A simple yet elegant game of tactics with a little luck, for 2. Imbued with Japanese craftsmanship
*Note: This Indiegogo InDemand campaign is for the late pledges of “Bossa – 2023 new editions” crowdfunding.
Instruction Video: Regular Rules [English]
Instruction Video: Optional Expansion Rules with Modifier components [English]
Game Rules | 詳しいルール説明はこちらで
Regular Rules + Optional Expansion Rules|レギュラールール+オプション拡張ルール
- English: Regular Rules / Optional Expansion Rules [PDF]
- Français: Mode normal / Règles optionnelles de l’extension [PDF]
- Italiano: Regole per Esperti / Regole di espansione opzionali [PDF]
- Deutsch: Reguläre Regeln / optionale Erweiterungsregeln [PDF]
- 日本語 : レギュラールール+オプション拡張ルール [PDF]
Novice Rules (for beginners)|ノービスルール(初めての方向け)
- English: Novice Rules [PDF]
- Français: Mode débutant [PDF]
- Italiano: Regole per Principianti [PDF]
- Deutsch: Anfänger Regeln [PDF]
- 日本語 : ノービスルール [PDF]
Gameplay Video [English] *Without rule instructions
Tile comparison video 2023|各バージョンのタイル比較動画[English/日本語]
Tile SOUND comparison video 2023|各バージョンのタイルの「音」比較動画
2023 new editions’ BOXES video|雪のようにキラキラする「箱」動画
Handcraft at the artisan’s workshop video|匠のアート版の製作工程動画[English/日本語]
*Details of each Bossa and Banana Moon Games title → Official Website (English)
THE ART “yuki” (↑ Click for update post: Coming soon!)
THE ART “yuki” box (↑ Click for update post: Coming soon!)
THE ART “yuki” packaging (Prototype, undergoing modification for Modifier chips)
THE ART “yuki” box surface: sparkling like snow with fine glass flakes.

THE ART “yuki” dot tile close-up
THE ART “yuki” dot tiles cross section close-up
THE ART “yuki” dot tile: The semi-reflective, slightly silverish light blue surface shows various expressions depending on the angle.
THE ART “yuki” action markers
Dice: white pips (left) and black pips (right)
THE ART “yuki” game in play (↑ Click for update post: Coming soon!)
THE ART serial number certificate
Two modifier chips (prototypes, on CLASSIC dot tiles) (↑ Click for update post: Coming soon!)
CLASSIC-neo (↑ Click for update post: Coming soon!)
CLASSIC-neo packaging (↑ Click for update post: Coming soon!)
CLASSIC-neo box surface: sparkling like night snow with fine glass flakes
[Short Video] CLASSIC-neo box: sparkling like night snow with fine glass flakes
CLASSIC-neo packaging close-up
CLASSIC-neo dot tiles (↑ Click for update post: Coming soon!)
CLASSIC-neo dot tile close-up
CLASSIC-neo dot tiles cross section close-up
CLASSIC-neo action markers
CLASSIC-neo game in play (↑ Click for update post: Coming soon!)
CLASSIC series: CLASSIC-neo (front right) and CLASSIC (back left)
Delicate handwork by an artisan using tweezers: CLASSIC/CLASSIC-neo and THE ART edition (↑ Click for update post: Coming soon!)
Inspection of tile finish condition using magnifying glasses by artisan: THE ART edition
Photos from the 2022 editions
THE ART “mizu” and “hana” boxes upright
THE ART “mizu”: 9-layer cross section inspired by clear water
THE ART “mizu” packaging
THE ART “mizu” game in play
THE ART “hana”: 9-layer cross section inspired by flower gardens
THE ART “hana” packaging
THE ART “hana” game in play
CLASSIC dot tiles cross section close-up
CLASSIC game in play
STANDARD packaging
STANDARD dot tile close-up
STANDARD action markers
STANDARD edition in pocket size
Playing Bossa STANDARD edition at the bar counter after work
Bossa Classic – Daily Game Unboxing
YouTube video: Dice Tower Unboxings Channel (February 16, 2023 | English)
Play Bossa – Connect the dots before your opponent!
YouTube video: Ma-man Asobi Channel (October 29, 2021 | Japanese)
Bossa: We’ve found a very stylish board game!
YouTube video: Saikoroya Channel (October 31, 2021 | Japanese)
Preview of the hottest new games to be released at Tokyo Game Market 2021 Autumn
YouTube live stream: At One Channel (November 10, 2021 | Japanese)
A husband and wife battle it out in the Bossa Game!
YouTube video: Fufu Battle Channel (November 12, 2021 | Japanese)
Board games exhibited and sold at Tokyo Game Market 2021 Autumn!
YouTube video: Gingagin Gundan Channel (November 15, 2021 | Japanese)
Tokyo Game Market 2021 Autumn: New Games Recommended!
YouTube video: Uruoi Bodoge Channel (November 16, 2021)
Just before Tokyo Game Market 2021 Autumn! New Game Introduction Live Stream
YouTube video: Kitakoshi Channel (November 18, 2021 | Japanese)
Pick up the new games you are interested in at Tokyo Game Market 2021 Autumn!
YouTube video: Tanikura Channel (November 19, 2021 | Japanese)
Bossa: Use your tactics (and luck of the draw) to get in line before your opponent does!
YouTube video: BOARDERLESS Channel (January 11, 2022 | Japanese)
Ranking and Reviewing ALL 14 Games Played
YouTube Video: Liege of Games (April 20, 2022 | English)
Why Indie Board Games Are Awesome | Three Games Worth Knowing
YouTube Video: Liege of Games (March 30, 2022 | English)
Ares Expedition, Tidal Blades, & Casting Shadows! Should You Back?
YouTube Video: Liege of Games (March 25, 2022 | English)
One of the Best Crowdfunding Weeks…Ever?
YouTube Video: Liege of Games (March 19, 2022 | English)
I Played Bossa: Advanced rules | A Game for Two players by BananaMoon Sapporo
YouTube video: Z Blue Channel (January 31, 2022 | English)
Bossa, fun with the pips and dots, black and white
Board game blog: mikine kurinose (October 2022 | Japanese)
Play hard or play loose! Five recommended board games for two players found at Tokyo Game Market 2022 Spring
Board game website: Famitsu.com (April 29, 2022 | Japanese)
Tokyo Game Market 2021 Autumn: New Games
Board game website article: Table Games in the World (November 26, 2021 | Japanese)
Interesting new titles at Tokyo Game Market 2021 Autumn
Board game web magazine article: BROAD (November 16, 2021 | Japanese)
20 games that you definitely need to check before the days of Tokyo Game Market 2021 Autumn!
Board game website article: Board Game to Life (October 28, 2021 | Japanese)
Risks and challenges
We are originally a graphic design studio and have over 30 years of experience, so we are professionals in the production of printed matters and paper crafts. In addition, the entire printing and craft process will be done in Japan, so we are confident in our process control, quality control and cost control.
However, due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic and the effects of war, there is a possibility that unexpected situations may occur, and in such cases, the delivery of your product may be delayed. Also we will send the products by Japan Post. Due to the effect of COVID-19 and the war, international mail may be temporarily delayed/halted. In that case, please note that delivery of the product will be delayed.
VAT & Tariff: We provide our games by international shipping from Japan, your country may impose VAT and import tariff on the products according to its own policy. Since we are not up to date with the information about VAT/tariff policy of each country, it is recommended that each backer check with their country’s policies beforehand. (Usually it is not imposed when the total price is below a certain threshold.) The typical procedure is that the backer pays these fees to the delivery company personnel when receiving the product.
Environmental commitments
Visit our Environmental Resources Center to learn how Kickstarter encourages sustainable practices.
Long-lasting design
Bossa is created with the intention of a universal design that will never go out of style.
Reusability and recyclability
Bossa’s dot tiles, action markers, and boxes are made of recyclable paper.
Sustainable materials
In our paper selection for Bossa game components and boxes, we give preference to recycled paper blends, Elemental Chlorine Free (ECF) pulp blends, and Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified paper. The CLASSIC-neo/CLASSIC edition box is retractable, but contains no metal or plastic parts.
Environmentally friendly factories
In the tile and box manufacturing process, adhesives using the minimum amount of petroleum-derived raw materials necessary to ensure bonding strength are used to join the paper, but no petroleum solvents are used in this process. Of course, we use only materials which safety has been confirmed and approved by Japanese regulations.
Follow us on
- Facebook: Banana moon games (English and Japanese)
- Twitter: @BananaMoonGroup (mostly Japanese, sometimes English)
- Instagram: bananamoongames (mostly Japanese, sometimes English)
Our Website
Find on BGG
Creator column “Bossa’s Story” episodes
- An amazing paper craft artisan: his delicate and artistic handiwork
- THE ART edition in depth: Enrich your play experience with its beauty
- Snowy Sparkly Box: THE ART “yuki” and CLASSIC-neo
- Bossa THE ART edition, boxes are also THE ART!
- THE ART edition tiles durability
- THE ART edition “mizu” and “hana” have a different feel!
- CLASSIC-neo in depth: Natural look and feel for everyday use
- Going out with Bossa: the advantages of STANDARD edition
- Why play again and again and never get bored?