A gym for climbers, by climbers!
Short Summary
Boulders and Brews will be an all-inclusive bouldering gym nestled in the heart of Northwest Arkansas. As founders, Tres Jennings and Jason Lam have one vision: provide a premier indoor rock climbing facility that embodies the climbing atmosphere with an open, welcoming environment for new climbers. Our mission is to grow the Northwest Arkansas climbing community and help climbers of all skills get better!
Our gym will have 3000-4000 sq ft of usable climbing wall space, a training room, and a modern interior café.
The climbing section will have slabs, vertical faces, and overhanging walls. It will also feature a section dedicated to training with Kilter Board and spray board.
In our training room, we will have weights for weight training and also offer fitness classes to help keep our climbers in shape. These fitness classes will include yoga sessions, CrossFit, and many more!
The café bar will serve both coffee and beer so you can get your cup of coffee before your first climb or a can of beer after your last climb! Want a place to go get your work from home done or need a place to study? With our free Wi-Fi and comfy chairs, our café space will be a perfect spot to do just that! Furthermore, we will offer healthy food options in our café geared toward helping climbers get better and healthier.
We have an incredible vision for this place, and we’ll do whatever it takes to make it happen — help us make it a reality!
What We Need & What You Get
***Every contributor will be entered into a drawing for Our $225 Bouldering Package (1 Pair of Climbing Shoes of Your Choice, 1 Bouldering Bucket, 1 Bag of Chalk, 1 Brush, and 1 Tape) which will be announced on 02/18/22 on our Facebook & Instagram (@bouldersandbrewsgym), so make sure to go follow us!***
We have chosen to crowdfund our $86,824 cash injection for our SBA loan because as small business owners, we will be indebted to someone when it comes to the funds we need. We would prefer to be indebted to the community that the space will be used and loved by once it is established. It speaks to our desire to be a community hub, instead of being backed by a single investor. We would rather be backed by a collective of avid climbers, coffee and beer lovers, and friends.
In return for your financial support, we’ve built out some Indiegogo-exclusive incentives at different levels of giving. Get your perk by using the “Make a contribution” (mobile) or “Back it” (PC) at the top and enter the amount for the perk you’re wanting!
Handwritten Thank You Letter (≤$49)
- Our Personal Way To Demonstrate Our Appreciation
1 Month Membership ($50-$74)
- PLUS Everything From Previous Tier
B&B T-Shirt – Indiegogo Exclusive ($75-$99)
- PLUS Everything From Previous Tier
B&B Travel Mug ($100-$149)
- PLUS Everything From Previous Tier
- 10% OFF Any Drink When You Use Our Mug
Free Climbing Class ($150-$249)
- PLUS Everything From Previous Tier
3 Months Membership ($250-$399)
- PLUS Everything From Previous Tier
3 Months FREE Coffee ($400-$499)
- PLUS Everything From Previous Tier
- Limited To 1 / Day
6 Months Membership ($500-$699)
- PLUS Everything From Previous Tier
6 Months FREE Coffee ($700-$799)
- PLUS Everything From Previous Tier
- Limited To 1 / Day
1 Year Membership ($800-$999)
- PLUS Everything From Previous Tier
- VIP Invitation to Climb During Pre-Opening Evening
1 Year FREE Coffee ($1,000-$1,499)
- PLUS Everything From Previous Tier
- Limited to 1 / Day
- VIP Invitation to Climb During Pre-Opening Evening
1 Year 20% OFF All Retail ($1,500-$2,499)
- PLUS Everything From Previous Tier
- VIP Invitation to Climb During Pre-Opening Evening
1 Year 20% OFF All Food ($2,500-$4,999)
- PLUS Everything From Previous Tier
- VIP Invitation to Climb During Pre-Opening Evening
Lifetime VIP Package ($5,000+)
- PLUS Everything From Previous Tier
- Lifetime Climbing Membership
- Lifetime 10% OFF All Food Discount
- Lifetime 10% OFF All Beverage Discount (Regardless of B&B Mug)
- VIP Invitation to Climb During Pre-Opening Evening
Our Plan & Impact
We are ecstatic to share with you our plan for Boulders & Brews, and our goal is to open the gym by this fall! Here are some of our plans:
Our Mock Floor Plan
Along with our projected 4,000-5,000 sq ft of usable climbing wall space and an area for our café bar, we plan to include a training room for weight training and fitness classes (i.e., yoga, CrossFit, etc). Disclaimer: floor plan may differ once real estate is finalized.
Onsite Climbing Walls
We have chosen to partner with Onsite to provide our climbing walls. Their walls provide a beautiful aesthetic while also remaining functional. They have a rough texture that’s perfect for smearing. They are also easy to clean, which will allow us to keep the walls looking brand new for years.
The Kilter Board – Training Wall
The Kilter Board is a training wall that is fully adjustable (0-70°) with a push of a button! You can select different problems ranging from V0-V14 from an app that will light up to show which holds to use. These problems are set by climbers worldwide and collectively graded by the users. We believe this is a perfect way to measure your progress, as well as facilitate your training. NWA needs a good training gym, and we believe this addition will help fulfill our mission of making better climbers.
Our Café Bar
We plan to have a modern & industrial café that is perfect for that morning cup of coffee or a can of beer to celebrate your last climb. We know that climbing is a very social sport, and we want to provide a space that makes you feel at home with your friends.
Shop Locally
Not only will Boulders and Brews be an amazing new place to hang out, but we also want to do everything we can to give back to the community that’s been supportive of us. One of our goals is to emphasize shopping locally, and we will do that by partnering with local businesses! A list of local business partners coming soon!
Our Roles & Background
Tres Jennings, who’s an Associate Project Manager at a leading logistics company, will be our Director of Operations. He is an advanced climber, who loves outdoor climbing and wants to bring the same outdoor comradarie to indoor climbing. Tres’ passion for climbing is what led him to open this bouldering gym!
Jason Lam, who’s a 4th year student pharmacist at UAMS, will be the Director of Marketing & Finance. He currently helps small businesses reach their financial goals through digital marketing and plans to open his own pharmacy upon graduation. In his free time, you can find Jason at a local climbing gym working his way up to one day surpassing Tres
We believe Northwest Arkansas needs this gym because it’ll be more more than just a training gym; it’ll be a community and home for climbers. Climbing is a growing sport and activity, and we want to bring it to more people in an accessible and welcoming way.
Other Ways You Can Help
We know the past 2 years have been challenging, and some of you may not be able to contribute financially to this campaign. That doesn’t mean you can’t be a part of the Boulders and Brews family! You can follow us on social media (@bouldersandbrewsgym), and share our posts with your friends! Help us get people excited about what’s to come — that’s invaluable to us. You can use the tools right on this Indiegogo page to share this campaign and urge people you know who are looking for the environment we’re cultivating at Boulders and Brews to engage!
We are so grateful for the community we have already connected with, and the enthusiasm that we’ve seen is now driving us toward the finish line!
We can’t wait to climb, drink, and enjoy our gym with you this fall!
Thank you!
-Tres & Jason
Special Thanks
It takes a village to raise a child, and we could not have done this Indiegogo campaign without our supporters:
- Crag Climb Beavers Bend – thank you for allowing us to capture content at your gym!
- Our Launch Team – thank you for helping us spread our campaign with the world!