$0 raised out of $325,000

Challenge your friends musically


Battle your friends with your voice

In what can be considered a crazy concept, this game aims to create new type of genre; an arena game where your musical talent is your greatest weapon.

Use your perfect pitch to unleash fierce blasts against your opponents! The person with the best control and range will dominate the field.

In a combination of interactivity; control your character using your smartphone of choice while lashing out attacks with your voice.

You can already try out the prototype at <link> after a short signup process. Please keep in mind that only a limited number of players can be online at the same time  ?.

For the best experience, login to the application using a desktop and hook it up to a larger display like a TV. Also use a headset or other dedicated microphone input for your phone for the best experience. After logging in to the application website you will be able to join by scanning the QR-code which brings you into the arena on your phone, where additional settings can be applied.


The kickstarter’s purpose is mainly to float around the concept to those who are interested. There’s already a 2-5 year plan on what to expand upon in terms of gameplay, such as

  • Karaoke duels
  • Story mode
  • Community support in terms of tracklists, rankings, story editor and much more.

The prototype available to try out shows the core gameplay which these things will build upon. To keep the scope small we will not detail these things at the moment but as interest grows for this type of game we will naturally adapt to the situation.

Final thoughts

For a kickstarter story this may seem quite short and concise. It is quite intentional as we want to keep the scope of this kickstarter as small as possible to provide transparency in what we intend to deliver with it.
