A film to help heal the epidemic of loneliness and connect the world through the power of drumming
A Movie That Can Truly Change The World
There is a worldwide epidemic of loneliness, with over 50% of adults in the US reporting that they suffer from it. The consequences are shocking, including a 60% increase in likelihood of early death. Loneliness is the silent health crisis of our time.
This film tells the story of two men from very different worlds may show us the way out: Babara Bangoura Fakoly, whose path as a master drummer led him from West Africa to Europe, and Doug Manuel, a Londoner whose search for connection led him to West Africa. They met, they drummed together, and they became brothers with a shared mission: to heal the loneliness that is killing us in the West. This inspirational film also showcases the incredible power of community prevalent in rural Africa, where communities are bound together with help from ancient drumming traditions.
About the Producers
- We are Mesmeric Media, a leading production company with Emmy Awards (among many others) and 100’s of credits from PBS to Amazon to Netflix and more. We are filmmakers who believe in the power of storytelling and we’re asking for your help in telling Doug and Babara’s story, because …
This is a magical story
- For over twenty years, Babara and Doug have been creating life-changing, powerfully reconnecting experiences for millions of people throughout the world, from China to South America, Africa to the U.S, reaching millions of people through the powerful connection of the drum. Every member of their audiences – sometimes in the thousands – have a djembe. They are skillfully led, slowly building the rhythms to a unified euphoric sound, with every face plastered with a big smile and every heart forever changed. It is …
A story that needs to be told
Alongside this deeply moving story will be contributions from leading authorities on loneliness, celebrities and public figures sharing their own struggles with loneliness, and voices from rural African communities, together creating an uplifting, empowering film that re-awakens our universal need to connect with each other. As Doug and Babara set out on their biggest mission yet – to really connect and connect with people all around the world – we want to document it all and make sure it reaches as big an audience as possible.
What We Need & What You Get
This film is ¾ complete and we’re now looking for partners to help get it over the line, and – most importantly – get it seen. 100% of the funds we raise will go directly to completion costs of the film and to marketing it to a worldwide audience.
- This film will be made: should we fall short of our $400,000 goal, we will still make the best movie we can with what we have, and ensure that it is seen as widely as possible, but the story may be incomplete and the reach of the film will be stunted.
- Your contribution is extraordinarily valuable and important, as we’re counting on you to not only help fill this funding gap, but also to join in our community and spread word about the movie, and perhaps fill someone’s soul or inspire someone to seek a path out of loneliness.
- In exchange for your generosity, we are offering an amazing array of perks — ranging from a “thank you” in the credits, to exclusive merchandise, all the way up to an appearance in the film and a trip to Africa to drum with Doug and Babara!
The Impact
The impact of this campaign and this film will be immense. Awareness of the loneliness epidemic in the West is breaking right now. In May 2023, the U.S. Surgeon General released an Advisory calling for urgent action on the crisis of loneliness, isolation, and lack of connection. Additionally, this film is the reverse of most stories and content seen in the West about Africa, which are generally scandalous and horrifying, portraying victims and reinforcing negative stereotypes. This story about how the indigenous ways of rural Africa can bring us back to our shared humanity can truly help change the world.
- With this funding we will expand educational outreach around the film and double down on marketing efforts, ensuring it reaches people around the world.
Risks & Challenges
Filmmaking and marketing are harder than ever, so it is crucial that this breaks through the noise to enlighten the world. We have to make sure this is seen as widely as possible, so we’ll attend festivals, promote the film across social and traditional media, and pull out all the stops to share this story. The risk lies primarily in the film not reaching a wide audience!
- Doug and Babara have 20+ years of doing this work and we have 20+ years of making films with impact. Together that impact is multiplied, and we hope you’ll see the value in it and share it far and wide!
- There’s certainly no guarantee of success in healing the world, but there is a guarantee that the film will find a home on US and international platforms, including public television and streaming services, with whom we have deals in place. This is not an aspirational project, it is rooted in reality, with commitments to broadcast from global distributors.
Other Ways You Can Help
We understand that some people just can’t contribute, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still help. You can get the word out and make some noise about this campaign, using your own social media or other platforms and the Indiegogo share tools.
Thank you!