Millions watched BORN IN GAZA on NETFLIX. Ten years later, we’ll show the main characters’ reality.
Last July we announced at Doc Land Films our intention to start producing BORN IN GAZA. 10 YEARS LATER. Why? Because for the last nine years we have been receiving every week questions regarding these children from people that have watched the documentary on NETFLIX. How are they doing? How is Udai? How is Mohamed? How is Sondos?
These are the questions that the documentary BORN IN GAZA. 10 YEARS LATER will answer.
The new Israeli offensive on Gaza has not changed our plans. On the contrary, it is in painful moments like this when we should build, more than ever, bridges of empathy and understating. This is not about politics. This is not about debating what is obvious: that the people of Gaza have been locked down and living in appalling conditions for 16 years, while the rest of us are free to travel, to study, fulfill our dreams…
This documentary is about us moving further and understanding that we either overcome all the artificial barriers created by men or we are doomed to keep on suffering as a species. There is no “them” and “us”. We are all together and we are all the same.
And the children of BORN IN GAZA, who have been so generous by speaking from their hearts during the offensive of 2014, deserve now, as young adults, for the world to listen again to their voices.
As soon as we could enter Gaza, we will be there looking for them. To show not only their present condition but that of all the children of the strip.
What We Need & What You Get
The objective of this campaign is to raise 150,000 euros to produce the film. 50% of the budget will go to distribution. We want the film to be in every festival, cinema. We want reach millions again. If the objective is not reached, we will continue looking for sponsors and public grants to get the remaining funds. All the profits of the film will go to the children of Gaza. If you want, your name will be in the closing credits of the film and we will send you the first cut for you to watch before it is on a platform.
The Impact
BORN IN GAZA was shot by awarded director Hernán Zin during the 2014 war with just a camera and almost no budget. However, the documentary won dozens of awards and was premiered in tv stations all around the world before reaching NETFLIX.
According to the director, the documentary is so powerful and moving because of the honesty and generosity of the children. They spoke from their hearts. And their voices opened the eyes of millions of people about the reality of Gaza.
With the new offensive going on, we want to do this again. As soon as possible. We want the world to listen again. We want this madness to stop. During the last week, we have received thousands of messages at Doc Land Films from viewers of BORN IN GAZA. We are sure they will be looking forward to watching BORN IN GAZA. TEN YEARS LATER.
Risks & Challenges
Founded in 2002, DOC LAND FILMS is one of the leading independent production companies of documentary films and series in Europe. We have produced more than 40 films and series available at Netflix, Amazon, Disney Plus, Paramount Plus, The New York Times… Most of our productions, Like Born in Syria, War Against Women or Dying to Tell, have been shot in extremely dangerous environments. Films you can also watch on NETFLIX. From Afghanistan to Somalia or Congo, we have the expertise, the knowledge and the will to make this production come true.
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people just can’t contribute, but that doesn’t mean they can’t help:
* Tell your friends and family about this campaign, let’s get the word out and make some noise about your campaign.
* Remind to use the Indiegogo share tools!
And that’s all there is to it.