Social Radio – A new kind of platform that puts users in complete control over what they see on their social feed.
Be control of what you see on social media.
Birb. Where you are the customer not the product. Put your friends First.
Connecting friends to one another.
When you finally have complete control over who and what you see on social media, you are more connected than ever. We call this Social Radio. We call this Birb.
Overcoming the dumpster fire of the Big Social Networks.
Let’s face it. The lofty goal of connecting the world, set out by the social media’s big players, worked for the last few years. Now Social is a mess.
Now they sold you out. They sold you ads, sponsorship’s, and gave your data to corporations.
With Big Social, you have no control over who sees your post, and who’s post you see. It is on fire. A total mess.
Putting you and your friends first.
Birb will put its customers first. We are designing a product to connect you to your friends. We don’t have to put advertisers into the equation.
What does this mean? You will have control over what content you see. No longer wondering if you missed the update from you closest friend, or from grandma. The updates you need to see, no longer buried under advertisements.
Design intent.
Big Social has been designed to keep you hooked… Birb asked: Is that okay? We now know that many apps were intentionally designed to keep you addicted and hooked. Designed to increase your screen time and keep you scrolling.
Birb is different. We want your social experience to work for you. Putting the most relevant information first. How? Because we let you choose who you want to see first. We do not want you to waste minutes scrolling and scrolling.
The mental cost of scrolling.
We now know there are increased rates of depression and anxiety from too much screen time. Yet the big industry social media cannot change.
Birb is social radio, where you choose the dial, and you control the experience. We want you to get to the information you want to see as quickly as possible, and reduce your screen time.
With no advertisers – we do not need ad views, and we are designing an app that works for you and your friends.

The Rewards.
When completed, Birb will have a small subscription to use the service. This is how we can be effective at having a great app, without any advertisers running things.
Our basic rewards will give you up to 5 years free Birb.
The Basics.
Much like social media, users can friend one another. And they can post an update. However, Birb puts your list of your friends in front of you. You can arrange the friends top-to-bottom. When a friend posts, you will see their post appear under their name. Keep your closest friends at the top, and scroll down to see other friends.
You will be able group friends by category. For example, if I want to only view family, or only view classmates, or teammates.
There will be favorites, and options to get notifications of certain friends. Users will get a short custom profile along with optional links to for direct message.
A Birb story.
At Birb, we have been completely tired of the social media chaos today. It is no longer working. With Big Social, we don’t know the algorithm. We don’t know if it is chronological, or based on reactions. We are tired of seeing it get worse.
We simply want to create something so much more useful for us and for others. We wanted to be back in control of who we wanted to be connected to.
At Birb, we no longer know if an update is being seen by our friends, or only used as data for corporations and ads. We thought, our social media post is only get lost among many other posts – making traditional social media no longer useful.
We currently have developers who have green-lighted the project. We need to get a patent, and we need funding.
If you are ready for a much better app experience, that works for you, please help us build this by funding this project.
Note from the founder.
My hope is that a better social network can come on the scene. One which truly puts connecting friends and family at the forefront of the design. I am a designer, and engineer. Not a sales person. I know this product will exceed expectations, but I’m not great at promotion or advertising. I cannot share every detail of the design, because its obvious that parts need to be secret for now. I’m hoping with crowdfunding, and the help of each of you we can do this together. I’m hoping that some of you are also tired of being sold-out, and having products which are unhealthy and no longer work for us as users.