$277 raised out of $100,000
Start date
May 10, 2024
Close date
Jul 10, 2024

May the craziest Warriors win!


Short Summary

Greetings, Warriors of all types! Musicians, venue owners, fans, photographers and beyond! This is Band Wars!

We are two zany hosts sitting on our first successful season of Band Wars. We travel the globe and create wacky, highly entertaining competitions, with a chance for musicians of all genres to promote their music on an international level via Prime Video! First season was to start it all and get the ball rolling, but season 2 will be the one to make us a household name! 

What We Need & What You Get

To make this an absolute success we are seeking to obtain $100K! This will assure that a successful tour is made, celebrity guests are covered, needed gear is bought and the show is properly advertised to assure all artists get full global exposure. 

In return we have put together some awesome swag and even a chance for you to promote yourself on the show! Custom Vans Shoes, Season DVDs and much more are available in exchange to helping us out. Each donation also gets your name in the end credits! 

The first Season was all out of pocket, living on ramen and making the dream happen. Not only are you helping us achieve our goals, you’ll be giving hundreds of artists of all genres a chance to be heard – from US, to German and Japan – just like the first Season! Which was supported by Vanilla Ice, members of Epic Ink and Ink Master, and several legendary rockstars, and even the entire F13 franchise film crew!  

Risks & Challenges

It won’t be an easy task, for we are always at risk of not making our tour dates that are already pre-scheduled for annual and Seasonal events , or we may have to leave a band behind. The only way we can promise everyone involved is by meeting our biggest challenge of $100k. Making sure we have proper advertising (which we lacked majorly during the first Season). 

Other Ways You Can Help

If you are not in a place to donate, it goes a LONG way by sharing our event to your friends/family, and watching/rating our show on both Prime Video and Youtube platforms! More ratings and views give us more algorithms and promotion! 

  • We’re counting on you Warriors! Help us build this legacy and be known! 