Your contribution will help us with expansion, USDA approval, wholesale, new products, and more!
“Meat” Us and Get to Know Us!
Hi my name is Efraim Namdar, I’m the owner of Beefli! For those of you who don’t yet know, Beefli is a brand that specializes in kosher (Beit Yosef) handcrafted high-quality premium beef jerky in assorted flavors for every palette.
Due to the increase in demand of the business, we need to scale up our operation in order to continue the growth and meet the demand. Of course this is a great problem to have, but we figured this would be the perfect way to get the word out. This is not a start up, we are running and operating at full capacity for the 1 year we have been in business.
What will you be helping us achieve with your contribution? Well, first we want to make it clear that this is not an ordinary campaign. Every contribution will be rewarded with product and services that are at a higher value than the contribution. Which means, contributors get an actual return on their contribution, coupled with a feel-good factor of helping a young company grow.
What We Need & What You Get
Let’s break it down in more detail:
- We’re looking to raise $150k
- Tell people about your unique perks. Get them excited!
- Our scaling up plans are multi-faceted. Each step on it’s own will bring us closer to our desired goals and not all steps are inter-dependent. For example, one of the plans is opening a 2nd location. But whatever money is raised will go to our current location for new machinery needed for increased production. So if we don’t hit our fundraising targets, rest assured that your contribution will still greatly impact the growth of our operation. Needless to say, every perk promised to you will be delivered even with the setup we currently have – your reward is not contingent on if we hit our goals, you will receive it no matter what.
- Under each donation tier below is the description of what donors will receive for their respective contribution(s):
TIER 1 = $50 Donation
3 oz Pouches x 3 qty
Beefli Shot Glasses x 6 qty
$57 value
TIER 2 = $180 Donation
3 oz Pouches x 6 qty
Beefli Shot Glasses x 10 qty
Small Mixed Platter x 1 qty
$204 value
TIER 3 = $320 Donation
3 oz Pouches x 10 qty
Beefli Shot Glasses x 12 qty
Medium Mixed Platter x 1 qty
$354 value
TIER 4 = $750 Donation
3 oz Pouches x 10 qty
Beefli Shot Glasses x 24 qty
Large Mixed Platter x 1 qty
2 pack Monthly subscription 1 year x 1 qty
$918 value
TIER 5 = $1,500 Donation
3 oz Pouches x 10 qty
Beefli Shot Glasses x 24 qty
Large Mixed Platter x 1 qty
2 pack Monthly subscription 1 year x 1 qty
Party of 6 Steak Dinner at Beefli x 1 qty
$1,818 value
TIER 6 = $4,000 Donation
3 oz Pouches x 10 qty
Beefli Shot Glasses x 24 qty
Large Mixed Platter x 1 qty
2 pack Monthly subscription 1 year x 1 qty
Party of 12 Steak Dinner at Beefli x 1 qty
Get a flavor named after you x 1 qty
$4,718 value
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people just can’t contribute, but that doesn’t mean they can’t help:
- Please help us get the word out and make some noise about our campaign.
- Use the Indiegogo share tools.
Thank you and Tizku L’mitzvot!