A modern-day take on an 80’s style Slasher Flick. In 2025, the Hoghead Cometh!
De’Von, recently released from prison after serving 15 years for past mistakes, convinces his sisters, Sherry and Rickea, to use a small inheritance left to them by their mother to start over fresh by purchasing a fixer-upper in a remote town, with hopes of turning it into an Airbnb but quickly discover outsiders are not welcome by the aggressive locals.
Tensions skyrocket when De’Von’s sister Sherry and a group of tourists go missing. Frustrated by the sheriff’s unwillingness to help, De’Von takes matters into his own hands, uncovers the town’s dark secret, and comes to a horrifying realization. He has inadvertently moved his family to a sacred land protected by the ancient cannibalistic monster Bubba Hoghead, who is sworn to DESTROY ALL INTRUDERS!
Bubba Hoghead is inspired by the classic slasher flicks of the 80s and features all the Thrills & Exciting Kills that you have come to expect, but also surprises with real-world heartfelt moments from well rounded & flawed characters.
Who is the team behind Bubba Hoghead you ask? Well, we are an unlikely group of nerds, weirdos, misfits, oddballs, and mavericks. We are old-school and new-school. We like MMA, cosplay, death metal, show tunes, and anime. We have a million different likes and interests. But mostly, we are dedicated and passionate. We are passionate about horror films, new ideas, and unique voices.
And we are dedicated to making this microbudget slasher great on a shoestring budget by pouring every ounce of ourselves into it. And we will! Whether we reach our financial goal or not. Because we have to. And because we won’t accept anything less. But we hope you choose to join us on this fun, crazy, stressful, rocky, gratifying journey.
A donation to this project is a donation to new and original content developed by independent storytellers free from the constraints of the Hollywood system. This means we are free from kowtowing to a studio system that cares more about the bottom line than telling a compelling story. It is a donation to hopes, dreams, planning, hard work, and perseverance. It is a donation to the American Dream!
And for those of you who don’t care about any of those things, we also have perks! Yes indeed! Just choose from any of our donation tiers and receive the amazing perks that come along with it. In addition to that, you can feel great knowing that your generous contribution will help cover essential filmmaking costs such as:
• Practical Makeup FX
• Costume Development
• Prop Rental & Development
• Lighting
• Sound
• Talent
• Meals for the cast and crew
• Location fees
• Travel Expenses
• Indiegogo Fees
Even if you can’t donate, you can still help spread the word about the campaign. Tell your friends and family. Tell your boss and neighbors. Heck, tell your pets for all we care. Just be sure to use the Indiegogo share tools to post on social media and Tag the official Bubba Hoghead Facebook and Instagram pages anytime you mention us! #BUBBAHOGHEAD After all, campaigns are only as good as their supporters, and together, we can make horror flicks independent again!