Help us create a psychological comedy about three friends on a quest which challenges their reality.
A completely unique and colourful approach to the age old story of three young adults trying to find themselves in an incredibly complicated and unusual world.
BURNOUTS: Stoner Quest has a little bit of everything; humour, intrigue, mystery and emotion. But what it truly is, is a trailblazer in the rich and underdeveloped niche of film that is Psychological Comedy. BURNOUTS: Stoner Quest brings together the introspective aspects of psychological thrillers with the timing and relatability of comedy.
BURNOUTS: Stoner Quest will have you dying of laughter at the nonsensical situations the Trio find themselves in, while also relating deeply to the personalities and struggles of the Trio. The goal of the film is to take you on an emotional and philosophical ride through both the in-world-quest the Trio embark on, and the personal conflicts they have within themselves.
What are the characters like? Bryan, Mia and A.J are incredibly realistic, they’re just like the people we meet in everyday life, they’re just like us, and they’re just like you. They have goals and fears, they each have their own social and personal quirks, they each have deep trauma that they carry with them through out life (as do we all). They are all of that and more, above all they are FUNNY. Whether you’re laughing at them or with them, these characters will bring out a genuine giggle, a cheeky chuckle, and in most cases, a gorgeous guffaw.
BURNOUTS: Stoner Quest is a story with a surprising amount of depth for a comedy, with a lot of incredibly intriguing aspects. We LOVE talking about this movie and LOVE talking about how amazing the project is, but to go into further detail would ruin all the fun.
HOWEVER, for those interested in making an Associate Producer to Executive Producer level donation (or more!), we would LOVE to sit down with you and have a comprehensive ‘pitch’ discussion with you. Please feel free to reach out to us personally, you can find our contact details and more in the FAQ section of the campaign.
BURNOUTS: Stoner Quest has inspirations from all over media and literature, chief amongst them however are The Goonies, Pineapple Express, and The Truman Show. Yes, these movies are incredibly different, but they each played an integral part in the construction of the original idea that became BURNOUTS: Stoner Quest. These inspirations may help you figure out the ‘vibe’ of the movie (which I’m sure has you SO MUCH MORE excited) or it leaves you even more lost than before (which will make for a FANTASTIC viewing experience). If you liked even one of these movies you’ll definitely fall in love with BURNOUTS: Stoner Quest.
Yes! BURNOUTS: Stoner Quest is the first, wonderful, incredibly magnificent, and hilarious movie in an absolutely fantastic TRILOGY.
BURNOUTS: Stoner Quest is a fully encapsulated story all on it’s own, but it is also just the first step in the Trio’s personal story. As you’ll see in the movie, Bryan, Mia, and A.J are not perfect, nor is the world they live in. BURNOUTS: Stoner Quest introduces us to these characters and the world they inhabit, while giving us a glimpse into the battles they will have to face both together and individually. As in real life, the story of change, introspection, and freedom, cannot be told if not told properly. Our vision is that BURNOUTS: Stoner Quest is a successful launch into the most interesting world conceptualisation and personal journey ever put out into the world.
Our team has put a lot of effort into the pre-production and planning process of this production. Beginning with a four day shoot on a short story exploring our beloved Trio, where we perfected our characters, production approach, and budgeting plan.
The average day-to-day cost of the production process comes out to $1000 dollars per shoot day. We have already completed Ten out of Thirty of our planned shoot dates. So far, including an upfront investment into equipment and set dec, as well as the costs-per-shoot, we have spent $15,000. Confident in our budgeting approach, the rest of the shoot dates should come to $20,000, this shall cover our sound department, equipment rental, and craft services for our wonderful cast and crew. This shall cover 40% of the planned $50,000 budget.
We have also planned for 10% of the budget to go towards all of our post-production work. This shall include our editing, colour grading, and a small part of our promotional/marketing costs.
The largest part of our budget is set aside specifically for cast and crew compensation.
As much as a film production needs the camera to record the footage, lights to bring life to the set, and mics to record audio, above all it needs the people running everything.
BURNOUTS: Stoner Quest is a marvellous piece of art, but it would be nothing without the people who make up the production team.
A group of dedicated and talented professionals is incredibly hard to come by, but through nothing less than fate, we have found them. Over the past six months our team has worked closely together, becoming a fine tuned engine of expert production. Most of our crew are putting in all this time and effort on top of working full time, or working through their secondary studies in university. The crew and cast compensation will not only pay our team for the incredible work they are putting in, but also help with the financial support needed for them to continue putting in the work to make this film great.
With the success of this fundraising campaign, and the continued support of our production partners, BURNOUTS: Stoner Quest won’t be anything less than perfect.
Thank you.
Lazy Marionettes