An independent, short movie about a police officer’s family during the holiday season.
Short Summary
While watching the riots of 2020, seeing the destruction and loss of lives, especially those of police officers, and how sects of our civilization celebrated those deaths, I decided to write this screenplay as a means to defend officers of the law against the belief and rhetoric of “defund the police.” Police officers are human beings, just like us. Just like everyone! Police officers have husbands, wives, children, pets, extended families and friends. They get upset when their favorite sports team loses, pay rent every month, accept hand-me-down clothes from friends because they are saving every penny they can to provide their family a vacation or send them to a better school.
I am a grandson, nephew, cousin, groomsman and friend to police officers in the tristate area and beyond. It hurts my soul when people cheer for cop killers, police officers are referred to as pigs and their funerals are protested. To those who did such things, you are not only attacking a human who served their community unselfishly, but also the officer’s mourning family. Their husband, wife, children, parents, grandparents and friends. The person they lost was not a bigot, racist or murder, but a daughter, son, mother, father, grandchild and best friend. When trouble knocks on your front door, and you call for help, police officers are the ones who answer. Family member having a medical emergency? Who arrives with the ambulance? Police officers. They help their community and fellow human in more ways than we can conceivable count. The police officers who patrol our society’s streets, 24/7/365, are a light in the darkness. People have been walking in the dark for far too long. So “BTB.”
Back the blue!
What We Need & What You Get
- I wish to raise at $70K. (Please use your laptop or desktop to contribute. Issues arise when using your phone!)
- If you contribute, always check with me to see if your funds went through. I will do the same when your contribution is received.
- The money will go towards: payroll of crew and talent, renting a film location, cameras, lights, C-stands, flags, boom mic, costumes, police vehicles, legal representation, travel, hotels expenses, catering, gas money, film festival entry fees, travel to film festivals, distribution, promotions, props, set pieces, production design, sound mixing, scoring, color correction, etc. All the things necessary to make and complete this movie.
- I, Colin Hickey, the writer/director/producer/editor/creator of this campaign, will not take any money for myself. No paycheck for me! What I want most of all is to make “BTB.” That is my paycheck, that is my salary, that is my purpose and goal.
- I would very much like to offer physical perks (hat, sweater, shirt, mug, bumper stickers, etc.) but that is not the priority. My focus is securing talent, the location, equipment and crew. If a perk is the tipping point to secure funding, then by all and every means, I shall upload physical perks! I enjoy all forms of design, clothing/apparel is no exception to that enjoyment.
- If “BTB” does not hit its goal, then I will re-arrange the funds to make the movie for less. After that, if there is still not enough funds, contributors will receive a full refund.
- “BTB” will get made it is simply a matter of how soon. The sooner the better because more police lives can be saved with every viewing of “BTB.”
- Contributors, I want to be as clear as possible. You will not receive any profits, if any are made. There is any equity. There is no sharing of positive cash flow. There is no stock. Whatever you contribute, it is a donation. It is a donation because you believe, as I do, that “BTB” needs to be made, should be made, must be made, and distributed to all rounded edges of the world. If there are profits of any kind, those profits will return to “BTB” to promote and distribute it further. If there are profits beyond that, I will donate those to a foundation/charity that backs the blue. This movie needs to be available to all people in all places. You will not get your money back. It is a donation. You will receive a refund in full for your contribution if there is not enough money to make “BTB.” All rights, copyright, anything legal, belongs to Toorot, LLC. If you have any questions, please contact me! Thank you!
The Impact
- This movie is going global! It will be in every precinct, town, village, city, county, country and multi-verse because people need to see this movie so they will remember, “A police officer is a person, just like me.”
- I believe “BTB” will help reduce the killing of police officer’s so long as people watch the movie. It will show officer’s of the law in a different light to those who do view them, and have always viewed them, as outsiders instead of as a person or a family member. As someone who is loved and loves.
- Your contribution will expedite the process of making “BTB.” In the past, I used personal funds to finance my shorts, “Monster Bed” and “Keys Tell All.” Those movies had very low budgets. “BTB” does not. I am going all in on “BTB.” Come along for the journey with me!
- If you wish to watch, hear and read some of my work, please visit, www.toorotvillage.com
Risks & Challenges
- Share what qualifies you to overcome these hurdles.
- I am a one man team. I wrote the script, am networking to find crew, hiring crews from the past, budgeting, storyboarding, shot listing, writing letters for fundraising, and all the things to get “BTB” made while working a full-time job. It is a lot of work, fun work, but a lot. Yet, the days I put in matter like this movie.
- Every obstacle has a solution and whatever I come across, I will get/vault/hop/jump/leap/run through to get to the goal of making “BTB.”
The Screenplay
- To read “BTB” please visit www.toorotvillage.com then scroll to the PDF section.
Other Ways You Can Help
- Network! If you cannot contribute financially, but know folks who can, please pass this campaign along to them. Every morsel of guidance, assistance and help make a difference. I believe that because I know it. I know because I have experienced it. I experienced it because I did it.
- You may share my contact information with anyone in your network.
Thank you, back the blue and be well!