Support my project to open a second orphanage in August 2024.
Help me open a second orphanage in the Tochigi Prefecture of Japan!
There are orphans all around the world, and yes even in developed countries too! Being an orphan in Japan does not come only with the sadness of growing up without parents, but it also drastically decreases the chances of the children living a normal life and being included in society. Japanese culture is sometimes very harsh and the stigmas are real. Being an orphan is one of them, and because of this, the children lose their confidence throughout their youth to possibly become independent and grown adults.
The purpose of this crowdfunding is to build an orphanage for girls in the Tochigi area of Japan (north of Tokyo). The Japanese technical name for it is “Jiritsu Enjo Home” (自立援助ホーム) which focuses on supporting orphans to help them become independent and enter the labor market with as many chances as kids raised by their parents. I built an orphanage for boys last year but there is no orphanage for girls in this area. If I build one, the needs of the orphans in this area will be met.
The facility is planning to welcome up to 6 teenagers over 15 years old. The size of the orphanage is small at the moment as we want to put a high focus on their growth and success individually. Our mission is to help them become fully independent, ambitious, and not afraid of being who they are no matter if their parents are no longer here with them. This newly built orphanage plans to welcome many abused children. After experiencing such traumatic life experiences, they cannot trust people anymore. Not even themselves. We plan to remedy this and help them regain confidence in themselves.
This is the second round of crowdfunding for the orphanage project in Tochigi. All the above costs are the remaining ones that need to be gathered to finally transform this project into reality:
We will build the orphanage in Tochigi, Japan. There are 9 such small orphanages in Tochigi. However, in the northern area, there is none dedicated to girls only. We think that a small orphanage is necessary for girls in the northern area.
Currently, there are 5 orphans in the boy’s orphanage we founded last year. I negotiated with Tochigi Prefecture about building a new orphanage for girls last year. They recognized our quality support for orphans and permitted us to proceed.
Many orphans have a hard time when leaving the orphanage and start living on their own. Therefore, even after leaving the orphanage, we would like to stay connected and support the orphans for a long time. Our orphanage will become a home for orphans.
If we manage to gather more funds than necessary, all of the extra gathered donations will be kept in order to cover the upcoming expenses related to the rental of the facility or any maintenance costs that might appear suddenly. In the future, we will create more options for children, so all extra revenues will also be saved in order to finance new projects.
Make sure to follow my page @taka_orphanage_project on Instagram to stay updated on all the advancements of the project!
Level 1: Your name on a T-Shirt
Your donation will grant you a spot on the famous T-shirt(s) I create that features every single backer’s name of my orphanage project! This T-shirt will be showcased as a trophy in the orphanage and be a forever reminder of our gratitude. By the way: all the upper-level perks also include your name on the T-shirt, make sure to have a look at them too!
Level 2: Thank you Postcard
If you are familiar with content online, this postcard might sound very familiar to you: it is a snapshot of me in one of my reels. This card will be sent directly to your home, no matter where you live, and include a special thanks, written by myself, at the back of the card!
Level 3: Collector Card (LIMITED)
A brand new item that I decided to create this year: limited trading game cards, for those who will be quick enough to grab them! These cards are homemade and only a supply of 100 will be made available worldwide. Do not miss this collector chance to help the orphans of Tochigi!
Level 4: Your name on the Orphanage’s Wall
If you want to leave a permanent mark of your contribution on the walls of the home that will welcome the orphans: this perk is for you. As we did for the first orphanage: I will write your name on the wall with all other contributors that decided to opt for this perk! Now that is a way to stand out and show how heroic you are to the children!
Level 5~8: Certificates(LIMITED)
Now we are reaching the God tier level of perks. For your incredible generosity, I will issue 2 stamped and signed certificates featuring your name and the amount of your donation. One will be sent to you at home, and the other one will be hung on the wall of the orphanage forever in a beautiful frame. These are limited in supply:
Bronze Certificates: x10 supply
Silver Certificates: x5 supply
Gold Certificates: x3 supply
Platinum certificate: x1 supply
Below is the timeline of how everything started, the achievement of the 1st orphanage opening, and other milestones I reached along the way. So much happened in such a short amount of time, and it is all thanks to you and your support.
Thank you so much for reading through my project. My name is Taka, I am the creator and representative director of this entire project. I am an influencer with more than 2.5 million followers combined on Instagram and TikTok. At the same time, I am currently running a small orphanage as a founder and manager. Taking care of children with a hard background is nothing new to me, and I am dedicating my life to it.
In the past, I have been in 10 Asian countries and 15 African countries as a volunteer backpacker. During all my travels I witnessed over and over the poverty among children. This has been a truly sad and frustrating experience, as I was powerless to possibly help them at that time. These experiences were truly eye-opening, and I decided to devote my life to helping children in need since then. This is the story of my life.
Right now, I am back in Japan, running a small orphanage. I realized that even in Japan, where I am from, there are children distressed and in need. I was born and raised in Tochigi. In the North of the Tochigi Area, there is not enough support available for orphans. My goal is to change this and help provide more choices and support to these children in this specific area that is so important to my heart.
For this orphanage project, I incorporated my company called “Gallat” on November 1st, 2022. I organized a first round of crowdfunding in January of 2023 and received a lot of support, Then, I opened an orphanage for boys on May 1st of 2023. This time around, we need your support and generosity again.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for supporting my cause. I cannot wait to share with you the follow-up of my story.
You can find below all the links to my socials and online presence:
Instagram (Japanese language learning):
Instagram (orphanage project):
Business mail: gallat.tochigi@gmail.com
Feel free to share this crowdfunding project with all your contacts and on any platform you are currently using! This will be a tremendous help. And remember, there is no “small” donation. Every single one of them makes you a real hero.