A Meticulously Handcrafted Epic Adventure with a Real-Time Twist to JRPG Turn-Base Combat Systems.
The shipping dates on all perks cover the base tangible perks, such as the following:
Postcards, Backer T-shirt, Backer Coin, Posters, Taujh Sculpture (Statue)
The game and other specialized perks will be shipped upon completion during development and updates will be provided as we get nearer to sending them out.
BECKONED is a 20-hour epic narrative, driven by an fresh “active” turn-based combat system showcasing a varied list of attack combos, spells, and support mechanics.
The story follows a boy (Taujh) searching for a crystal pendant which could contain his lost memories. Accompanied by two others (Enelh and Leign), they scurry across the landscape of Devanis* as they’re swept up in a whirlwind of trouble. While mastering their surroundings and healing a land riddled with fear, they must reclaim the pendant before its lost for good. Maybe then, Taujh will finally understand who he is.
Trudge across wild landscapes while gathering plants and hunting animals to survive. Master the environment and challenge morale-crushing bosses with help from magic derived from Loden* crystals found along the way.
Animals large and small will be hostile until they are sure they can trust you, otherwise they will attack with everything they have. Battling is based on an “active” turn-base combat system that allows multiple attacks and blocks on multiple targets during a turn.
Taujh acting as the “Tank,” Leign serving as the “Battle Mage”, and Enelh contributing her skills as “Healer”, their diverse skills keep the battle flowing and dynamic. Unleash powerful Shadreic Majiq* abilities by collecting and raising Lodens and learn how these skills can be layered by a cause-effect relationship.
The image above depicts BECKONEDs skill/spell progression throughout the adventure. Master these Lodens and their effects to craft Amulets which act as spell load-outs. Switching Amulets and Lodens mid-combat allows for seamless role swaps when things get tough.
Trust of the Wilderness
All life on Devanis eats to live. The primal competition for these resources can make them protective. Harvest crafting ingredients and learn which food each creature loves the most. Use their favorite food to bait them into combat, or to pacify them during encounters, sparing them or yourself. Becoming a Master Hunter and tending to the land will help you throughout your journey.
Devanis is beautiful and deadly, from the cerulean shores of Burketh to the lush jungle tops of Tula’Banya, where feasting Denithite* infests the massive trees roots. Life blossoms from an energy known as Shadrea*, a consciousness permeating through a resonant network of powerful Lodens.
These stones are the catalyst for Devanis’ advancements and ideologies, but a violent discord was driven between Loden Tuners* due to the harmful nature of Denithites growing influence within their ranks. This mysterious substance manipulates the mind and darkened the rule of Thal, detaching its kingdom from the rest of Devanis and leaving its people under complete subjugation to Denithite development.
A mass exodus of Jiri* escaped Thal and found refuge in a giant tree, naming it Tula’Banya. Somehow resistant, its roots seemed to halt the Denithite growth. This mystery fills the Jiri with hope to rebuild and defend all life on Devanis from the scourge of Thal.
Although Devanis is home to many cultures and climates, the story of BECKONED will explore five “towns” and five “dungeons” within the Eastern region of the continent Aurleia. Discover the richness of Devanis as you encounter many colorful NPCs and learn of their ambitions, lessons, fears, and local gossip. Harvest plants for resources to craft items and amulets, or let your gardens shape the landscape to give your own personal touch to the world.
Certain major personalities are well-known in towns for their services in the struggle against Thal. Their allegiances vary but it’s often easy to find common-ground. Those who rise as pillars of fear and deceit are spoken of very little, especially to young ears. Showing caution, and maybe a hint of reckless bravery, the local outlook on the future might improve as you listen to their stories in the shadow of Denithite’s power.
A young and energetic child, Taujh finds himself lost without his memories and a now-stolen necklace that may hold the key to his identity. His wild courage is always present, but he’s often hard on himself as he takes on the visceral and telling trials ahead.
Calm in her demeanor, Enelh holds a strong resolve for the well-being of those around her. Having spent most of her time harvesting plants for her mother, she is familiar with Shadreic Majiq and its presence in all life on Devanis. As the daughter of a village elder, she is well-loved in her home of Burketh. The help she gives her people mirrors her mother’s mature nature.
Bursting with attitude, Leign keeps his personal life secret. He is proud of working with a renowned merchant of RedMouth (a major commercial center in Aurleia) and feels qualified for any job. He possesses impressive skill in the wild and masters its resources with ease. He serves Enelh as a friendly bodyguard when she ventures out gathering plants.
As traveling companions, Daash and Yokaa are effective members of Granulus Drier, a back-alley gang of RedMouth. With a mind for trade and the other for harmony, they are driven towards treasure and discovery.
Although clumsy, Grynthe is a savant sproutling phytominer* and daughter of a prolific Tula’Banyan shipwright. She spends her days studying while her nights are filled with building gadgets displaying her knowledge of Soil-Core technology.
A sunset can never be more soothing than from the shores of this coastal village northwest of the South Sovereign Lands. It is home to Jiri and human, both using their strengths in unison establishing the village’s true specialty of fishing. Burketh is also famous for its cooking and alchemical ingredients throughout the continent of Aurleia. The people living here hunt, gather, and prepare wonderful dishes for anyone who takes the time to enjoy the local culture.
Lurking in an ancient nest, this notorious destination is not for the meek. Red Mouth is a collector’s delight as its streets are filled with goods and characters from all corners of Devanis. Keeping the wealth flowing, a renowned merchant known as Dramm uses his ‘Code’ to keep order among the traders and thieves.
The haven-home for the Jiri and a bastion for the advancements in Loden technologies, the kingdom is nestled within a giant tree. From festivals and architecture, to the ships which sail and soar, all manners of wonder hang from its branches. The people are lively in their common goal of defeating Thal and liberating Devanis from the influence of Denithite.
The Music featured in the BECKONED Prototype and trailer was composed by Johnny Flannigan, and we are very proud to have his talents for the prototype.
We all agree that music is one of the key ingredients for a great JRPG, so we are actively seeking a professional Music Composer to give BECKONED the professionalism needed for a memorable and functional score.
We are aiming for a primitive soundscape of natural winds, strings, and percussion, with an experimental and otherworldly approach to music theory and mastering for games.
We have planned for a PC(Windows) release since day one, as we are developing BECKONED on PC. To port BECKONED over to MAC and Linux should not be a huge hurdle as Unreal4 allows for these conversions, but we anticipate a few issues along the way. We will iron those issues out before releasing MAC and Linux versions and retain product quality.
Many of you asked for console releases, and mainly for the Nintendo Switch. We are unable to determine at this time, when we can port to consoles. It depends on the success of the PC launch. As Unreal4 does have the tools to do so, we would need to hire the best people to address these ports for product quality, legal agreements and programming/code/control-scheme changes within these conversions.
We will expand to all platforms when we are able, but it would not be all at once. If any options become available during development or sooner, we will update our info and let everyone know as soon as we can promise it.
Zade Studios LLC began in 2016 as an Indie venture which grew towards the creation of a major flag-ship videogame title, we call Beckoned. In 2019, we began converting our concepts from years of pre-production and design work towards a playable prototype. As we continue to grow and network in this amazing industry we are very humbled to be at this point.
For years BECKONED boiled in the imagination long before its name. A bereft scatter of a child’s scribbles of nonsense and vein. Though the hole of his curiosity grew deep, the yearning to touch another world filled the pages of his sketchbooks. Creatures upon another, this space revealed itself slowly. Each drawing becoming another lens to peer through and witness places beyond knowing.
BECKONED is a epic story of voluntary heroism in a world of chaos, to encourage the selfless and spare the helpless. The story of BECKONED culminates the introduction to a dangerous new world. The tale is much longer and as we grow, so too will the adventures through this strange and curious land called Devanis.
- Jeremy Thevenot serves as CEO, Project Lead, Game Director, Art Director, Animator, Narrative/Scenario Design and more…
- Dwight Thevenot serves as CFO, Program Director/Designer, Structure Designer, Programming Engineer, Anything-Wizard and more…
Adding the next volley of features will take some time as we are a small team of developers for now. We would like to hire subcontractors or specialized personnel to help in specific fields. This way, we can optimize the development pipeline as well as any programming or visual/audio improvements needed along the way.
Our goal is to raise $68,000 (Fixed) to help fund the Development of BECKONED BRONZE version.
Meeting our funding-goal brings the rewards to everyone on time and helps BECKONED come to life with completed story campaign, battle-system, base magic-system, five core dungeons with enemies/bosses, a HUD/UX based town system, as well an essential shop-system.
We want to be clear and humble when we say a development timeline of 2.5 – 3 years is tight without major delays, and above all else we want to release a good game, worthy of everyone’s help and support.
“A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad.” -Shigeru Miyamoto
The current prototype demo of BECKONED is playable on STEAM! We wanted you to have a chance to play a small piece before helping us and welcome you into a community that is curious and excited to discuss and critique what we have done so far.
This prototype demo executes on our game design, art design, and implementation of the assets within a presentable story-telling package. Although there are definite improvements needed, we received excellent reactions, comments and positivity from the communities on Reddit, Instagram, and STEAM! We are so thankful for everyone who takes the time to try it out and give us feed back! Its been an effective way to know what to adjust, improve and iterate on!
Each stretch goal represents additional mechanical and artistic additions including explorable towns, more combos and spells, and a richer experience across all aspects of the product. More game, means more development time. As we reach our stretch-goals, we will release the developmental, mechanical and artistic breakdowns to keep you informed and excited about the larger visions and plans.
As mentioned above, if we can reach the Gold tier stretch goal, we will implement the lighting System while creating more robust crafting and gardening systems. This would allow for added recipes, ingredients, garden bonuses, and day/night cycles.
Our design takes full advantage of Unreal4 Lighting capabilities, giving BECKONED atmosphere and depth. Although not implemented in the Prototype, we have done the experiments proving we can do it. We would like to be able to put more work into making a full version with proper lighting and special effects, especially for the combat system.
Placing the materials for this lighting technique greatly increases the work load, but with more time and skilled minds it should be no problem. We have the plans; we just need your help to execute it properly and in a reasonable amount of time.
“If I was a 15-year-old me playing BECKONED…
I play it because it makes me feel as if I am really affecting another world, one that all but begs me to be that part of it.
I feel like the characters are relatable to me at a core level.
I find bravery when I play it.
I have confidence in the progression because each character allows me to uncover the possible solutions for encountered problems.
The strangeness is familiar as well. That foreign feeling allows me to have my own fresh perspective on all the content.
The action feels so responsive and intuitive, making it easy for me to manage and control every move. The melee and magic both feel great, interacting with each other to become an unbeatable combination.
The world truly Beckoned me forth from reality to experience its wonders and find the purpose to save it. And I am almost there…” – Jeremy Thevenot
We want to make a great game. We want to give it a story to bring fun, escape, and hope. An adventure to help us all find the hero within ourselves during the chaos of reality and feel the rush of cutting our own path and never letting up. We want to put Beckoned out there to inspire others to bring a world to life themselves and broaden the stories we all can tell using video-games as the medium.
Devanis /’di-von-iss/ – A planet diverse in life and intrigue, featuring natural deposits called Lodens formed within the planet. Aurleia, Feneris, and Bistraad are its three major continents.
Loden /’load-in/ – Crystals found throughout the planet, allowing sentient beings to perform Shadreic Majiq.
Denithite /’dinn-a-thite/ – A ominous parasitic mass which litters Devanis and slowly consumes any unfortunate host, disrupting their Shadreic connection and resonances.
Shadreic Majiq /’shah-drey-ik magic/ – Abilities drawn from Lodens, pending on one’s ability to tune themselves to a force known as the Shadrea.
Shadrea /’sha-drey-ah/ – A conscious fractal lattice (matrix) infused together with Devanis’ physical lattice (ref. E8 lie group) through harmonic resonance.
Tuners /’tew-ners/ – Essentially wizards/scientists using meditation and frequencies to manifest tangible causes and effects by tuning Lodens, but more advance tuners use this ability to explore the Shell.
The Shell – The fractal space of the Shadrea accessible through advanced focused meditation and explorative tuning.
Jiri /’jee-ree/ – A highly socialized and developed species resembling primates which possess a specialized potency with Shadreic Majiq, as they lead Devanis in Loden technology and theology.
Phytominer /’fight-o-miner/– One who uses plant life to selectively concentrate specific metals and Lodens from the soil within their tissues, allowing for the extraction of those minerals for industrialized and common uses.