$439,000 raised out of $3,000,000
Start date
Jul 09, 2024
Close date
Sep 08, 2024

We want to deliver the stop-motion short film “Bottle George” to people all over the world.


A Note from Executive Producer

Thank you for visiting our page.
My name is Akihiro Nishino.

In Japan, I create animations, Kabuki performances, and events for audiences of tens of thousands of people. Also,I am producing musicals on Broadway in the United States.


Together with Tonko House, who produced “ONI: Thunder God’s Tale” (winner of the 2023 Annie Awards for Best TV/Media and Production Design), and dwarf, the world’s premier stop-motion animation team, we spent a total of four years creating the stop-motion short film “Bottle George.”


Visit “Bottle George” official website



Story of “Bottle George”

The main character is “Caterpillar George” who has been trapped in a liquor bottle.

George is a strange creature that no one has ever seen. No one knows where George came from or what his purpose is. Furthermore, George himself doesn’t know either.

The only thing we do know is this.

George can’t get out of his bottle.

The story begins when a girl living in the town and her cat find ‘George, the caterpillar in a liquor bottle’ in a back alley. The quirky shared life of the girl, the cat, and the strange caterpillar, which began by chance, gradually reveals the sad reason for George’s existence.

This story is about a terrible disease called ‘addiction’. Although addiction is still widely misunderstood, it is not a problem caused by ‘weak will’ or ‘lack of self-control,’ but a ‘brain disease’ that can happen to anyone and ‘cannot be cured by one’s own strength’. We believe it is necessary to understand the exact nature of this disease. In our stop-motion short film ‘Bottle George,’ we have faithfully portrayed the landscape of a family facing addiction as a fantasy story.

To reach as many people as possible.

This work has been nominated for this year’s San Francisco International Film Festival and has already become a hot topic in the stop-motion animation industry. However, we want to bring this work to as many people as possible. Therefore, we decided to use crowdfunding to raise funds and allocate them for ‘advertising and promotion’ to bring ‘Bottle George’ to audiences around the world.

We understand that it may be difficult to make a decision without actually seeing the work, so we have prepared a 90-second trailer for you.



How did you like it?
We sincerely look forward to your support.

Akihiro Nishino


Director: Daisuke ‘Dice’ Tsutsumi
Writers: Daisuke ‘Dice’ Tsutsumi, Akihiro Nishino
Original Story: Akihiro Nishino
Producer: Noriko Matsumoto
Executive Producer: Akihiro Nishino

CHIMNY TOWN presents
Production: dwarf studios, TONKO HOUSE
