Fall Asleep Faster| Sleep Deeper | Improve Mental Clarity| Isochronic Sound Technology | Focus mode

We’ve all been there. You’re lying in bed, trying to drift off to sleep, when suddenly you remember that you forgot to send that email. Or you are overthinking the last conversation with your bestie. Or you start worrying about that big presentation you have to give at work tomorrow. And before you know you, you’re wide awake and feeling stressed out again.
Introducing Banala® Sense — your sleeping device that uses the power of sound (isochronic sound technology) to help you get a good night’s sleep, provide mental peace, and help you rest.
First, the Theta Isochronic sound helps to slow your mind down and prepare you for sleep. Then, the Delta wave makes you experience an intense rest. In addition, the secret blend of other sound waves enables your body and mind to sync seamlessly with your natural sleep cycle and enjoy your continuous rest.
Banala Sense is a patent-pending sleep-inducing device with ground-breaking, isochronic sound technology that not only helps you get to sleep faster but also encourages better quality sleep.
Its proprietary Smart Sleep-Cycle-Inducing System starts with the Theta Isochronic tone to slow the chaotic brain activity, prepare you for the sleep state, and help you fall asleep quickly. Then, Delta Isochronic waves make sure you stay asleep for a longer time. At the same time, the secret blend of other waves ensures a peaceful rest.
Regular usage of Banala Sense will positively impact your sleep cycle and gradually restore it. As a result, not only will you sleep better, but you’ll also feel more rested and energetic during the day.
If you want to focus on the project, relax from the long day, or just feel good, the Banala Sense is always there for you. With its four modes of operation and ground-breaking sound technology, you can customize it to meet your needs. Get the most out of your Banala Sense and enjoy a peaceful, stress-free life.
You sit down to work on a project, and before you know it, you’ve wandered off onto Facebook or YouTube, completely losing your focus.
Banala Sense’s “Focus” button provides a blended sound frequency in the range of the Beta wave to help you to keep you on task, concentrated and productive.
Between work, home, and everything in between, it seems like there is always something to get stressed about.
The “Relax” button on your Banala Sense provides a blended sound frequency in the Alpha wave range to induce deep relaxation so you can let go of all that daily tension. Whether you’re taking a break from work or just unwinding before bed, the Relax button will help you to achieve a state of calm and peace.
You may feel like the world is looking brighter when you are in a good mood. And there’s no better way to get there than pushing Banala Sense’s “Feel Good Button. ” The blended mixture of Alpha and Gamma sound waves ranges it emits helps to create a sense of joy and happiness, boost creativity, and act as a natural anti-depressant.
Listening to music is one of the best ways to relax and fall asleep. But what if your favorite tunes could also help you get a better night’s sleep? With Banala Sense, you can now blend your favorite tracks with the isochronic sound frequency waves. So, if you’re looking for a good night’s sleep, Banala Sense is the perfect solution.
Banala In Action:
Isochronic tones is used for getting brain waves to sync with a specific stimulus. This stimulus is typically an audio or visual pattern. They are incredibly effective in improving sleep quality and helping people achieve better, more restful sleep.
But, if you’re struggling to get to sleep, your brain is likely producing too much Beta activity.
Banala Sense, with its patent-pending Isochronic Tone technology, helps to reduce Beta activity and increase Delta and Theta frequency range. Thus, ensuring you experience a better, faster, and deeper sleep.
Our brainwave activity reflects our mood. For example, if slower brainwaves are dominant, we feel sleepy, relaxed, or dreamy.
Brainwave speed is measured in Hertz (Hz) and relates to the cycling movement per second. So a 5Hz brainwave simply means cycling at a five times per second rate. And Brainwave Entrainment Methods, like isochronic tones, stimulate and produce more brain activity of a specific frequency or range, making that more dominant.
Theta waves occur from 4Hz to 8Hz. They usually happen in a state of deep relaxation or drifting in and out of sleep.
Delta waves are very slow and low in frequency (0.5Hz-4Hz). You produce the most delta activity during your deepest sleep. During delta, your body does most of its healing and regenerating of cells.
58% of individuals who used delta simulations every night within a month reported improved sleep quality and reduced fatigue.
Banala Sense is our new product in the series of Banala, following Banala Lite and Banala Alarm Clock. Banala Lite and Banala Alarm Clock have proven their safety and benefits with 2,409 backers and over 50,000 users so far.
Banala is natural and super safe for humans and pets. It can be used by everyone at every age and doesn’t have any contraindications.
The difference between Banala from other Brain Entrainment methods like Binaural Beat or electric brain-inducing is that the sound from Banala is natural. Banala uses isochronic sound technology, which is iso soundwave. Like the ambient noises in your room from the air conditioner or fan. Banala adds another natural soundwave to the room ambiance and instead of an un-organize soundwave like the one from the air-conditioner or fan, Banala emits a soundwave that is curated and researched to help people in the room sleep better. (and, of course, focus, relax, and feel good.)
The technology was developed based on the academic thesis and academic paper that the founder, Kridsakon, studied and published in 2012. In Chulalongkorn University thesis and IEEE paper publication “2012 Tenth International Conference on ICT and Knowledge Engineering,“. This knowledge of Brain-Computer Interfaces and brainwaves allows Kridsakon to create his first product BrainPlus, the brain training using EEG, which is now used in various hospitals in Thailand—helping people to fight dementia. The project has been funded by the “Technology and Innovation-Based Enterprise Development Fund” and the “National Science and Technology Development”.
We all have different sleep needs and patterns, and it can be tough to get into a good sleep routine. But once you do, it makes a huge difference in your day-to-day life, repairing and restoring our bodies — like nature’s way of rebooting us.
A standard sleep pattern typically consists of five stages of sleep, each alternating between different cycles — the slow-wave and REM (paradoxical) sleep phases.
Stages one to two are light sleep, three to four are deeper sleep, and the fifth stage is REM sleep, often referred to as the rapid eye movement stage or the dream state.
The estimated shipping date is October 2022. Due to the current volatility of shipping costs, we will calculate and collect shipping after the campaign ends, close to our ship date. We will collect your survey and shipping costs through BackerKit. This method will keep costs down since we’ll know how many units are going to each shipping zone.
We expect the shipping prices per package to be $12 – $20. Please note that this is just an estimate, and the final shipping cost will be determined at the time of fulfillment in October.
Banala Life is a company dedicated to helping people worldwide sleep better. Based on extensive and insightful research, we offer solutions that improve the well-being of our users. Our mission is to defeat insomnia once and for all.
Our products, the Banala Alarm Clock and Banala Lite launched on Kickstarter in 2018 and 2019. We received over 2,500 pledges from those campaigns and have already shipped tens of thousands of products worldwide to over a hundred countries.
We have poured our hearts and soul into this project because we’re passionate about ensuring everyone benefits from the healing powers of deep sleep. We hope you’re excited to join us on this journey towards ensuring everyone sleeps better.
Our trusted manufacturers are ready to start production and bring the first batch of Banala Sense to you as soon as the campaign ends.
If you would like to reach us, please email us at contact@banala.life. We would love to hear from you!