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Wooden surface for didactic, educational, fun and exciting games.


Growing up for a child means becoming an adult. And becoming an adult means developing new skills. With BART, a journey begins in children’s life: playing, having fun, learning, education, logic, creativity, immagination, in a single playing system.  

What is BART? BART (Block ART) is a modular game developed for children from 0 to 99 years old! It changes and grows with age: thanks to a perforated wooden base, as a stylobate, it allows the development of countless game ideas, from constructions to puzzles, from didactic and educational games, to creative and recreational ones up to architecture and study support games. To work, just insert one piece into another. Nothing could be easier!

With your hands! ? BART is a very simple, intuitive and easy to use game. Follow the steps to explore the potential of BART and help children and adults to develop skills.

1 The Grid Base is the surface of your imagination. It’s like a board or blackboard for your games. You can stack each block wherever you want: it’s made on purpose! You can choose between:

  •  Small Grid Base (24,35 x 24,35 cm – 9,6 x 9,6 in)
  •  Large Grid Base (48,75 x 48,75 cm  – 19,2 x 19,2 in)

2 Now add blocks. You can choose between blocks, of different sizes according to age, or sets of games. Simple, don’t you think?

3 You just have to play. Each game set has different levels of complexity depending on age and type. It is more useful for younger children to play with their parents the first time, then it will be easy to do everything by themselves. Are you ready?

The opposite of play is not what is serious but what is real. {Sigmund Freud}

Playing represents the elective activity of the child. It is essential, at every stage of growth. Playing enhances the mnemonic functions, promotes the development of memory and attention, improves concentration. It’s essential for the child’s intellectual development, and through playing, he surprises himself and by surprising again, he acquires new ways to engage with the external world, with which he experiences his affective, relational and social potentials.

Through play, the child discovers the world. He starts to understand how things work. He discover how objects are made, their consistency and their function. He discovers the existence of laws such as that of chance and probability, acquires the fundamental rules of behavior that must necessarily be respected. Playing allows him to experiment with his creativity and imagination, allowing him to trust in his own abilities but also to rely on the others as it happens in group and role-playing games. It’s a process through which he becomes aware of his inner and outer world and how important it is to accept and integrate his own needs with the external reality. Read more

Playing, a short essay by Dr. Daniele Leone, Psychologist and Psychotherapist 

  •  Logic: stacking, building, following instructions, allow the child to develop skills in sequential thinking. Thanks to BART, the child elaborates complex concepts such as choice, cause and effect, solution, error.
  •  Identity: through BART the child acquires the idea of identity, association, difference, diversity. He gives names to things, compares each other and recognises features (elaboration of shapes, sizes, proportions).
  •  Relationship: with BART children understand through play and assembly and execution operations, complex concepts such as full and empty, direction, reflection, contiguity, measure, and reflect them in the world.
  •  Psychomotor skills and memory: BART helps to develop eye-manual coordination, balance in movements, short and long term memory, through the repetition of gestures and solutions, helping him to grow day by day.
  •  Respect: BART educates to respect the rules, to take into account the instructions to reach a correct result, educating to complexity and giving mental bases for other life activities.
  •  Sharing: BART is multiplayer, playing with BART means sharing a space, a game or parts, and considering other players and what they do. BART helps acquiring concepts such as responsibility, the idea of group, diligence and connects people (parent-child, grandfather-grandson, etc.)
  •  Creativity: fantasy, stories, characters, worlds… BART encourages children to develop imagination beyond all measure.

 Now take a look to all the INGAP BART sets! 

A really magic set: with INGAP Wooden toy Constructions, children become architects, designers, builders, urban planners, artists, scenographers, and give life to infinite worlds. They are like real bricks: children build three-dimensional spaces, experiment with joints and structures, analyze connections, start, end, restart a project endlessly! 

INGAP Wooden Constructions are scalar: each size is a multiple of the one-hole construction [1×1]. Just stack up! Available size: 1×1, 2×2, 4×4.

Small animals to be placed in the corresponding shape. Perfect for learning at an early age: children start distinguishing the animals, their colors, positions, then names and features, playing with the figures and creating imaginary worlds.

Little Friends set includes: Yellow Snail, Gray Elephant, White Polar Bear, Green Turtle, Brown Australian Wombat and Blue Whale.

☁️☁️☁️ Is it real?! Clouds really seem to move! Don’t you feel the wind? Your son will be very happy! One of his first drawings becomes a toy: the sky with clouds! Perfect for happiness! ☁️☁️☁️

First assemble the sky, by positioning the four plates in their own correct position, being careful of indentations. Then inserting every ☁️ into the exact indentation. Finally blow! ?️ ?️ ?️

A set for little dreamers. Balloons of different colors and sizes flying in the blue sky. Your child will have a great time assembling the balloons in the corresponding indentations. He will dream of being at a party, and after playing, take him outside to blow up balloons and make them fly.

First compose the sky, then place each balloon ??? in the corresponding indentation. Set includes three size balloons. Warning: green, red and pink balloons are interchangeable.

A really fun little aquarium! With Plump Fishes set, the child learns different skills: he learns to join shapes divided into parts (sea puzzles), to associate different geometries, to compose a framework of shapes (manage complexity), and begins to understand the difference between the aspect ratio of things (same shape, but different size). Perfect for multiple players: father-son, mother-son, older brother-younger brother, grandfather-grandson. ???

First compose the sea puzzle ?, then place each small plump fish in the corresponding indentation. Finally look at their mouths: they start talking! ???

For really bad kids (and adults!)! Who’s afraid? How about, get rid of fear? 

First compose the sea puzzle, then place each small shark in the corresponding indentation. Warning: sharks out of the sea are free…??? and your child can combine them with other games if he wants… ???

Endangered Friends! For our hexagonal wooden puzzles we have chosen three high-risk extincion animals: the Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla), the Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus) and the Sea Turtle (Caretta caretta) are among the species in extreme danger of extinction. Through play, we intend to sensitize children (who, one day, will become adults) to commit themselves to safeguarding every animal or plant species through the protection and conservation of natural habitats. Our first goal is to educate through playing.

Gorilla Puzzle set. Includes 4 plates + 13 hexagonal wooden bricks.
Polar Bear Puzzle set. Includes 4 plates + 13 hexagonal wooden bricks.
Sea Turtle Puzzle set. Includes 4 plates + 10 hexagonal wooden bricks.

The Queen has been waiting for a long time for the King to return, while the guards ?️?️ defend the castle along the walls. But The King is now arriving ? on horseback, followed by a guard. What was the journey like? What unexpected events? How many battles? Which gifts does he bring? Children, now it’s your turn to continue the story. 

The architecture includes: a gateway with thick blocks, three watch towers, a tower for the court, defense walls along the perimeter, internal lawn, lawn along the walls, and a moat to defend the tower.

The King ? is coming. He rides ? the last few miles before reaching the castle.
Green lawn ??? surrounds the Castle.
⚠️ Warning to all thieves: the tower is protected by a deep moat. ???

In addition to the standard BART constructions, the BART Castle requires a few other pieces to be built. This is just our proposal: every child can build the castle as he wishes, with different towers, higher or lower, different battlements walls: fantasy has no limits.

BART is colours. At an early age, children start distinguishing colours, learning their names and associating same or different ones. With the coloured constructions, the grid base becomes a drawing sheet: any reasoned or irrational combination is possible. Come on, little Picassos!

The set includes 16 colours. For each colour, a 2×2 construction, plus four wooden constructions without holes to stack.

Set Colors: yellow, pink, red, light blue, white, green, dark blue, lemon yellow, black, purple, gray, magenta, turquoise, dark green, brown, orange.

BART is a game designed especially for teaching and education: it naturally lends itself to didactics. BART School set is therefore the first friend for BART’s users. 

BART School is alphabet: with letters and signs constructions, each child can have a support tool to learn the shapes of the letters, and distinguish them from each other. He can compose simple or complex words, make mistakes and repeat. BART School set is a three-dimensional blackboard to learn distinguishing every single letter, up to knowing how to read and replicate what has been observed in writing.

BART School is also arithmetics: with number and operation constructions, children learn numbers, sequences, rudiments of mathematical concepts such as odd and even, zero, the quantities and can begin to make small operations of sum, difference, product and division. The first math set for the child, who learns through play.

Of course, you can also use the largest board!

With Large BART School set, children can write longer words, have more letters, and you can leave messages if needed or thank KICKSTARTER for the opportunity.

Prototypes and prototyping ?

For the first prototypes we used a medium-soft wood to test the wooden joints, tolerances, then the dimensions of the pieces and the safety. The result can be seen on video: the game works perfectly.

Now we just have to produce the pieces in a specific ? toy factory with standardized processing techniques, by using the most suitable wood and the most suitable tools for the final production of BART and all its sets. ?

Why buy BART❓ 12 valid reasons to adopt BART.

BART is a simple but very interesting game. It contains multiple games in one, each one source or part of another game. Based on the modularity of toy constructions, it allows the child to build worlds, scenarios, and make use of the grid base in the way he thinks most useful and fun.

Bart’s design is simple and natural: parallelepipeds and cubes fit always together in the same way, very easily from the first use of BART. The choice of materials was fundamental for the design and development of this game: wood borns and becomes like a child, it’s sane, does not pollute, resists use and time, and also communicates warmth, smells of park, grass, and stories. Colors are all natural and every other element respects the environment right from the concept phase. BART is an eco-friendly toy. ♻

BART can be used for many games or activities. It is not necessary to use the whole grid base to play, even just one corner is useful, so the remaining space can be used for another game or activity.

B-ART is for one, two, three, four or more players, children or adults ?. You can play on every side, in every corner, you can play in pairs, with parents, grandparents, or it can be the table play for grandparents against grandparents, mom against dad: there is no limit! Each side is open for any new experiences.

BART is a game system: more games in one, more experiences in one, more skills to learn and develop. Everything is based on the concept of relationship: associating one block to another, building, stacking, connecting, learning the difference between shapes, full and empty, volumes and surfaces, measures and proportions and much more.

BART is a playmate, but also a teacher, a grandfather who teaches you to build, to invent. The function of BART is to accompany the child in growth: to assist him, not to leave him alone, to offer him tools to give three-dimensionality to concepts and ideas that he begins to learn. And do it with the colors of nature. Isn’t it magnificent?! ?

BART makes the child independent: he will use the game and will try different sets every time, making mistakes and repeating until he finds the right solutions. The smartest way to grow and become adults. 

The growth of your child is not a limit: BART is designed to follow the age of the child, through continuous game, and its components, evolution and innovation. The game elements are parts of new games or sets for a different age; they are necessary for other games, useful for inventing more complex ones, without leaving anything behind. Each piece contains a story and a happiness that always comes back.

BART is a small game. It can be used on a table, on the floor, on a sofa, and can be easily transported. It doesn’t need assembly or anything else: you just have to play!!

BART never stop to surprise you. Do you want to do your homework? With BART you can do it. Do you need to develop complex ideas? The basis is a grid for developing ideas and paths. BART is your friend for life.

BART is designed to be anything: modularity and the use of new technologies allow us to use BART and its game system to develop infinite worlds and ideas. Any design can be turned into a game. 

BART is analogical! No displays, just hands, love, and limitless fantasy.

Datasheets ?️, rewards ?, timing ⌛, team ?.

Parts and pieces list of each BART set. For all the pieces only one material: WOOD.

BART is a completely wooden toy and all BART sets are made of wood. You will enjoy BART if you keep this in mind. Now choose a reward among the options below. Remember: you can compose your own special reward by adding the additional sets you want (ADD-ONS).

Some sets can be included by adding an extra budget to your reward. To add them, change the amount pledge by adding the extra cost (ADD-ON BUDGET).

For each multiple set, add multiple add-on budgets.

Producing BART industrially requires many hours of work with high precision machines. It is a high-tech process. We ensure you that the spirit of BART’s design is to enhance the material (wood) through the ideas, and to give value to the happiness of your children.

Timeline is consistent with standard production processes. We will do our best with our suppliers to reduce them and ship rewards early. 

Over the past year we have been developing BART with our resources ???.  We look forward to growing thanks to your special support. Thanks for all!
