable and reusable! BadVeil masks are essentially a bandana style mask with slight modification, The pleat over the nose eliminates the need for a nose strip enhancing comfort, as well as lets the mask hang infront of your face(veil), rather than smother your nose and mouth, this increases breathability and enhances comfort. The BadVeil buckle made from 3/16” aluminum, allows the user to keep the mask taught without the need for knots. Needing that extra bit of protection? Not to worry, included in everykit are filters made from meltblown cloth- same materials used in medical masks. Just slip in a filter and your set. Not to mention it looks pretty cool too.
Each kit Includes two masks, two buckles, 6-filter cloth(7-10 days of use for each filter) which are replaceable and disposable, and a nifty case. I am working on an addition to the kit which will send it over the top as far as convenience and useability- more to come on that….