BudsAlike, an app connecting diners and restaurants, just like a dating app.
- AI個人化餐廳配對
我們相信口味不分好壞,只有啱唔啱食——他的5星,可能是你的1星;她的lam lam脷,可能是你的喊喊口;它的3星,對你來說可能還不及一碗街邊雲吞麵。飲食體驗應該是多元的,因此BudsAlike為每位用家建立個人的飲食profile,按各人的FoodDNA,提供個人化的餐廳配對推薦,最清楚你口味的人,只有你自己。
- 3無機制:無打手/ 無造假/ 無偏見
- 簡單UX,彈指之間配對心水美食
「一陣食乜嘢好?」——開啟BudsAlike手機app,click一click就可以得到個人化的飲食推介,探索更多comfort zone以外卻又啱胃口的餐廳!
- 秒速評價,為個人飲食體驗下註腳
- 建立全港餐廳數據庫:為了讓大小餐廳都有均等的曝光機會,我們必須擁有自己的餐廳資料及照片數據庫,而收集及審核相關數據,是一項講求人力成本的艱巨工作,我們必須有資源確保數據質素。
- 提升AI演算法:我們已經建立一套AI演算法模型,但這並非一勞永逸,相反訓練AI是一項恆常工作,我們須投放更多資源,將更廣濶的維度及面向納入配對考量,為用家提供更稱心的餐廳配對。
- 開發創意功能及趣味UX:除了為用家秒速配對餐廳,我們還會開發更多創意功能,並透過富趣味的UX設計,帶來全新的「搵食」體驗。
- 基本建設成本:我們仍未將BudsAlike上架,但前期設置同樣需要到雲端技術及軟件等成本。我們的目標是當應用程式出街時,大家可以流暢地享用各種功能。
About BudsAlike
We are a group of foodies who wants to bring happiness to everyone’s tastebuds
We believe in living smart: BudsAlike disrupts the way people finds food, connecting the right restaurant to the right tastebuds
We want to create a friendly F&B ecosystem to connect food producers, restaurateurs, diners, reservations and deliveries in one space
How is BudsAlike Different from Current Platforms?
- Personalized Restaurant Matching Driven by AI: We believe there’s no absolute right or wrong when it comes to personal taste. Someone else’s 5-star dining experience may not be the music for your ears, and fine dining isn’t always better than the local street food just around the corner. Therefore BudsAlike will build your personal food preference profile “FoodDNA” with the help of AI and match the right restaurants for you. Your taste and preferences matter most to us.
- Simple & Intuitive UX: “What for lunch” is probably one of the most common questions in the city. Stop endless scrolling and comparing across different platforms from now on – with BudsAlike you can get personalized choices within a few taps on your phone. We will also help you explore options that you will like beyond your daily favourites!
- Quick & Responsive Feedback: Not anyone can afford the time and effort in writing reviews or records about their own dining experience. BudsAlike has designed a quick and simple way for users to create their own “FoodPrint”. No more typing and writing – just a few taps on your phone and we will record the food journey for you!
- No Room for Fake Reviews: In BudsAlike’s ecosystem, AI & personalization are the core and it’s extremely difficult and expensive for fake or biased profiles to influence everyone. Finally we can stop compromising ourselves with these unhealthy practices!
Where Will Your Contributions Go
We have been working hard on BudsAlike since Dec 2019. We’ve got a working prototype, but there is lots left to do. By supporting our campaign, you will help us with:
- AI Model Enrichment: we have already compiled our state-of-the-art AI restaurant recommendation model, together with a lot of innovative features planned for BudsAlike. Finding food will be more engaging and fun than ever. Your support will support the perfection of our model
- Database for restaurants: collection of restaurant information and photos are currently manual, donations and support can ease our burden for database build up and ensure delivery of a complete and accurate restaurant database
- Design time: we want our BudsAlike experience to be the best it can be. We are working hard to deliver an unique and transformative UX, so more designers will mean a lot to us for a completely refined UX
- Infrastructure costs: Even though BudsAlike is not yet launched, we need to keep the lights on with cloud servers, software costs etc to keep the ball rolling.
Risks & Challenges
We are ambitious – BudsAlike aspires to become the app of choice for a personalized dining suggestion and meal planning. We want to revolutionize your experience in matching the right restaurant for you.
Our beta is coming soon, but there are still some development gaps we need to bridge to provide a complete experience. We are entering a market with big guys that has a big marketing budget, thus we truly need your support and words of mouth to help build the community and a healthier ecosystem that benefits both diners and restaurants.
Other Ways You Can Help
Contribution isn’t only measured monetarily, every little thing help:
- Share this to your friends and family to get the word out~
- Follow our social media on Instagram or Facebook as a support~