Help us bring this epic tale of redemption, friendship and common cause against great evil to life.
It is twenty years after King Arthur’s Death, Britany is in decay and the highways are controlled by cutthroats and marauders. Lady Morgaine summons old friends and foes alike as a new evil rises to devour the land and ring in an age darker than anything seen so far. Will Christians and Pagans be able to overcome their deep rifts and fight as one?
Who are we?
A team of driven creative minds from various ethnic, political and spiritual backgrounds. A good number of us are military veterans, some with several combat deployments.
Our crew members are primarily accomplished professionals, having worked on small grass roots projects all the way up to multi million dollar productions.
The assembled cast showcases some of the finest actors in the region, be they seasoned veterans or promising up and coming talent (most of them have worked alongside major stars and under renowned directors). For one or the other, this is their first time to get “their feet wet” in front of a movie camera.
The Project
This film/pilot episode is made by veterans, for veterans and for anyone supporting our veterans.
One of the best ways for a military veteran to find new purpose in life, is to engage in the pursuit of creative arts, in this case film-making. The complexity, challenges and diversity of making movies can fill the life of even the most despondent soul and is a wonderful “healer”.
We have a fantastic story, one that has not been told before and we hope that, with your help, we can bring it to life. Our goal is to create an epic introduction to a rich and engrossing story line that will last through several future episodes (and beyond), be it as a mini-series or episodical TV-Show.
If you love King Arthur, medieval tales of knighthood, sorcery and mysticism than this is a film you’ll want to see. Going where no filmmaker has gone before, we will tell you what happened to Lady Morgaine, the Priestesses of Avalon, Percival, Lancelot and Merlin as well as a new generation making its mark, many years after the well known tales end.
A project of such scope however requires solid funding and we are banking (pun totally intended) on your passion to combine with ours and make this happen together.
Most of the images used on this page are actual concept images shot on location featuring our actual cast, they give you a glimpse into the world of Blood & Creed – Miseriam Lancellottus
What will your contributions accomplish?
Meet Dan Fye…
On May 27, 2011 Air Force Tech Sergeant Daniel Fye was on a dismounted mission outside Kandahar AB, Afghanistan as an EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) Team Leader. While clearing a weapons cache one well hidden IED (Improvised Explosive Device) detonated and severely injured Daniel.
After returning home Dan underwent multiple surgeries for his amputation, burns and several limb salvage procedures on his right leg. Following his release Dan had to endure several years of challenging physical therapy and now wears a prosthetic on his left leg and a brace on his right.
When Dan, who is friend of mine and fellow EOD, jokingly offered to “have his leg cut off” during filming of this project, we had a big laugh (typical military sense of humor) but then the joke turned into an idea…
What if Dan would actually do this for real? Before we knew it the script was altered and Dan became a medieval knight who valiantly fights a battle and … “loses his leg”.
The excitement in his voice when I offered this to him I shall never forget.
You can help us make this happen, pay for the special prosthetic props, makeup, wardrobe and FX, enable him to train and rehearse. You can help bring Daniel to the set here in Kentucky, all the way from his home in Washington State. You can help fulfill a dream and inspire thousands of veterans with war wounds (mental, physical and both) that a DISABILITY can be turned into an ABILITY, that there are new challenges and exciting adventures waiting for our veterans.
As mentioned before, Dan is just one of a dozen military veterans working on this project, as crew, cast or in some instances both.
Of course this amazing story is but one aspect of this production and but one challenge for this fundraiser.
The money raised in this campaign will be applied to:
– camera and lens rentals
– misc. film related gear rentals (Generators, Grip Package, Dolly, Crane etc.)
– location fees
– lodging
– props, wardrobe, weapons
– hair and makeup
– catering, crafty
– transportation
– post production (Editor, Composer, Colorist and DFX Artists)
– cast and crew expenses
– promotion, distribution and advertising
If we don’t meet our our entire goal we will use the funds we do raise where most needed and buckle our belts a hole or two tighter. Any surplus however, will be used to pay as many of our crew and cast as we can for their hard work is deserving of it.
What do you get for your help?
Apart from our deep gratitude we want to give something in return, tokens of our appreciation.
Depending on the level of contribution we offer (be sure to click along the side donation options to see exactly what you’d be getting):
– authentic props, pieces of armor and wardrobe worn by the main characters of the film, such as the original helmet worn by Sir Bedivere, Knight of the Grail.
– producer credit according to size of contribution, producer, associate producer all the way up to Executive Producer for extreme generosity.
– a day on set as our guest of honor (yes you’ll get to sit on the director’s chair)
– a “walk on” extra role in one of the big battle scenes (we will put you in period garb, hand you a blunt sword and ask you to look menacing)
– picture op with the cast
– a one hour longsword workshop certificate with our top notch fight instructors
– special thanks credit on imdb
– your picture posted to the film’s official Facebook Page
plus whatever other cool perks we yet come up with
Why we do it
All of us here at “Blood & Creed”, are driven by passion. Passion to tell compelling stories and create quality entertainment outside of Hollywood. We aim to create content that both entertains and delves deeper into important issues of our time, even when told through the medium of lore and history.
In these uncertain and tumultuous times it is no easy task to stay upbeat and have faith in the future and while we certainly don’t know what will happen years or even months from now, we can tell stories that inspire, make you feel good and remind you of what truly matters in life.
We are an eclectic group of people, nerds, soldiers, techies, dreamers, athletes, storytellers, we have varied backgrounds and yet come together on a unifying platform – to make movies!
It is also this diversity that equips us the handle obstacles and setbacks and if there is one thing we all agree on it’s that we WILL make this film happen come hell or high water!
Be part of us, part of this team, part of this dream and give us the wind beneath our wings needed to make this project soar!
Meet some of our creatives from behind and the front of the camera:
Award winning young actress Morgan Pyle has an astounding body of work under her belt, she has worked with some of the biggest names in the industry and is definitely someone to watch.
Morgan will play the role of “Una“, the youngest of Lady Morgaine’s novice priestesses.
Creative powerhouse Herschel Zahnd will be our Director of Photography, a “Cinematic Renaissance Man” Herschel is at home both in front as well as behind the camera and has written, directed, shot and produced countless projects both narrative and commercial. His experience and eye for brilliance will be invaluable for this production.
Up and coming young actress Jessica Koloain transitioned from stage to film and quickly made a name for herself impressing with her presence and mystique. I wanted her for this project and was thrilled to have her join this cast. Jessica will portray “Caitriona,” Lady Morgaine’s right hand priestess, though her loyalties may be unclear…
Trevor Thompson is one of the finest Makeup and SFX Artists in the region and a regular collaborator of mine. My productions would feel incomplete without his calming presence and incredible artistry!
Charlie Wagner may be a familiar face, he’s been a regular on many TV Shows and feature films throughout the years and his experience and impressive physicality will bring our story to another level.
Charlie will bring to live the fearsome Saxon Warrior “Sir Arcan“, one of the arch villains in our tale.
Award winning Film Composer and musical powerhouse Michael Vignola has been on my “wish list”from the start as I had the extreme pleasure to collaborate on my previous film project.
Born and raised in New York City, Michael is known for combining a unique blend of Neo-Classical, Ambient, and Electronic music with elements of sound design. a multi-award-winning film composer and founder of Emergence Audio, a virtual instrument company. Vignola’s track record is a testament to his commitment and love for the craft, he is always looking to push the boundaries of creation that one might not expect.
Having actress Amanda Miller commit to play the role of “Lady Morgaine” is another dream come true, her incredible presence and textured performance is exactly what I envisioned for the “Lady of the Lake“.
Genna Yussman Greene is a bonafide “Queen of Wardrobe” and my go to for all things costume. Her extensive experience having worked on some of the biggest Hollywood productions in the region coupled with her beautiful personality makes her another “check mark” on my wish list.
Legendary “Sir Perceval“: Who better to play him than an actor who is also a performer in life action combat, seasoned theater actor and acrobat?… Meet Tim Roberts.
His inherent brooding appeal gives credit to the grudge Sir Perceval holds against his former friend, Lancelot; If they would meet again would Perceval be able to contain his resentment for Lancelot’s betrayal?
These are by no means all of my wonderful crew and cast members, listing them all would take all night, so let me instead show them off in pictures rather than words. These following images show our actual cast members during pre-production events and actual medieval tournaments (you see not all of us just play knights in shining armor, some are the real deal!)…
And some additional faces seen in the film…
At this point perhaps it is time I introduce myself. My name is Silvio Wolf Busch and I am the Screenwriter and Director, as well as the Actor portraying “Lancelot.”
My decades-long career as an actor and (more recently) director had me work alongside some of the biggest names in the world of film and while the experiences on those big sets were invaluable, I found myself more attracted to tell compelling stories on the independent level.
We live in an age where evocative film making is no longer the sole domain of Hollywood and is attracting ever more quality writers, directors, actors and producers to give glitzy LA a run for their money.
This project is just that; You are witnessing the birth of a whole new Arthurian Franchise, and as such, become trailblazers.
Whether you help us financially or spread the heck out of this campaign and the project itself (see below link)
you are contributing to something truly beautiful, something meaningful!
Help our veterans, help us, help the project and become part of “Blood and Creed”!