Turns tap water into purified & flavor-infused water in seconds

Bello is here to help you drink more water. It can filter your water, and re-create any type of still beverage from 0 calorie flavored waters, functional beverages, iced teas and even iced coffees.
Hydration is STEP ONE to your overall well-being. Let’s finally enjoy it!
You no longer need to worry about chlorine, microplastics, heavy metals, chemicals, and much more in your water.
Tested to NSF standards 42, 53 & 401 to achieve >90% reduction across a range of contaminants.
NSF42 – Reduces aesthetic impurities such as: Chlorine taste, Chlorine odor, Chloramine, Particulate, Iron, Manganese, Zinc, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
NSF53 – Reduces health-affecting contaminants such as: Copper, Lead, Mercury, VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds), Barium, Cadmium, Chromium III, Selenium, Toxaphene, Cyst, Asbestos, Arsenic, Cryptosporidium
NSF401 – Reduces emerging contaminants, including pharmaceuticals and chemicals not yet regulated by the EPA, such as: Atenolol, Carbamazepine, Estrone, Meprobamate, Phenytoin, Trimethoprim, TCEP, TCPP, DEET, Metolachlor, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Bisphenol A, Linuron, Nonylphenol
Bello has invented the world’s first water infusion technology that uses multi-use glass capsules filled with healthy, natural fruit and plant extracts.
1. Simply place a capsule on the top of your Bello
2. Select your intensity; light, medium, strong
3. Press start / press stop
4. Voilà! – Remove the capsule and keep it refrigerated until your next drink
Infusion is optional, Bello is first and foremost your daily water filter.
The beverage industry is basically 95% water + 5% valuable ingredients, bottled, marketed and sold at a ridiculous price.
By offering only the valuable ingredients in our multi-use capsules, we’re able to offer the same quality (or better!) at a much more reasonable price.
Our goal is simple – Create better drinks for you and for the environment – at a price that’s fair.
The only part that needs to be cleaned is the capsule holder on the top of your Bello. It is detachable and easily washable.
Bello App makes everything simpler; follow your hydration, know when your capsule is almost empty, re-order capsules & filters all in one application.
We know that you only have so much space on your countertop. We designed Bello to optimize space!
Our manufacturing tooling is ready and we have our factories on stand-by. We have a lot of manufacturing experience on our team. Bello will begin test production this March.
Bello began with a simple vision where innovative technology can be combined with inspirational design to help people access pristine drinking water easily and sustainably.
At Bello, we firmly believe that hydration is the – Step 1 – of a healthy lifestyle. We recognize the dilemma that we all face: the disastrous environmental impact and high cost of bottled beverages versus the growing concerns over tap water contamination. This leaves us with a pressing question:
→ What should we drink if neither tap nor bottled water seems like a viable option?
Bello was born out of this crucial concern. Our founders, Marc and Clement, were driven by their own experiences and frustrations to find a solution. They saw a need for a sustainable, healthy, and accessible hydration option, and Bello is their answer to that need.
Our mission at Bello is clear and focused: to provide a way for everyone to drink healthier water without the downsides of environmental pollution and inaccessibility. We are dedicated to offering an alternative that harmonizes the need for clean, safe water with our responsibility to the planet.
Risks and challenges
We’re as prepared as we can possibly be and have set conservative timelines for our delivery. We already have manufacturing organized for Bello and have an extensive supply chain in place. The one unknown is always global shipping and logistics. We’ve factored two months into our schedule for customs clearance and shipping – this should give us more than enough buffer to overcome most logistics challenges, but anything major or on a global scale could set us back. We commit to over-communicating with our backers to make sure that you know all progress during our production and shipping.