Empowering people, ending conflict, improving lives.
Short Summary
So, how is democracy woking out for you? Not so good huh? Well that’s the way we feel too. You could blame the current leaders or the other guys – but no matter who is in power the outcome is the same, it’s only the faces that change.
So what can be done? I’d bet that if we continue to follow the same rules, then not much. But, there could be another way, there is another way. As trust in our democratic systems hit an all time low [ Edelman Trust Report ] its time to think outside the ballot box, deploy some cutting edge technology, backed by a well thought through strategy for growth to solve this ancient problem.
I’m Richard [ Linked In ] a software engineer and entrepreneur and I’ve spent two years of my time, and resources developing a solution concept, a strategy for growth and later a product prototype to see if it could be done. And… it’s starting to work…
After the soft launch a shadowy individual from the UK government contacted me directly by phone, and noted that this idea has “…more potential to change society that the internet itself.” A thought which I hold to be true. Ego aside, this project is not for glory or profit, its for us and our kids.
Well, how does it work? Simply put, it’s roots up. We first build an international community of friends. Then, from our community we form groups around bodies like school governance boards, local councils, sports clubs, unions, housing management and later constituencies and states. From these groups we select and vote for our candidates. In turn, they create votes on issues they face, and when elected implement the outcomes. If they don’t then they are shown the door and we elect another.
We are building the technology required to make this a reality, using third generation blockchain technology so that votes can be counted in the open by smart contracts minimising cost and eliminating corruption.
This fundraise is vital. Your support is going to develop the prototype into a full blown, cost efficient and scalable platform to revolutionise democracy and realign political outcomes to the needs of ordinary folk, and not societies’ elite.
What We Need & What You Get
Let’s break it down.
- We need to cover the cost of platform development, marketing and legal. This means scaling form one engineer to a small and efficient team – aiming at the next elections as they arise.
- If we don’t reach the entire goal, we’ll cover the cost of hosting, and scale the team according to available funds. Every step will be in the right direction.
- You get a future that is free form conflict, aligned with your needs and most importantly give you a real democratic choice.
The Impact
The potential impact of this project is off the scale. When people realise that when voting for issues and not people they can express their views on all sorts of topics and do it a few times each week they begin to understand what it is to be a political individual. And this heralds the end of the rotten and divisive conflict fostered by ideological party politics
- Empower and engage ordinary people
- End conflict
- Improving lives
Other Ways You Can Help
If you just cant contribute but you want to help, then there are lots of ways to help:
Share this campaign.
- Share this campaign
- Signup and vote on our prototype platform
- Follow us on X
- Join our community of voters on WhatsApp
We’re a community first project, and we’d love you to be part of our journey.